Unit 14 复习题 一、单选 ( )1. We must read the _______ on the bottle carefully before taking medicines. A. articles ( B. reviews D. instructions )2. Different writing tasks will be given according to the _______ of the students. A. safety ( C. expressions B. level C. attention D. future )3. —Do you think our table tennis team will win first place? —Yes, I think so. _______ is much stronger. A. Ours ( C. Yours D. His 4. We don’t share a bedroom. We each have a _______ bedroom. A. typical ( B. Theirs B. perfect C. separate D. spare )5. The workers _______ all the difficulties and finished the task fifteen days ahead of time. A. increased ( C. mentioned D. overcame )6. As long as you do your best, you never fail _______ what you want. A. get ( B. created B. getting C. to get D. to getting )7. At the moment the teacher together with the students _______ how to improve reading skills. A. is discussing C. has discussed ( B. kept C. was going to keep D. has kept )9. Judy is going to marry the young man she _______ in Beijing last year. A. meets ( D. have discussed )8. Nancy _______ talking unless you tell her to stop. A. will keep ( B. are discussing B. met C. has met D. will meet )10. Mr. Smith _______ much time off from work up to now, so he’s really looking forward to his vacation. A. didn’t take C. won’t take B. hadn’t taken D. hasn’t taken 二、综合填空 A graduate, overcome, prepare for, look forward to, ring 11. I _______ the door bell for five minutes, but no one has come to open the door. 12. He _______ working with the new manager. 13. Finally she _______ her shyness and made an amazing speech before all of us. 14. When I got home, Mom _______ dinner. 15. My brother _______ from university next year and I hope he will find a good job. 三、综合填空 B 16. His English _______(水平) is very high. He can talk with his English teacher in English frequently. 17. A _______(级别高的) officer ordered them to prepare for the meeting tomorrow afternoon. 18. Our English teacher often asks us to read the _______ (课文) loudly in class. 19. The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that _______(我 们的) are bigger. 20. Miss Zhang is a kind and _______(体贴的) teacher. We all love her. 四、阅读理解 In Singapore, primary and high school students take outdoor-skills courses as part of their studies. They are usually three to five days long and include rope and rock climbing, going to sea in a small boat, sleeping in a tent at night, taking long walks in the forest, and learning to make a fire. It’s real life. One careless mistake could make someone really get hurt. Are those outdoor skills really important? Minister of Education Ng Chee Meng says that the outdoor courses help students develop skills like critical thinking ( 批 判 性 思 维 ), teamwork, and good communication — abilities that are necessary for work and life. He believes that these skills are as important as traditional subjects. Students need to learn from books, but for some lessons, reading isn’t as useful as doing. What do the students think? Angelique, a student from Singapore, went for a boat trip in the sea. “It helped me to grow stronger,” she says. The trip was stressful because it was stormy that day. There were moments (片刻) when she felt afraid and hopeless. But she remembered that “smooth seas never made a skilled sailor (水手)” and felt brave enough to continue against the storm. “I am thankful for this amazing chance,” she says. Right now, students attend the courses with groups from their own school. After 2020, however, all students will do the course in groups from several different schools. Why does this matter? Good communication skills are more important now than ever. Working closely with students from other backgrounds is a great way to learn this useful lesson. One student said it this way, “There is nothing to be afraid of and nothing’s impossible.” And that’s a great lesson to learn. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )21. What do we know about the outdoor-skills courses from Paragraph 1? A. They are similar to P.E. B. They are usually one week long. C. Students may get hurt in the courses. D. Each student in Singapore needs to take them. ( )22. According to Ng Chee Meng, the outdoor courses _______. A. are less useful than reading B. are as difficult as traditional subjects C. can help with students’ other subjects D. teach students necessary work and life skills ( )23. The writer uses Angelique’s example to show _______. A. why the c

doc文档 Unit 14 测试题 2022年英语中考一轮复习人教版新目标九年级

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