Unit 1 What's the matter? Section A (3a—3c) 一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. All the ___________ on the flight 3U 8633 feel thankful for the quick decision made by the pilot. 2. Should we help strangers when they are in ___________ (麻烦)? 3. Be careful,or the car may ___________ (撞到) you. 4. —Are you traveling ___________ (沿着……) the Yangtze River next month? —Yes. My brother will join us. 5. Nobody wants to get i________ trouble. 6. Please think t___________ before you call him back. 7. The old man didn't a___________ to go to the hospital. 8. My sister is old enough to look after ___________(她自己). 9. To my ___________ (惊奇), Jane was a mother of two children. 10. My mother helped me move the heavy box ___________(向) the desk. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. My brother needs ___________(do) the dishes after having dinner. 2. John is expecting his mother and sister ___________ (meet) him at the train station. 3. I want to help the old people ___________ (send) their letters to their children. 4. They always think about ___________ (make) more money. 5. —What's the matter with her? —She cut ___________ (her) when cooking dinner. 6. To my ___________(surprise), my new watch stops working now. 7. She enjoyed ___________(her) at the dancing party last night. 8. I saw Jim ___________(play) near the river on my way home. 9. Bill agreed ___________(help) me to look for my lost bike. 10. Jack, I have trouble ___________(work) out the math problem. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 你的朋友们在外面等你。你最好赶紧出发。 Your friends are ________ ________ you outside.You’d better set out ________ ________. 2. 令我惊讶的是,他没有多想就同意了我的观点。 ________ ________ ________, he agreed with me without ________ ________. 3. 多亏了你们的节目,我们才能互相认识。 ________ ________ your program,we got to know each other. 4. 你的想法听起来不错,但我还要仔细考虑一下。 Your idea sounds good,but I still need to ________ ________ it carefully. 5. 我妈妈总是期望我能取得好成绩。 My mother always ________ me ________ ________ good grades. 6. 如果你遇到麻烦,可以写信给我。 If you ________ ________ ________, you can write to me. 7. 瞧!你能看到一只猫在爬树吗? Look! Can you ________ a cat ________ the tree? 8. 谢谢你挽救了他的生命。 Thank you for ________ ________ ________. 9. 昨天玛丽答应帮我学习英语。 Mary ________ ________ help me with my English yesterday. 10. 我走到他身边,问他发生了什么事。 I came up to him and asked him ________ ________. 四、单项填空 ( )1. We got to the train station just________to catch the last train. A.at time B.for time C.in time D.on time ( )2. I took the subway and ________ at the downtown station. A.got through B.got over C.got off D.got away ( )3. When I saw my father ________ for me on a cold winter night,I couldn’t keep back my tears. A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting ( )4. ________the kind-hearted lady,the homeless boy has a new family. A.Thanks to B.Thank to C.Thanks for D.Thank for ( )5. Please don't be angry with him.He is only a ________ child. A.six-years-old B.six years old C.six-year-old D.six year old ( )6. —Was Mike in Beijing during this summer? —No, he wasn't. I thought he was in Shanghai, but ________ my surprise, he wasn't there, either. A.in B.for C.at D.to ( )7. —What's your ________, Julia? —I have got a bad cold. What should I do? A.age B.address C.trouble D.hobby ( )8. He fell down from the tree and hurt his legs. He cried and shouted ________ help. A.to B.for C.with D.of ( )9. When he saw the old woman fall down, he took her to the hospital________ thinking twice. A.across B.through C.without D.past ( )10. Tom and his sister enjoyed ________ playing in the water. A. himself B. herself C. ourselves D. themselves 五、完形填空。 Bryan was driving his car when he saw an old lady.The lady stood on the side of the road.She needed help.Bryan 1._______ his car near her car and went out. Bryan smiled(微笑) when he was walking up to her.The lady was 2._______, because no one stopped for hours.Also Bryan 3._______ poor and hungry; she didn't know if he may hurt her.Bryan knew 4._______ she felt then.So he said,“I'm here to help 5._______.Don't worry.And my name is Bryan Anderson.” The tyre(轮胎) of her car was broken, so Bryan had to go 6._______ the car.When changing( 更换) the tyre, he got dirty and his hands 7._______. When Bryan finished his 8._______,the old lady asked how much she should pay for his help.Bryan smiled and said, “9._______ you really want to pay me back, just help others. The next time when you see someone in 10._______, give that person the help he needs.” ( )1. A.washed B.stopped C.drove D.rod

doc文档 Unit 1 SectionA 3a-3c 同步练习2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语下册

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