人教版新目标教材八年级下英语第一次月考 3 星测评卷 ★★★ 总 分 ( 100 分 ) 考 试 时 间 ( 50 分 钟 ) I、 词 汇 篇 ( 20 分,测试时间 5 分 钟) 一、首字母填空 根据句意和所给首字母填空,完成单词。(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分;计 20 分) 1. The m these volunteer arrived at the Old People’s Home, they started to cook dinner for the old. 2. Whether his deskmate or he can take part in this activity d 3. The house is in m on the teacher’s decision. . I need to clean it up right now. 4. Before buying a new car, you’d better save money from now on, and your parents will pay the r . 5. Students should know the i of learning English. 6. When you meet some d in math, you can ask your teacher for help. 7.Her living room is clean now because she s 8. This bike is b it just now. . Could you fix it up? 9. Does it m_ to say hello when you meet someone new? 10. He had a serious car a and lost his left leg. But he still kept on swimming. II、 语 法 技 巧 篇 ( 60 分,测试时间 25 分 钟) 一、选择填空 从各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分;计 40 分) 1.——Should she leave Shanghai right now? ——Don’t hurry. We still have little I. B.for;a little used to time left. A.at; C.for;a few up late, but now I am used to A.get; getting B.getting; get up early. C.get; get 3.——I didn’t pass the driving test. —— . A. Neither did I B. Neither I did C. Neither was I 4.I this pen from Michelle. She A.borrowed; lent it to me last Friday. B.lent; borrowed C.borrow; borrowed 5. is very important for us to learn how to take care of A.It;ourselves B.This;yourself 6.The old teacher . C.That;themselves all of his books to the school. A.took after B.put on C.gave away 7.——What did you see? ——I saw many boys A.played games near the river. B.playing 8. These girls are C.to play . They can’t hear or speak. A.disabled B.clever 9.Mandy C.outgoing when she was helping her mom cook yesterday. A.cut her B.cuts herself 10.It’s unhealthy to smoke. You should A.give it up C.cut herself . B.give them up C.give up it 11. My good friend failed in the math exam and he is very sad now. Let’s A. put; up B.cheer; up B.deaf —— go to a doctor right away. B.should Mary was feeling cross the street. C.lonely 13. It seems that you have a fever. You A. would . C.put; off 12. If you have time tomorrow, you can join me to help the A. blind him C.may 14.—— for some days, but she’s better now. ! A. yellow ; Oh, that’s nice of you B. blue ; Oh, I’m glad to hear that. C. red ; With pleasure 15. The old man feels because he lives work in big cities. . A. lonely; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; lonely 16. ——I lost my brother’s favorite football. What should I do? —— say sorry to him and buy him a new one? A. Why don’t you B. Would you like C. Why don’t 17.——Who teaches ——Nobody. I teach music? . in the village. All of his children live and A.you; mine B.your; myself 18.There is wrong A.something ;with C.you; myself my computer. It doesn’t work well. B.anything;of 19.——What can you C.nothing;for your company with? ——I can all my passion(激情) to it. A. offer ; provide B.provide ; offer C.provide ; provide 20.——Could you look after my pet dog this Saturday, Dale? —— . I will be free this weekend. A.Of course B. Sounds good C. That’s right 二、完形填空。 通读下面短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共 10 小 题,计 10 分。) When Zoe talks about her dog, Hatti, a big smile always appears on her face. Zoe is thirteen and she was born 1 a terrible illness. The illness stops her from 2 like other children. In 2010, Hatti came to her. “I wanted a 3 of my own to help not just me but all my family. So I called Dogs for the Disabled, an organization that helps the disabled by Hatti arrived. She’s very 5 4 dogs for them. Things become different after . She can get many things for me, so my mom doesn’t need to be around all the time. If I need my mom, she can get my mom in a 6 —sometimes it’s in the midnight,” said Zoe. “Hatti is my best friend, and it is 7 to have her around. I think she makes me laugh every day. Just knowing that she’s there has helped me feel better again. I used to be scared 8 I was alone, but now Hatti can always stay with me,” said Zoe. Zoe’s mom Helen 9 , “The longer Zoe and Hatti are together, the happier Zoe becomes. She’s becoming more independent(独立的). I’m 10 proud of them and I thank Dogs for the Disabled very much. 1.A.at B.with C.for 2.A.growing up B.giving up C.cheering up 3.A.bird B.cat C.dog 4.A.training B.walking C.feedi ng 5.A.beautiful B.careless C.cleve

doc文档 2021-2022学年人教新目标八年级英语下册第一次月考测评卷 3星难度

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