Unit 4 developing ideas 课文 A Boy's Best Friend Mr Anderson said, “Where's Jimmy, dear?”“Out on the crater,”said Mrs Anderson.“Robutt is with him.Did he arrive?” “Yes.He's 1______ the rocket station2 _______ (go) through the tests. I haven't really seen one since I 3 _____ (leave) Earth 15 years ago.” “Jimmy has never seen one,” said Mrs Anderson. “Because he's Moonborn and can't visit Earth.That's4 _____ I'm bringing one here.I think it's the first one ever 5 ____ the Moon.” Jimmy was out on the crater, 6 ____ his mother had said.His arms and legs were long and agile. He looked thicker and stubbier with his spacesuit 7 ____, but he could handle the lunar gravity 8. ___ no Earthborn human being could. The outer side of the crater sloped southward and the Earth, 9. _____ was low in the southern sky, was nearly full, so that the entire craterslope was brightly10. ________ (light).The slope was a gentle one and even the 11.______ (weigh) of the spacesuit couldn't keep Jimmy 12._____ racing up it in a floating hop 13._______ made the gravity seem 14._________(exist). “Come on, Robutt,” he shouted.Robutt, who could hear him by radio, squeaked and bounded after. Jimmy, expert 15.______ he was, couldn't outrace Robutt, 16.______ didn't need a spacesuit, and had four legs and tendons of steel. Jimmy couldn't go wrong while Robutt was around, tripping him 17.______he was too near a rock, or jumping on him 18.________ (show) how much he loved him, or 19._______ (circle) around and squeaking low and 20. ______ (scare) when Jimmy 21. ______ (hide) behind a rock, when all the time Robutt 22.______ (know) well enough where he was. He 23._______ (hear) his father's voice on his private wavelength.“Jimmy, come back.I have something 24.______ (tell) you.” Mr Anderson was smiling.“We have something for you, Jimmy.It's at the rocket station now, but we'll have it tomorrow after all the tests are over.” “From Earth, Dad?” “A dog from Earth, son.The first dog on the Moon.You won't need Robutt any more.We can't keep them both, and some other boy or girl will have Robutt.”He seemed to be waiting 25. _____ Jimmy to say something, then he said, “You know 26._____ a dog is, Jimmy.It's the real thing.Robutt's only a mechanical 27. _________ (imitate), a robotmutt.That's 28. _____ he got his name.” Jimmy frowned.“Robutt isn't an imitation, Dad.” “Robutt's just steel and wiring and a simple positronic brain.” “He does everything I want him to do, Dad.He understands me.” “No, son.Robutt is just a machine.It's just programmed 29. _______(act) the way it does.A dog is alive.You'll see the 30. ___________ (different) once he gets here.” Jimmy looked at Robutt, who was squeaking again, a very low, slow squeak that seemed 31.__________ (fright). Jimmy 32.________ (hold) out his arms and Robutt was in them in one bound. Jimmy said, “What will the difference be between Robutt 33._____ the dog?” “It's hard 34.________ (explain),” said Mr Anderson, “but 35._____will be easy to see.The dog will really love you. Robutt is just adjusted to act as though it loves you.” “But, Dad, we don't know what's inside the dog, or 36.____ his feelings are.Maybe it's just acting, too.” Mr Anderson frowned.“Jimmy, you'll know the difference 37.____ you experience the love of a 38.____(live) thing.” Jimmy 39.______ (hold) Robutt tightly. He was frowning, too, and the desperate look 40.___ his face 41.______ (mean) that he wouldn't change his mind.He said,“But what's the difference how they act? How about how I feel? I love Robutt and that's 42.______ counts.” And the little robotmutt, which had never been held so tightly in all its 43._________ (exist), squeaked high and rapid squeaks—happy squeaks.(Adaptation of excerpts from“A Boy's Best Friend”by Isaac Asimov) 重点词汇 ①go through 经历,通过 ②agile adj.敏捷的,灵活的 ③handle v.应付,处理 ④slope v.倾斜,成斜坡 ⑤gentle adj.徐缓的 ⑥keep sb. from 阻止某人做某事 ⑦wavelength n.波长 ⑧seem to do 似乎…… ⑨mechanical adj.机械的 ⑩imitation n.仿制品 ⑪programme v.预设,编写程序 ⑫hold out 伸出 ⑬bound n.跳跃 ⑭the difference between ...and ...……与……之间的不同 ⑮as though 似乎,好像 ⑯frown v.皱眉 ⑰tightly adv.紧紧地 ⑱desperate adj.拼命的,绝望的 ⑲count v.重要 重点句式背诵: 1. I haven't really seen one since I left Earth 15 years ago.” 2. He looked thicker and stubbier with his spacesuit on, but he could handle the lunar gravity as no Earthborn human being could. 3. The outer side of the crater sloped southward and the Earth, which was low in the southern sky, was nearly full, so that the entire craterslope was brightly li

doc文档 Unit 4 Developing ideas 课文语法填空词汇 2021-2022学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册

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Unit 4 Developing ideas 课文语法填空词汇 2021-2022学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册 第 1 页 Unit 4 Developing ideas 课文语法填空词汇 2021-2022学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册 第 2 页 Unit 4 Developing ideas 课文语法填空词汇 2021-2022学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册 第 3 页 Unit 4 Developing ideas 课文语法填空词汇 2021-2022学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册 第 4 页
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