2022 届天津市部分区高三英语一模试题分类汇编 完形填空 2022 届天津市南开区高三一模英语试题 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~35 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选 项中,选出一个最佳选项,将短文内容补充完整。 It started with a dogwood (山茱英) tree. I was in Ohio when my mother died on a cold day in February, and everything was ___16___.A few weeks into my grief (悲痛), my uncle suggested planting a tree in her___17___. He had visited my parents decades before during a California spring. They drove down a neighborhood street___18___blooming (盛开的) dogwood trees and ever since, the___19___of a dogwood reminded him of my mom. We planted the dogwood in May. Its gray trunk was as thin as my mother's arms. It lay in the___20___much like her ashes (骨灰) would settle on the rocky soil of the Rocky Mountains five years later. Planting a living thing to___21___her hard life that ended too soon soothed (抚慰) my heart. This tree would be a symbol of her, something I could ___22___despite all I’d lost. My mother could make anything___23___.She possessed not just green thumbs but green hands and a nature that could raise anything but___24___ As a young adult, I was never good at cultivation (培养)— opportunities, relationships, flowers.___25___distance and poor health, my relationship with my mom never got the___26___to blossom like I'd hoped. But my mom’s dogwood grew. Its ___27___pushed into the hard soil; its white blossoms____28____like stars every June. This tree gave me hope that life goes on ___29___the past. Soon I began buying other plants. Without explanations, these plants___30___ thrived (旺盛) under my care. And I grew, too, learning how to ___31___them. So many lessons that nature already knew, that my mother must have known but didn’t have time to ___32___, I applied to my own life. A part of me believes this is my mother's ___33___she gave to me after death — the ability to encourage and celebrate___34___where there was none, to make flowers appear out of dirt. It is her reminder to find the good in whatever I’m___35___ , and a promise that wherever she is, it is beautiful. Though she has been gone for more than 14 years, I can still find her in my garden. 16. A. cold B. colorless C. false D. delicate 17. A. company B. favor C. memory D. place 18. A. lined with B. made of C. flooded with 19. A. existence B. sight C. height D. wonder 20. A. air B. heaven C. water D. ground 21 A. honor B. protect C. value D. claim 22. A. live up to B. adapt to C. hold on to 23. A. appear B. rise C. applaud D. grow 24. A. herself B. itself C. themselves D. myself 25. A. Far from B. Because of C. In face of 26. A. season B. chance C. situation D. moment 27. A. branches B. seeds C. roots D. leaves 28 A. failed B. smelt C. remained 29. A. in spite of B. in case of C. in regard to D. in addition to 30. A. properly B. slightly C. frequently D. suddenly 31. A. tend B. protect C. water D. appreciate 32. A. learn B. share C. draw D. apply 33. A. lesson B. secret C. gift D. letter 34. A. tradition B. holidays C. victory D. life 35. A. Taken B. handed C. reminded . . D. loaded with D. catch up to D. Apart from D. exploded D. convinced 2022 届天津市河西区高三一模英语试题 第二节∶完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文, 掌提其大意, 然后从 16~35 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个班项中, 选出 最佳选项。 Life is meant to be lived. No excuses. No reservations. No holding back. An inspiring story about violinist Fritz. Kreisler tells how he once 16 a beautiful violin he wanted to require. When he finally 17 the money for the violin, he returned to buy it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n)18. He went to the new owner's home in order to try to 19 him to sell the violin. But the collector said it was one of his 20 possessions and he could not let it go. Disappointed Kreisler turned to leave, but then 21 a favour. "May I play the instrument once more 22 it is placed to silence?" 23 was given and the great musician began to play. The violin sang out a piece of quality music. So 24 that the collector himself could only listen in wonderment. "I have no 25 to keep that to myself. "he said after the musician finished. "The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler, Take it into world, and let people 26 it. " William Arthur Ward said, "If you believe in prayer, pray; if you believe in serving, serve ;if you believe in giving, give. "For you and I are fine violin—our music is 27 to be heard. I want to live my life that way—to take it into the world and live it 28. I'd rather bur out than rust o

doc文档 2022届天津市部分区高三英语一模试题分类汇编:完形填空

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