【八下同步资料】【中考第一轮单元复习】 外研版八(下)词汇、语法过关题 Module1 1. The red flower _________(闻起来) sweet and it looked very beautiful. ※感官动词:look, taste, sound, smell, feel, 后接形容词 2. Don’t eat too much ________(盐), It’s not good for your health. ※too much+不可数名词 too many+可复 “太多” 3. The vinegar _______(尝起来)_______(酸). 4. What _________(令人愉快的) weather! Let’s go out for a walk. 5. My chocolate ______(曲奇饼)are ______(做完的). 6. Do you want to have a ______(尝试)? ※ have a try try doing sth 试着做某事 try to do sth 设法做某事 try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事 try on 试穿(衣物) 7. The music _______(听起来) so beautiful. 8. There is some _______ (果酱) on the plate. 9. I have a ______(甜的) tooth, so cookies and _____(派) are my _________(最喜欢的人或物) 10. The girl with two small _____(耳朵)and _____ (金色的) hair looks _______(漂亮的). 11. I like wearing _______(牛仔裤),though they don’t feel ______(柔软的). 12.Don’t talk with the _______ (陌生人),girls! 13. I often get good ______(分数) at school ,so my mother is _______(自豪的) of me. 14. My _______(爱好)is doing some cooking. 15.What ______he ________(他性格怎么样)? ※询问某人性格:What+be+主语+like? 询问某人的外貌特征:What+do/does+主语+look like? 16. The little boy _____ _____ _____ (迫不及待) open the box to see his new toy car. ※ can’t wait to do sth 17. My brother wrote lots of letters to Mary, but he never _____ ____(收到某人的来信) her. ※hear from sb = get/receive a letter from sb hear of 听说 18. Yesterday she sent a _________(信息)to me. 19. The sitting room l________ very nice. 20. He f________ a bit sad when he left his mum and dad. 21. I’m _________ (恐怕) I don’t like cheese. ※I’m afraid (that)… be afraid of sb/sth be afraid of doing sth = be afraid to do sth 22.The girl is afraid of ________(讲) before the class. 23. She often feels ________(紧张的)when she speaks Chinese. 24. Thank you for ________(帮助)me with my English. ※介词+doing 25. How do you feel about_______ (来到) to China? ※介词+doing 26. I am ________(兴奋的)about going to China. ※excited 修人 exciting 修物 27.You are ______(幸运)to catch the bus. 28. I often wear ______(眼镜). 29. At weekends, I spends lots of time ______(listen) to music. ※spend:人作主语,花时间或金钱;spend on sth; spend (in) doing sth.(spend-spentspent) pay: 人作主语,付款; pay for (it); (pay-paid-paid). cost: 物作主语,….值多少钱;(cost-cost-cost) take: 物作主语,花时间;Sth/It takes sb some time to do sth. (take –took-taken) 30. I like doing sports, ____________(尤其)playing football. (31—34 题用 a little 或 a bit 填空) 31. It’s _________ cold outside. You’d better put on your coat. 32. There is _______ milk in the glass. 33.The soup is so delicious, so we don’t like it ______. 34.Tom didn’t have any friends at school, so he didn’t want to go to school____. ※a little, a bit “有点,稍微”,后接形容词或副词 a little, a bit of “少量,一点”,后接不可数名词 not a little = very “非常” not a bit = not …at all “一点也不” 八下 M1 1. smelt/smelled 2.salt 3.tastes; sour 4.lovely 5.cookies; done 6.try 7.sounds 8.jam 9.sweet; pies; favorites 10.ears; fair/gold; pretty/beautiful 11. jeans; soft 12.strangers 13.marks; proud 14.hobby 15.is…like 16.can’t wait to 17.heard from 18.message 19.looks 2o.felt 21.afraid 22.speaking 23.nervous 24.helping 25.coming 26.excited 27.lucky 28.glasses 29.listening 30. especially 31. a little/a bit 32. a little/a bit of 33. a little 34. a bit

doc文档 Module 1 词汇、语法过关训练题-2020-2021学年八年级下学期(2021年中考一轮复习、模块同步资料)英语外研版

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Module 1 词汇、语法过关训练题-2020-2021学年八年级下学期(2021年中考一轮复习、模块同步资料)英语外研版 第 1 页 Module 1 词汇、语法过关训练题-2020-2021学年八年级下学期(2021年中考一轮复习、模块同步资料)英语外研版 第 2 页 Module 1 词汇、语法过关训练题-2020-2021学年八年级下学期(2021年中考一轮复习、模块同步资料)英语外研版 第 3 页
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