2022 年高考英语语法知识点讲解-综合时态 (现在完成+过去完成+将来完成+过去将来) 动词时态的用法 六、现在完成时 六、现在完成时 1.基本用法 (1)表示现在为止刚刚完成的动作。 He has bought a new car recently.他最近买了辆新车。 I haven’t heard from Jane lately.我最近没收到珍妮的信。 (2)表示过去开始持续到现在的动作或状态。 I have collected coins for many years.我收集硬币有很多年了。 George has been in business since he finished college.乔治大学毕业之 后就一直经商。 I have studied English since 2005.我从 2005 年起就学习英语。 Up to now,the work has been easy.到现在为止这工作还算容易。 2.现在完成时常用状语 recently 近来    lately 最近    so far/up till/until now 到目前 为止 in recent years 在最近几年里      in the past/last few years 在 过去的几年里 3.延续性动词和非延续性动词 (1)延续性动词:可与 for,since 引导的状语连用。 drink 喝  eat 吃   fly 飞   have 有 keep 保持 know 知道 lie 躺着  live 住   play 玩   rain 下雨 read 读  run 跑 sing 喝   sleep 睡觉  smoke 抽烟 snow 下雪 stand 站 talk 说 wait 等   walk 走   wear 穿   work 工作 We’ve lived here since 1990.从 1990 年起我们就在这里住了。 I’ve known him for many years.我认识他有许多年了。 He has been here for a week.他已来了一个星期。 I have learned English since I came here.自从我来到这儿就学英语了。 (2)非延续性动词:不能与 for,since 引导的状语连用。 admit 承认  arrive 到达  begin 开始  borrow 借   buy 买   break 打破 close 关闭  come 来    die 死     fall 倒   go 走    hit 击中 join 加入   jump 跳    leave 离 开  lose 丢   marry 结婚 open 打开 put 放    start 开始   stop 停 He has always gone to work by bike.他总是骑自行车上班。 I’ll go to bed when I’ve finished my homework.我做完作业后就上床睡 觉。 The ship has just arrived from Tanzania.这艘轮船刚从坦桑尼亚到达这 里。 Has your brother left school yet? 你兄弟已经毕业了吗? (3)相互替代的延续性动词和非延续性动词 续表 The old man died 4 years ago.老人四年前去世的。(非延续性) The old man has been dead for 4 years.(延续性) He joined the Party 2 years ago.两年前他入党了。(非延续性) He has been in the Party for 2 years.(延续性) I bought the book 5 days ago.五天前我买的这本书。(非延续性) I have had the book for 5 days.(延续性) (4)have gone to 与 have been to 的区别 He has been to Paris three times.他去过巴黎三次了。 He has gone to Paris now.他现在去巴黎了。 【提示】 后接 here,there,home 等地点副词时,要省略 to。 I have been here only once.我只去过一次。 He’s gone home already.他已经回家了。 4.现在完成时的常用句式 (1)in/for/during the past/last ...years,意为“在过去……年中”。 In the past two years I’ve seen him little.过去两年我很少见到他。 I have been here (for)the last/past month.最近一个月里我都在这儿。 (2)It’s/will be the first time that ...have done ...,意为“第一次……”。 It’s the first time I’ve come here.这是我第一次来这儿。 It is the third time that I have visited your beautiful city. 这是我第三次参观你们这座美丽的城市了。 Don’t forget,it’ll be the first time I’ve spoken in public. 别忘了,这是我第一次在公共场合发言。 (3)主语+is+the+形容词最高级+名词+that+have done ... She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life. 她是我这辈子看过的最美丽的女孩。 【比较】 ①That’s the most interesting book (that)I’ve ever read.(从句用现 在完成时) ②That was the most interesting book (that)I had ever read.(从句 用过去完成时)5.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 (1)一般过去时纯属过去的事情;现在完成时表示动作发生在过去对现在的 影响。 I’ve lived here for ten years.我在这里住了 10 年。(现在仍住这儿) I lived here for ten years.我在这里住过 10 年。(现在不住这儿了) He bought a house ten years ago.十年前他买了栋房子。(现在不一定有 房子) He has bought a house.他已经买了栋房子。(他现在有房子) He was a teacher then.他那时是个教师。(他曾经当过老师) He has been a teacher since then.他从那时起一直当教师。(他现在还是 教师) (2)现在完成时不用于 when 引导的特殊疑问句中,但可与 where,why 等 疑问词连用。 When did the train leave? 火车什么时候开的?(一般过去时) Where have you been? 你去哪里了?(现在完成时) Why has he gone to Australia? 他为何去了澳大利亚?(现在完成时) 【辨析】你什么时候和他首次见面的? 【误】When have you first met him? 【正】When did you first meet him? (3)表示过去的时间状语不用于现在完成时,只能用于一般过去时。 She lived here two years ago.两年前她住在这里。 He has been in the League for three years.他入团已经三年了。 Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.昨晚汤姆给他的父母写了封 信。 【辨析】她两年前就住在这里了。 【误】She has lived here two years ago. 【正】She has lived here since two years ago. 动词时态的用法 七、过去完成时 七、过去完成时 1.基本用法 (1)表示在过去某时或过去另一动作之前所完成的动作,即“过去的过去”。 She had learned English before she came to England.她在来英国以前 已学过英文了。 I went there at the time agreed upon,but they had already disappeared. 我在约好的时间去那里,但是他们早已散去了。 I asked him if he had ever seen a whale blowing.我问他是否看过鲸喷 水。 (2)表示过去某一时间以前开始一直延续到那个时间,并可能继续下去的动 作或状态,常与 by 或 before 引导的时间状语连用。 We hadn’t seen each other before we left Paris.离开巴黎之前我们一直 没见过面。 We had learnt fifteen lessons by last week.到上周为止,我们学完了十五 篇课文。 2.常与过去完成时连用的时间状语 by the end of last week 到上周末为止   by that time 到那时为止 before that year 那年之前         before I did ...在我……之前 when I did ...在我……时 3.过去完成时的常用句式 (1)“had done+to do”或“did+to have done”,表示未曾实现的过去的愿 望。 常用动词:expect hope imagine intend mean plan suppose think      want wish I had hoped to pass the examination.我曾希望能通过考试。(实际未通 过) I hoped to have passed the examination. He had wanted to buy a house in Beijing.他本想在北京买栋房子。(实 际没买) He wanted to have bought a house in Beijing.

doc文档 2022届高三英语一轮语法知识梳理之综合时态(现在完成+过去完成+将来完成+过去将来)

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