Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 一.重点单词 1. take /teɪk/ v. 拿,采取,获得 用法 (1) take out 意为“把......带出去” 例句 Please take out the rubbish when you go out. take out the rubbish: 倒垃圾 (2)take off Take off your wet clothes. 意为“脱下; 起飞; 请假” When did the plane take off? (3) take down 意为“写下,记下” (4) take up 意为“开始从事; 占用” I want to take a day off. I didn’t take down his phone number. I want to take up writing. (5) take away 意为“拿走” (6) take sb. sth./ take sth. To sb. The work took up all of Sunday. Please take the rubbish away. It’s smelly. Take her some flowers. 意为“给某人送去某物” = Take some flowers to her. 练习: 1. Bob is taking the desks away because they ________ too much room. A. stand up B. pick up C. take up D. listen up 2. —Tom,it's cold outside.________ your coat when you go out. —OK,Mum. A. Take off B. Take away 【参考答案】1. C 2. C. Put away D. Put on 2. D stay /steɪ/ v. 逗留,停下;保持某种状态 用法 例句 (1) stay out 意为“待在外面,不回 That was the first time Elliot stayed out all 家” (2) stay out of 意为“不插手,置身 night. 事外” (3) stay with 意为“跟着... 不离开” the relief effort. He warned the army to stay out of the way of I know you need your freedom too much to stay with me. I used to stay up late with my mom and watch (4) stay up (late)意为“熬夜,不睡 movies. 觉” (5) stay in(大地点)/ at(小地点)意为 I prefer to stay at home on the weekend. “待在某地” 用所给词的适当形式完成句子(词数不限) (1) 每天喝牛奶有助于保持健康。 It will help you ___________ (stay) healthy. (2) 他们宁愿待在家而不愿去打篮球。 They prefer to _____________ (stay) home rather than ____________ (play) basketball. 【参考答案】(1) (to) stay; (2) stay at, (to) play 3. in front of 用法 (1) in front of 在...... 前面 例句 There is a big tree in front of the (在事物外部的前 面) + 名词 (2) 拓展:In the front of(在事物内部 classroom. 的前面)+ 名词 the classroom. There is a teacher’s desk in the front of 辨析:ahead of, in front of, before 相同点 不同点 ahead of 都表示“在......前面” ahead of 指具体和比喻 in front of before in front of 一般用作表 before 一般用在具体 空间上前面,还可以指 示具体的地点介词, 时间前面,表示“在 时间上提前或超越 例句 The project was 可以指具体和比喻空 ……之前”;还可表 间上前面,但是不可 示时间上的先后顺序 以指时间上提前 He was sprawling in Annie was born a few completed ahead of the the sofa in front of the weeks before schedule. Christmas. TV. 用 ahead of, in front of, before 填空 (1)We got up _____________ sunrise. (2)The car _____________ me stopped suddenly and I had to brake. (3)He will be ______________ others in English. 【参考答案】(1) before; (2) in front of; (3) ahead of 4. come /kʌm/ v. 来,出现,发生 用法 (1) come over 意为“经过,顺便来访” (2) come across 意为“偶然遇见” 例句 Come over when you have time. I came across my English teacher at the (3) come out 意为“出来,出版” (4) come up with 意为“追上,想出” KFC yesterday. His book came out on time. We have to come up with some practical (5) come true 意为“实现” (6) come about 意为“发生” solutions. I believe my dream will come true. How did this come about? 1.用 come 的相关短语填空 (1)That magazine _____________ once a week. (2)I’ll let you know if anything ______________. 2.选择 Very few experts have ________ complete new answers to the world’s economic problems. A. come out B. come up with C. come true D. come across 【参考答案】1. (1) comes out; (2) comes about; 2. B 5. surprise /sə'praɪz/ n. & v. 惊奇,诧异 用法 (1) in surprise 意为“惊奇地” (2) (take sb.) by surprise 意为“(令某 例句 Tom looked at me in surprise. How it happens will take you completely 人)出其不意地...” (3) to one’s surprise, by surprise. 意为“使人吃 惊的是” (4) surprise 作及物动词意为“使......吃 To our surprise the boy won the prize. His progress surprised me. 惊”:surprise sb. (5) 拓展:surprised 为形容词,意为“吃 I was surprised to see him there. 惊的”,常用搭配为:be surprised to do sth. (6) 拓展:surprising 也为形容词,意为 He gave me some surprising news. “令人吃惊的” 用 surprise 的适当形式填空 (1)We are ___________ at his __________ success. (2)He gave me a _________ by arriving early. 【参考答案】(1) surprised, surprising; (2) surprise 6. as ... as 和......一样 用法 (1) as + 形容词/副词原级+ as 意为 例句 Tom runs as fast as John. “和......一样......” (2) 拓展:not + as/ so + 形容词/副词原 Tom doesn’t run as fast as John. 级+ as 意为“不如......” (3) 拓展:as soon as 意为“一...... 就......” Please call me as soon as you arrive in 其引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时 Wuhan. 表示一般将来时 练习: 1. Tom will call me as soon as he ___ Shanghai. A. arrives B. will reach C. arrives in D. get to 2. I will tell him the news as soon as he___ back. A. come B. comes C. will come D. came 【参考答案】1. C; 2. B 7. spend /spend/ v. 度过,花费 用法 (1) sb. spend time/ money on sth.意为 例句 I spent two hours on this maths problem. “在......上花费时间/金钱” (2) sb. spend time/ money (in) doing sth. They spent two

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