三、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A ADVERTISEMENTS HONGNAN RESTAURANT Baihe Shopping Center Tel:83386223 Tel:87872738 Add:635 Grand Road Add:5300 Shanghai Road Open:Mon.to Fri.7:00 am﹣2:30 pm Open:Mon.to Fri.10:00 am﹣11:00 5:00 pm﹣9:00 pm pm Sat.& Sun.7:30 am﹣2:00 pm Sun.to Sat.9:00 am﹣10:30 pm 5:00 pm﹣10:00 pm FULL HOTEL HISTORY MUSEUM Tel:83338989 Tel:87796960 Add:368 East Huanshi Road Add:69 Hong Kong Road Breakfast:6:30 am﹣9:00 pm One of Guangdong's largest museums Lunch:11:30 am﹣2:00 pm specialized(专门)in Guangdong history Dinner:5:30 am﹣10:00 pm of the native(本地)people. Coffee Shop: Open:Mon.to Fri.9:00 am﹣5:00 pm Mon.to Fri.7:00 am﹣10:00 pm Sat.& Sun.9:00 am﹣3:00 pm Sun.to Sat.8:00 am﹣10:00 pm 1. If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday,you can call at    . A. 83386223 or 83338989 B. 87679690 or 83386223 C. 83338989 or 87872738 D. 87872738 or 876796960 2. If you want to buy a new dress,you can go to    . A. 69 Hong Kong Road B. 368 East Huanshi Road C. 5300 Shanghai Road D. 635 Grand Road 3.     isn't open for two and a half hours in the afternoon on weekdays. A.Full Hotel B.Hongnan Restaurant C.History Museum D.Baihe Shopping Center 4. You can know     when you visit History Museum. A.the history of South China B.the history of Guangdong's native people C.the history of Shanghai D.the history of Hong Kong. B Many people like watching TV or playing computer games .But too much screen time can damage the health of adults and children.High levels of screen﹣viewing have been related to an increased risk of heart disease in adults,while children who spent a lot of time watching a screen are at an increased risk of being fat. A Bristol University study suggests children are likely to spend lots of time watching TV and playing on screens if their parents do the same . Parent time spent using computers was also linked(联系) to children's computer use,and this link was also stronger between fathers and daughters than fathers and sons.The link between fathers' and daughters' weekend screen time is particularly strong ,it shows .The Bristol researchers said further research was needed to find out why this was the case. The study looked at the children who were five or six years old from 1 , 000 Bristol families . Parents were asked how much time they and their children spent watching TV and using a computer,or a cell phone.The study showed that 12% of boys,8% of girls in this age group watched more than two hours of TV on a weekday ,with 30% of parents exceeding this level. Figures were much higher at weekends ,with 45% of boys,42% of girls,57% of fathers and 53% of mothers watching more than two hours of TV each day .Children were at least 3.4 times more likely to spend more than two hours per day watching TV if their parents watched two or more hours of TV,compared to children whose parents watch less than two hours of TV. Professor Russ Jago ,from the Centre for Exercise ,said,"The study results suggest that there is a need to find ways to help families reduce the amount of time that children and parents spend screen﹣viewing." 5.What problem can be related to in children if they spend a lot of time watching a screen according to the passage?     A.Backache. B.Bad eyesight. C.Heart disease.D.Getting fat. 6.What will the researchers in the Bristol University continue to do?     A.They will stop the families from watching TV. B.They will tell the children not to follow their parents' habit. C.They will search why fathers' screen time has greater effect on their daughters'. D.They will find out what kind of the harm the children suffer from. 7.What does the word "exceeding" in the passage probably mean?     A.Going down.B.Going beyond. C.Giving up. D.Putting off. 8.What does the passage mainly talk about.     A.more and more children are interested in computers. B.parents' screen time has a great effect on children's. C.fathers are more like their daughters in watching TV D.watching TV does little good to the children at all. C The Olympic Games is an international sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games. Originally held in Greece, and only men took part. Olympic Games were revived by a French man, Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin in the late 19th century. The Summer Olympics have been held every fourth year since 1896, expect during the World War I and II. Olympic Winter Games is a special edition for winter sports.

doc文档 河北承德隆化第二中学2022年中考阅读理解英语试卷

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