Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations 同步练习 I.单词填空。 1.One great f____________ of your bookstore is that all of the books are in English. 2.I'm writing to invite you to join us to mark this special m____________. 3.We completed the activity with full h____________. 4.So far, 67 countries and r____________ have included Chinese in their national curriculum. 5.Bamboo always stands straight, so it r  6.So the boy cut all the b    "noble" and "strong-willed".   of the tree and left with delight. 7.Why not come and enjoy the strong a____________ of our festival? 8.I'm sorry to hear that a h____________ and severe earthquake hit your hometown. 9.Several years later, a small e    was delivered to our home. 10.A____________ learning and life-long learning are becoming more and more popular. 11.If we r____________ cultural differences, we'll live in a wonderful and colorful world. 12.On the night of the festival, f____________ went off here and there. 13.From the house came the bursts of ____________ (joy) laughter of the children. 14.Just in one week he f____________ the bad habit of smoking and drinking. 15.I have learned from the book that every life is valuable and d    respect. 16.If the trust between both sides ____________away, so will friendship itself. (fade) 17. I will miss the ____________ (joy) days we spent together. 18. With Chinese Lunar Year ____________ (draw) near, I came to send you this potted orchid as a gift. 19. Learning how to protect ourselves is of great ____________ (significant) to us all. 20. The large variety of courses provides me with plenty of choices, ____________ (range) from the school subjects to career courses. 21. It was ____________ (astonish) that the shy girl stood up and answered the question. 22. The problem which he met in the new school is quite ____________ (puzzle). 23. When we returned to the dormitory, we found a stranger ____________ (stand) there. 24. The stadium ____________ (build)at present in our city is intended for the coming Asian Games. 25. She told her boy not to stamp on the floor so as not to disturb the ____________ (sleep) baby. 1/4 26.It took her a moment ____________ (realize) that she had left her bag on the bus. 27.I shouldn't have watched that movie it'll give me____________ (horror) dreams. 28.To the Egyptians, green was a color ____________ (represent) the hope and joy of spring. 29.I don't dare to tease him because he has____________ (absolute) no sense of humor. 30.What he said at the meeting yesterday was very ____________ (disappoint). 31. Festivals have a wide range of ____________ (origin). 32. Today people have done a lot to enrich our culture so that we can gain ____________ (faith) in our traditional culture. 33.British Rail has indeed become more ____________ (商业化的)over the past decade. 34.With the rapid development of ____________ (农业) and industry, more and more water is needed. 35.I'm sorry to hear that you are addicted to social ____________ (媒体)and spend too much time on it. II.句子翻译。 1.你应该弄明白你将来想成为一个什么样的人,你能做什么。 You should     what you want to be and what you can do in the future. 2.关于这个问题,我和你想法不同。 On this problem, I     with you. (common) 3.尽管很想再见到他,但她却不愿给他回信。     wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters. 4.当她微笑时就好像阳光一样灿烂。 When she smiles, it looks    . 5.这个农民什么都不做,就坐在树桩旁梦想着收获更多。 The farmer did nothing but sit by the stump day after day, ______________________________. 6.当警报响起的时候我正准备去睡觉。 I was about to go to sleep when     . 7.不管走到哪里他都喜欢拍照片。 He     taking photos wherever he is. 8.除了有废弃的工厂环境都很好。 The environment is good     the deserted factories. 2/4 9.你最好尊重本地人的宗教信仰和习俗。 You had better     the religious beliefs and the customs of the local people. 10.按照重量,氢气能释放比任何燃料更高的能量。    , hydrogen produces the highest energy levels of any known fuel. 11.巴黎在欧洲大陆的中心。 Paris is    the European continent. 12.我用挥手拍手吓走这些小鸟。 We    the little birds by waving and clapping our hands. 13.我把视线从她身上移开,然后就发现她走了。 I    her, and then found she was gone. 14.当烟花在体育馆爆炸的时候,所有的人都欢呼着。 As fireworks     above the stadium, all the people cheered. 15.他考试不及格,那是因为他没有努力学习。 He failed in the exam.    he hadn't studied hard. key 1. feature2. occasion3. harvest4. regions5. represents6. branches7. atmosphere8. horrible9. envelope 10. Autonomous11. respect12. fireworks13. merry14. formed15. deserves16. fades17. joyful18. drawing 19. significance20. ranging21. astonishing22. puzzling23. standing24. being built25. sleeping26. to realize 27.

doc文档 Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations课本同步基础练习-2021-2022学年人教版(2019)英语必修第三册

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Unit1  Festivals and Celebrations课本同步基础练习-2021-2022学年人教版(2019)英语必修第三册 第 1 页 Unit1  Festivals and Celebrations课本同步基础练习-2021-2022学年人教版(2019)英语必修第三册 第 2 页 Unit1  Festivals and Celebrations课本同步基础练习-2021-2022学年人教版(2019)英语必修第三册 第 3 页 Unit1  Festivals and Celebrations课本同步基础练习-2021-2022学年人教版(2019)英语必修第三册 第 4 页
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