2019 人教版必修三 Unit2 Morals and Virtues 词汇学案(学生版) 一、常用词讲解 1. moral adj. 道德上的;道义上的;品行端正的 【反义词】immoral It’s ___________ to steal. (moral) There is nothing ___________ about wanting to earn more money. (moral) It is also ____________ and probably illegal. (moral) We thought slavery was ___________ wrong. (moral) I don’t mean ___________ good life. (moral) 2. faint adj. 眩晕的;虚弱的;微弱的;微小的 vi. 昏厥;晕倒 She suddenly fell forward onto the table and ________. (faint) A doctor happened to be there when he ________. (faint) Here is an old poor woman, who ____________ on the road. (faint) Tom smiled __________ and shook his head. (faint) He looked __________ embarrassed. (faint) 3. majority n. 多数;大多数 【反义词】minority ___________ majority of my patients come from out of the town. She was elected by _________ narrow majority. The majority of wines produced in this area ___________ reds or roses. (be) The majority of the population ___________ in big cities. (live) 4. fee n. 费用;酬金;会费;入场费;封地 vt.付给某人费用 现在分词 feeing 过去分词 feed service fee 服务费 tuition fee 学费 membership fee 会员费 parking fee 停车费 Your parents will cover your tuition _________ (fee). School ___________ can make a big hole in your savings. (fee). 5. respond vt. 回答;回复 vi. 作出反应;回应 respond to 响应;回答 response n. 作出反应,回应 I waited to see how she __________. (respond) Wall Street responded quickly __________ the news. She never responded ____________ my letter. “No comment,” was the actor’s ____________. (respond) He knocked at the door but there was no ___________. (respond) 6. hire vt. 聘任;雇佣;租用 n. 租借;租用 【反义词】fire for hire 供出租 car hire 租车处 They agreed ______________ a gardener to do the work. (hire) She ______________ as the sales manager three years ago. (hire) The first employees _______________ by the company were college athletes. (hire) She is not a __________ agent for the former president. (hire) 7. reject vt. 拒绝接受;否决(提议、建议或请求)不录用 rejection n. 拒绝接受;否决 The government is expected _______________ the idea of rebuilding the high way. (reject) His _____________ of our values is far more complete than Dr. Lawrence. (reject) One of my most able students _____________ by the giant company recently. (reject) Be prepared for lots of ____________ before you land a job. (reject) 8. appoint vt. 任命;委派;约定;安排时间 appointment n.约会;约定;任命;委派 make an appointment 预约;约会;约定;预约时间 It made sense _____________ a banker to do this job. (appoint) It is reported that a new manger ______________ to direct the project. (appoint) He ____________ as captain of the English team last month. (appoint) She got an ____________ with the _______________ director. (appoint) It is past the ____________ time. Maybe he isn’t coming. (appoint) The other day she _____________ to head the research team. (appoint) He dashed off to make an ______________. (appoint) 9. elect vt. 选举;推选;当选 election n. 选举;推选;当选 The people of the country have voted ____________ a new president. (elect) The university ___________ him president in 2018. (elect) Those ___________ to smoke will be seated at a separate carriage. (elect) He ___________ by the people and was responsible for them. (elect) She completed a study of ___________ officials who began their political career before the age of 35. (elect) The date of the ____________ was fixed. (elect) After the ___________, price went sky-high. (elect) 10. tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋向 tendency n. 倾向;趋向;经常性的行为   tend to do sth. 易于做某事 Men tend __________ weight in middle age. (gain) Fatness ___________ to run in families. (tend) He ___________ to sit on the fence when he is at meetings. (tend) First, formal language ___________ to be more polite. (tend) There is a growing ____________ to hire casual staff. (tend) They have a ____________ to show off everywhere. (tend) 11. publish vt. 出版;发表作品 publisher n. 出版者;出版商;发行人 publishing house 出版社;出书局;书局 Whitney _____________ four books in the past ten years. (publish) It _____________ in hardback last year. (publish) The newspaper ___________ twice a week. (publish) Figures ____________ today show another fall in the rate of inflation. (publish) The ___________ world has never seen an event quite like this. (publish) He has spoken to a _____________ company. (publish) 12. retire vi. & vt. 退休;退职;退出;退役 retire from 退休;退出 retiree n. 退休人员 retirement n. 退休;退职; 退役 retirement home 养老院 The silver-haired ______________ sits in his room surrounded by photos of sailing boats. (retire) What’s the biggest advantage of going back to school as a ___________? (retire) She ___________ early

doc文档 Unit 2 Morals and Virtures词汇学案-2021-2022学年高一英语精美课件+精美教案(必修三)(人教版2019)

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