2022 年中考英语练习 特殊句式和主谓一致 Ⅰ 单项选择 1.There __________ a music concert this weekend.Shall we go and watch it? A.are going to be   B.was  C.will be   D.were 2.(2021·齐齐哈尔改编)In the face of the variation (变异) of the virus,not only China but also other countries __________ to take action to fight against the crisis(危机). A.have   B.has C.having     D.is having 3.—I have never been to Tibet. —_____. A.Neither do I   B.So have I C.Neither have I   D.So I have 4.There __________ a party in our school next month. I’ll go and watch it. A.is going to be   B.is going to have C.are    D.will have 5.—How many buildings__________ in your school? —Six. A.is there   B.are there C.there are     D.there is 6.There __________ a dog and two birds on the floor.They are having a good time. A.have   B.has C.is   D.are 7.There __________ good news for the people of our city now. It says that we can stay at home when the weather is too terrible. A.is   B.are C.was   D.were 8.—I often see Peter’s father play soccer on my way to school. —That’s not strange.Not only Peter but also his father _________ sports. A.enjoy   B.enjoys  C.enjoyed   D.was enjoyed 9.The number of the students in my class __________ 47 this year and a number of the students ____________ moved to another school in the past two years. A.is; has   B.is; have  C.are; have   D.are; has 10.Chemistry__________ not an easy subject for me,but physics is not hard, I think. A.are     B.is   C.am   D.were 11.This pair of red shoes _______ leather. May I ___________? A.are made of; try them on B.is made of; try it on C.are made of; try it on D.is made of; try them on 12.Tina, together with his classmates ________ punished for breaking the school rules last week. A.is   B.are C.was    D.were 13.Doctors and nurses _____ hard every day to fight against the illness. A.works     B.working C.work     D.have worked 14.—Lily had a fever this morning.She asked for two days’ leave. —______. I had to see the doctor. A.So did I     B.So I did C.So did she    D.So she did 15.—They dislike being laughed at just because they used to receive little education. —_______. A.Neither do we   B.So do we C.We don’t either   D.So we do 16.—Jim has collected many model planes. —_______.Let me show you some of mine. A.So have I     B.So he has  C.So I have   D.So has he 17.—I didn’t catch the early bus yesterday. —_______ Then I had to take a taxi. A.Neither did I.   B.I did, too. C.Me, too.   D.So did I. 18.Either the students or the teacher __________ Lucy very well. A.knows   B.to know C.know   D.known 19.Neither Suzy nor I _____ afraid of making a speech in public now. A.am   B.are C.is   D.were 20.—I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. —______. A.So am I   B.Neither am I C.So do I   D.Neither do I 21. ________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese,so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well. A.Neither;nor C.Both;and B.Not only;but also D.Either;or 22. —It’s terribly cold today,isn’t it? —Yes.________ yesterday. A.So it was C.So it is B.So was it D.So is it 23.________ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are ________ teachers. A.A number of;women C.The number of;women B.A number of;woman D.The number of;woman 24.I am not watching TV,________ is Jim. A.also B.either C.neither D.so 25.There ________ a few students in the library after school every day. A.has been C.is B.have been D.are 26.Both of the students ________ from England, so their spoken English is very good. A.am B.is C.are D.be 27.Playing basketball ________ easy for us to learn.Besides, it’s good for our health. A.am B.is C.are D.be 28. —______ for you. Welcome to China! I hope you can have a good time here. —Thank you. A. Your present is here  B. This is a present C. Here is a present  D. A present is this 29. — My English teacher is very strict with us. — _______. He never lets off a single mistake of ours. A. So he is  B. So is he C. He is so D. So does he 30. — Here ____!Where is Lily? -There ____. A. comes the bus;is he B. comes the bus;he is C. the bus comes;is he D. the bus comes;he is II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom and I ____ (be) in the same class, and we sit together. 2. The singer and writer _____ (talk) with foreign guests now. 3. Fish and chips _____ (be) delicious. I like it very much. 4. Either you or I ______(be) mad at his behavior. It’s so rude. 5. Neither you nor he _____ (be

doc文档 2022年中考英语练习 特殊句式和主谓一致

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