Unit1 Great explorations Reading&Grammar(课堂练习) 【基础梳理】 I. 根据汉语意思写单词, 完成句子。 1. The skirt is made of _______(丝绸). It feels very soft. 2. ______ (长颈鹿) have the longest necks among all the animals. 3. The _______ (官员) in this place have done many good things for the poor. 4. China plays an important role in the international ______(贸易). 5. If you keep on working hard, you will _______ (变得更加成功). II. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。 6. He made great v________ across the Atlantic and made people know the West. 7. China is a big country with 56 p_______, and the Chinese people make great contributions to the world. 8. People remember Zheng He as a p________ in opening up cultural contacts in the world. 9. With the d____ of China’s economy, more and more people are becoming rich in the poor areas. 10. It seems that n_______ is difficult for him to travel. He can tour any place he wants. 11. During the winter holidays, I would like to travel in Egypt and it’s in A________. 12. Mary has learnt three f________ languages. They are English, Japanese and Korean. 13. If you don’t understand what the teacher says, you can ask for a r________. 14. I have been to some A_______ countries on business, and the most unforgettable country is Cuba (古巴). 15. People have made a lot of important d________ about ancient China. 16. China and Korea are taking measures to d_______ the trade between the two countries. 17. The r______ between the two countries is becoming worse, so many travel companies have stopped their business. 18. The United States covers a large part of the North American c_______. Its neighbors are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. 短语收藏夹 Phrase collection Unit 1 短语聚会 1. 开辟 2.去旅行 3. 建立 4.起航 5. 命令某人做某事 6.被称为 7. 也; 还 8. 大量 9. 导致 10.长大 11. 剩余的 12.出发; 动身 13. 把……带回来 14.把……与……对比 【操练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子 1. My parents always _______ me _______ other children. 2. He will _______ for Dali this evening. 3. A car accident ________ her father’s death. 4. We have solved some problems today, and ______ the problems will be discussed tomorrow. 5. She can play tennis ______ basketball. 6. The ship will _______ for Dalian tomorrow. 7. These plans will ______ markets for farmers. 8. Li Na ________ one of the best women tennis players in the world. 同义替换 ( ) 1. This island is 500 metres away from the continent. A. river B. Country C. land ( ) 2. We had some discoveries during this trip. We found some new things. A. ideas B. stories C. findings ( ) 3. The officials are kind to the people here. They help them do many things. A. officers B. farmers C. workers ( ) 4. The president works hard to develop the relationship between countries. A. make...worse B. make...better C. make...bigger ( ) 5. It’s nearly five o’clock. We have to go now, or we will miss the bus. A. hardly B. almost C. seldom ( ) 6. Only a few people know about the international trade. A. situation B. danger C. business ( ) 7. I have three basketballs. Besides, I have two footballs. A. Except for B. In addition C. Compared with ( ) 8. Can you tell me when we will set off? I need to prepare for it. A. start off B. put out C. come along ( ) 9. The rich man has a lot of wealth. He often gives some to the poor. A. advice B. money and possessions C. mistakes ( ) 10. Jackie Chan is a famous actor in the world. We all like his movies. A. friendly B. well-known C. trusted ( ) 11. When you feel tired after hard work, you can go on a trip to enjoy yourself. A. make a journey B. have a good time C. sleep a lot ( ) 12. Beijing is known as the capital of China. It is a beautiful city. A. is shamed of B. is good for C. is named as ( ) 13. I like fruit as well as vegetables, because they are both good for my health. A. and B. or C. but ( ) 14. The heavy rain leads to this flood. We should think out an idea to stop it. A. avoids B. causes C. fills ( ) 15. The place needs a large quantity of water for people to drink. A. a little B. a large amount of 【语法运用】 Grammar in use C. little 结果状语从句 结果状语从句是表示动作或事情结果的从句, 通常主句是原因, 从句是结果, 从句通常位于主句之后。结果状语从 句由 so … that, such … that 等引导。例句: 1. Susan was so tired that she couldn’t walk any more. 2. She ran so quickly that I couldn’t catch up with her. 3. Jim is such a nice boy that all students and teachers like him. 4. They were such good apples that I bought ten kilos. 【总结】 So … that 和 such … that 引导结果状语从句时, 其中的 so 是副词, 修饰形容词或副词,如例 1 和例 2; 而 such 是形容 词, 修饰名词或名词性短语, 如例 3 和例 4。具体的搭配形式如下: 1. so … t

doc文档 Unit1Great explorations 阅读&语法课堂练习2021-2022学年牛津深圳版九年级英语下册

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