Unit 4 Finding your way 基础巩固练习 一.基础词汇运用 1. In autumn, we can see ________ (树叶) everywhere on the ground. 2. It’s ________ (相当) cold in winter in my hometown. 3. It’s d________ to walk through the forest alone. You should be careful. 4. —Why do pandas like eating b________ ? —I don’t know. You can ask our teacher. 5. Tony, you’d better go to work by underground. The ________ is very heavy today because of the rain. 6. Turn left at the first ________ (cross) and you will see it on your right. 7. In the park, there are some ________ (bench) for people to rest. 8. Please follow me ________ (drive) your car, or you will lose your way. 9. How long does he make his son ________ (play) the piano every day? 10. Tommy likes to watch the goldfish ________ (swim) around in the water. 11. Everybody in our class (like) English. 12. My mother is sick. I have____________ (look) after her at home. 13. There are two ______________ (turn) on the right. You can take the first one. 14 .Mr Green leaves his office after (make) a telephone call. 15. _____________ (not worry) about me. I can do it well. 16 .How long does he make his son 17 .Tommy likes to watch the goldfish 18.Happy Camp (play) the piano every day? (swim) around in the water. (start) at about 8:00 every Saturday evening. 19. I enjoy ___________ (invite) my friends to come to my home? 20. Look at the sign. It (say) "No parking". 二.语法运用 (一)句型转换。 1. We will meet at the school gate tomorrow. (改为否定句) We ________ ________ the school gate tomorrow. 2. We will have a party in Beijing Park this weekend. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you ________ a party this weekend? 3. I am going to have a birthday party at home. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you ________ ________ ________ at home? 4. I'm going to buy her a CD as a birthday present.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you going to buy ________ her as a birthday present? 5. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? (改为同义句) Can you tell me ________ ________ ________ the nearest bus stop? (二)翻译句子。 1.“下周将有 20 多名国际学生和我们一起参加学校的旅游,不是吗?” “是的,他们会。” —More than 20 international students ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ with us next week, won't they? —Yes, they will. 2.你确定要沿着这条山间小路走吗? Are you sure ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ between the hills? 3.当你到达那里时,请给我打电话。 Please ________ ________ when you ________ ________. 4.我家离动物园有两公里远。 My home is ________ ________ ________ ________ the zoo. 5.中山公园在北京阳光中学的东部。 Zhongshan Park is ________ ________ Beijing Sunshine Middle School. (三)单项选择。 ( )1. —I remember that there is ______ crossing near here. Where is it? —Well, ______ crossing is behind us now. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the ( )2. —Must I wash my clothes today? —I am afraid you ______. You should learn to do something by yourself. A. need B. have to C. can’t D. can ( )3. Both Hangzhou and Shanghai are ______ the east of China. Shanghai lies ______ the north ⁃ east of Hangzhou. A. in; to B. to; in C. in; in D. to; to ( )4. Look! Some kites are flying ______ us. They look beautiful. A. below B. above C. under D. up ( )5. James goes to school by bus. I meet him every day when I walk ______ the bus stop. A. along C. past B. across D. around ( )6. Tom likes to make faces (做鬼脸) to make his one-year-old cousin ______. A. laugh B. laughs C. to laughing D. to laugh ( )7. If you can ’t find the museum, you can ______ me. I know where it is. A. fit B. follow C. find D. fix ( )8. I am very happy ______ you and Jack ______ my thirteenth birthday party. A. to invite; to B. inviting; to C. to invite; for D. inviting; for ( )9. My brother always dreams of living in a house ______ some trees. A. between C. around B. inside D. among ( )10. If you go to the forest, you will enjoy listening to the ______ of the birds there. A. smells B. sounds C. pictures D. looks ( )11. Could you tell me ____ Sunshine Supermarket? A. the way of B. the way to C. how to D. how go to ( )12. I’m happy _____ so many friends from different_______. A. to meet; countries B. to meet; country C. meet; countries D. meet; country ( )13.It’ll _____ you an hour ______ get here by bus. A. get; / B. get; to C. take; to D. spend; to ( )14.______ the way _____ the Summer Palace? A. Which; to B. Which; to C. How; of D. Which; of ( )15. I _____ they _______ have to go back again. A. don’t think; will B. think; won’t C. not think; will D. Don’t think 三.语篇巩固。 (一)完形填空。 Eddie is a lovely dog.

doc文档 Unit 4 Finding your way基础巩固练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

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