中考英语句法复习练习册(三) Grammar Review – Concords Score: __________ 1. Thirty dollars _______ enough for the gift. A. is B. are C. has 2. Two and a half years _______ since I came to Shenzhen. A. passes B. has passed C. have passed D. pass 3. My family _______ very big and all of my family _______ dinner at this time yesterday. A. is; was having B. is; were having C. are; was having D. are; were having 4. Sixty percent of his money _______spent on books. A. were B. have C. had D. was 5. A large number of children ________ playing outside, and the number of them________ fifteen. A. is, are B. were, were C. are, is D. was, were 6. Reading new words and memorizing grammar rules only ________ enough. A. is B. are C. was D. were 7. When and where the party will be held ________ been decided yet. A. hasn’t B. haven’t C. hadn’t D. won’t 8. There _______a dictionary and two notebooks for you. A. is B. are C. has D. have 9. Neither my mother nor I ________ at home. A. are B. is C. am D. were 10. The singer and actor _______in Shenzhen now. A. are B. is C. was D. were 11. The girl with her parents _______walking along the river. A. is B. are C. were D. will 12. WeChat as well as QQ _______very important in our daily communication. A. are B. were C. will D. is 13. Not only my friends but I _______ looking forward to meeting our new teacher. A. are B. am C. were D. is 14. Returning the books to the library on time _______ of great importance . A. are B. were C. is D. be 15. Nobody but Tim and John ________ in the meeting room at that time. A. are B. were C. is D. was 16. Every means ________ supposed to be tried before you give up. A. are B. is C. aren’t D. isn’t 17. The students each ________ a laptop in this school. A. have B. has C. having D. haven’t 18. Each of the students ________ a laptop in this school. A. have B. has C. having D. haven’t 19. There ________ little important news in the newspaper today. A. have B. has C. are D. is 20. Three quarters of the land ________ covered with grass. A. are   B. is C. am D. was Grammar Review – Non-finite Verbs Score: __________ 1. Sorry, I don’t remember _________ (lock) the classroom door before going home. 2. Why not _________ (go) swimming with us this weekend. 3. People couldn’t help _________(laugh) at the foolish king with nothing on. 4. All of us were busy_________(help) them _________(clean) The classroom. 5. I remember that you like _________(eat) cakes very much. Would you like_________(have) some now? - No, thanks. I don’t feel like _________(eat) anything now. 6. This machine needs _________(clean), so I will have it _________(do) this week. 7. The book seems difficult _______(read). 8. He is always the last one _______(leave) the classroom. 9. Mary was heard_________(cry) just now. what happened to her? 10. This room is big enough _______(hold) a meeting.  11. Has he admitted _________ the vase? -No, he denied _________it. A.steal; do B.stealing; do C.stealing; doing 12. I often hear Sophie _________in her room. Listen! Now we can hear her _________ in her room. A. singing; singing B. sing; singing C. singing; to sing 13. Classroom allows _________, but students are not allowed _______ in class. A. to eat; to eat B. eating; eating C. eating; to eat 14. You had better ________ the windows open when you are not at home. A.don't leave B.not leave C.not to leave 15. It is quite cold now. would you mind ________the windows? A.to close B.closing C.close 16. My grandparents used to _______ for a walk after dinner, but now they are used to _______TV at home. A. go; watch B. go; watching C. going; watch 17. David, your computer needs _______. - Oh no! My bike needs _______too. A. repairing; to be repaired B. repairing; repairing C. repair; repair 18. David was often made _______his homework. A. to do B. do C. does 19. When his parents came back, he pretended _______his homework. A. to do B. doing 20. What about _________ basketball tomorrow? C. to be doing - I would rather _________ at home than _________out. A.playing; staying; going B.play; stay; go C.playing; stay; go Grammar Review – Tenses & Voices Score: __________ 1. Many new things _______ over the past 20 years. A. have invented B. was invented C. have been invented 2. I _______in shanghai for 2 years when I was young. A. have stayed B. stayed C. had stayed 3. Sophie _______ Shenzhen since she was 9 years old.

doc文档 2022年中考英语句法专题小测卷三(含主谓一致、非谓语动词、时态语态、情态动词)

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