Special Practice 1 专项综合全练(一) The sensory verbs and the present perfect tense 感官动词和现在完成时专练 Single choice 单项选择 1. -Have you heard the song Country Road? -Yes, it __________ terrible. A. smells B. sounds C. looks D. tastes 2. -I __________ sick, I may have a fever. -You'd better go to see a doctor. A. feel B. look C. sound 3. -The cheese doesn't __________ good. Why don't we go to buy some fresh cheese? -Sounds great! A. see B. find C. sound D. taste 4. The cake __________ delicious. I'd like to have another one. A. tastes B. looks C. sounds D. feels 5. I don't like cheese, because it __________ too strong. A. sounds B. looks C. feels D. smells 6. -What do you think of the sweater? -It __________ soft and I like it very much. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 7. Old Mr. Green doesn't feel __________ because some students visit him regularly. A. sadly B. gently C. lonely D. angrily 8. -Would you like to try some pizza? -Yes, please. It __________ lovely and __________ nice. A. sounds; sees B. hears; turns C. looks; smells D. sounds; watches 9. -When will you give the novel back to me? -Sorry, I __________ it. How about Friday? A. didn't finish B. won't finish C. haven't finished D. don't finish 10. I am surprised at the new look of my hometown, for it __________ a lot over the years. A. changed B. changes C. will change D. has changed 11. -Look! Somebody __________ the lights. -Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it. A. turns off B. is turning off C. was turning off D. has turned off 12. Mary __________ to Singapore a few times, and now she __________ there for a meeting again. A. has been; has been B. has been; has gone C. has gone; has gone D. has gone; has been 13. -Lucy, is your uncle a teacher? -Yes, he is. He __________ history for nearly 20 years. A. teaches B. has taught C. is teaching D. will teach 14. -Is Danny at home now? -No. He __________ the park. He __________ there half an hour ago. A. has gone to; went B. has gone to; has gone C. has been to; went D. has been to; has gone 15. School violence (暴力) __________ much attention of the whole society and people are calling on the government to make laws against it as early as possible. A. drew B. will draw C. has drawn D. was drawing (1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C ) 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词 Write the past tense and past participle of these verbs 16. look __________ __________ 29. read __________ __________ 17. play __________ __________ 30. speak __________ __________ 18. be __________ __________ 31. tell __________ __________ 19. have __________ __________ 32. give __________ __________ 20. do __________ __________ 33. find __________ __________ 21. go __________ __________ 34. visit __________ __________ 22. see __________ __________ 35. hear __________ __________ 23. say __________ __________ 36. set __________ __________ 24. talk __________ __________ 37. buy __________ __________ 25. make __________ __________ 38. teach __________ __________ 26. find __________ __________ 39. bring __________ __________ 27. put __________ __________ 40. take __________ __________ 28. let __________ __________ 16.looked;looked 17. played;played 18. was/were;been 19. had;had 20. did;done 21. went;gone 22. saw;seen 23. said;said 24. talked;talked 25. made;made 26. found;found 27. put;put 28. let;let 29. read;read 30. spoke;spoken 31. told;told 32. gave;given 33. found;found 34. visited;visited 35. heard; heard 36. set; set 37. bought; bought 38. taught; taught 39. brought; brought 40. took; taken Translate 翻译 41. 这些花闻起来很香。(nice) ________________________________________________________________ 42. 你的想法听起来很棒。(great) ________________________________________________________________ 43. 这个汤尝起来有点儿咸。(a little) ________________________________________________________________ 44. 你看起来很焦虑。(nervous) ________________________________________________________________ 45. 这件 T 恤摸起来很软。(soft) ________________________________________________________________ 46. 明天我要参加考试,所以我现在觉得很紧张。(will, feel) ________________________________________________________________ 47. 我已经游览过长城了。(already) ________________________________________________________________ 48. 汤姆还没有给我打过电话。(called, yet) ________________________________________________________________ 49. -你曾经去过伦敦吗? -是的,我去过。(ever, been) ________________________________________________________________ 50. -莉萨完成她的家庭作业了吗? -是的,她完成了。(finished) ___________________

doc文档 感官动词和现在完成时专项练习 2021-2022学年外研版八年级英语下册

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