> > 新版外研必修 3 < < Unit 3 The world of science ◆Part 1◆ The new age of invention Task 1: Reading comprehension 1. What do we know about Richard? A. He is an interviewer. B. He is the author of Between the Pages. C. He is writing a book called The Age of Invention. D. His new book The New Age of Invention has come out. 2. What does Dr. Richard agree? A. The great age of invention is over. B. We ourselves are in a new age of invention. C. There will be a golden age of invention. D. The four great inventions in Ancient China are the greatest ones throughout history. 3. What does “eco-friendly” probably mean? A. User-friendly. B. Family-friendly. C. Environment-friendly. D. Bicycle-friendly. 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. It was Richard that invented an intelligent walking house. B. Most of the new great inventions are based on modern technology. C.GPS technology can help us travel in different places. D. Thanks to increasing computer power, important advances have been made in environmental science. 5. What’s the real spirit of inventors? A. Having a strong desire to think and create. B. Recognizing a problem needing a solution. C. Having the belief “Never say never”. D. Mastering high-tech knowledge. Task 2. In-class test Dr. Richard Fairhurst ,   1   new book The New Age of Invention has just been published, is being interviewed. The following is what he tells us. There   2   (be) golden ages of invention throughout history. In Ancient China, there were the four great   3   (invention): gunpowder, papermaking, printing and the compass. They   4 (change) the world forever. There were the great Western inventions: the steam engine, the telephone and   5   radio. And now, we are in the great new age of technology, when most of the new great inventions are tech-based. For example, advances in virtual   6   (real), wearable tech and the flexible battery, mean we should soon be seeing further developments.  7  addition, new inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts and bone parts. What's more, it's possible  8 (create) an intelligent walking house. Most inventions start with   9   (recognize) a problem that needs a solution. But what remains 10 (importance) is that we have an incredible desire to think and create, and that's the real spirit of invention. ◆课 文 重 现 ◆ The New Age of Invention Interviewer: Good evening, and welcome to Between the Pages. This evening, I’ll be talking to Dr. Richard Fairhurst, whose new book The New Age of Invention has just been published (出版). Welcome, Richard! Richard: Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here(很高兴来到这里). Interviewer: I guess you have been asked about the title of your book before. It suggests that the present day is a new age for inventions(发明创造的新时代), but many people might think that the great age of invention is over. Richard: Well, that’s an interesting point(一个有趣的观点). There have been golden (黄金的) ages of invention throughout history. Think of the four great inventions in Ancient China(中国古代的四大发明): gunpowder(火药 ), papermaking(造纸术 ), printing( 印刷术 ) and the compass(指南针 ). These things changed the world forever. Then there were the great Western inventions: the steam engine(蒸汽机), the telephone and the radio(无线电). And now, we find ourselves (we) in the great new age of technology. Interviewer: So are most of the new great inventions tech-based(以科技为基础的)? Richard: A lot, yes. For example, advances in virtual reality (在虚拟现实方面的进步 ) and wearable (wear) tech, as well as the flexible battery( 柔 性 电 池 ), mean we should soon be seeing further (far) developments. In addition( 此 外 ), important advances (advance) have been made in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power(由于不断增长的计算机能力). Interviewer: Can you give us some examples? Richard: Sure. New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts (移植心脏) and bone parts. In terms of ( 就 … … 来 说 ) the environment, it is now possible to create an intelligent walking house( 智 能 可 移 动 房 屋 ). It is capable of using (use) GPS technology to travel to different places, with computing technology controlling (control) its “legs”. What’s more, huge advances in solar technology (太阳能技术) mean it can be eco-friendly(环保的), too. Interviewer: Impressive stuff ( 令 人 印 象 深 刻 的 东 西 )! I’ve also been told that you’re an inventor (invent) yourself. Is that correct? Richard: Yes, I am, but I’m only one member of a big team—most inventors now

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外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit3  The new age of invention 课文精炼+课文翻译 学案 第 1 页 外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit3  The new age of invention 课文精炼+课文翻译 学案 第 2 页 外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit3  The new age of invention 课文精炼+课文翻译 学案 第 3 页 外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit3  The new age of invention 课文精炼+课文翻译 学案 第 4 页 外研版(2019)必修第三册Unit3  The new age of invention 课文精炼+课文翻译 学案 第 5 页
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