BOOK 2 Unit4 reading and thinking 学案 一、英汉互译 1. 两 者 之 间 的 区 别 _________________ 10. solve the puzzle ___________________ 2. 把 ... 和 ... 连 接 / 联 合 起 来 ________________ 11. be referred to as_________________ 3. 脱 离 ; 背 叛 ; 逃 脱 ____________________ 12. take over ______________________ 4. 导 致 ________________________________ 13. keep your eyes on _______________ 5. 属 于 _____________________________ 14. the shortened name_______________ 6. 同 ( 一 样 ) ; 和 ; 还 ; _________________ 15. military defence________________ 7. 留 下 , 遗 留 _________________________ 16. all the way____________________ 8. 对 ... 做 出 变 化 ___________________________ 17. across the UK._______________ 9. 追溯到________________________________ 二、单词拼写(用单词的适当形式填空) 1. His________words __________me for a long time.(puzzle) 2. Most countries have armies for their _____________.(defend) 3. The land belongs ____________to the Government.(legal) 4. Once upon a time,a King who polite to ___________countries lived in a castle ___________by a large forest and have wonderful _________________. (surround) 5. At present, we have no ___________of life on other planets.(evident) 6. The town is a good _______________for a young doctor.(locate) 7. Some of their great ______________included building towns and roads.(achieve) 8. I was ________________by her ______________story.(fascinate) 9. He __________with murder yesterday. (charge) 10. I’ve got an important __________to make.(announce) 11. We have many _________to teaching English. (approach) 12. This medical will _________you a good night’s sleep.(sure) 三、短语填空 break away from belong to as well as keep one’s eyes open for 1. I ________________my brother am interested in English. 2. The boy was so angry that he ___________his mother and ran away. 3. If you _______________,you will be surprised to find that you can see both its past and its present. 4. In the 16th century, Wales _________the kingdom of England. 5. China is a country ______________the third world. stuck in go through be beneficial to now that out of work 6. Please ____________the text and underline the words whose meanings you don’t know. 7. The majority of the workers in the factory are _________________owing to the machines being used. 8. ________________the heavy snow, my father insisted that we stay where we were when he went for help. 9. Good habits can bring us happiness and help us achieve our goals. So they __________ our achievements. 10. Yet, __________________I’m growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myself need a way to escape. 四、课文单句语法填空 1. In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales was _________(join) to the Kingdom of England. 2. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland ________(break) away from the UK, ________result in the full name we have today. 3. People from the UK are called “British”, ______ means the UK is often ________(refer) to as Britain or Great Britain. 4. You will be __________(surround) by _________(evident) of four different groups of people ______ took over at different times throughout history. 5. They use the same flag, _________(know) as the Union Jack as well ____ the same currency and military ________(defend) 五、课文填空 The UK has several different1. _______(name ):Great Britain ,England,and the United Kingdom . many people are confused about 2.________ these different names mean.So it is necessary to know a little bit about 3.________ (it) history. Between 4.________ 16th century and 19th century, Wales Scotland, and the Kingdom of Ireland were joined 5. ________ the Kingdom of England. In the 20th century, the 6. ________(south) part of Ireland broke away from the UK, 7.________ resulted in the full name we have today : the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People from the UK 8.________ (call) “British ”. The UK is also referred to as Britain 9. ________ Great Britain. So this is 10. ________the UK has such different names.

doc文档 Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 课文挖空及知识点检测 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册

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