2021 学年上外附中初二下学期 Weekly for Unit One II 2022-3-4 I. Choice: 1. It is believed that a fundamental change in the management of the company is the to solving the existing problems. A. way B. secret C. key D. method 2. Have you ever regretted the team? A bit, but their lack of team spirit is nothing new, I regret . A. join in; to say B. joining; saying C. joining; to say D; joining in; saying 3. English grammar usually follows its own rules, but it doesn't, so it may take to learn the rules. A. sometimes; sometime B. sometimes; some time C. some times; sometime D. some times; some time 4. Ifs dangerous for you to take the pills without the doctor. A. communicating B. contracting C. connecting D. consulting 5. People generally appreciate this kind of special learning activities. It is and participants can learn so much each other in just a few short months. A. good fun; from B. funny; in C. a great fun; from D. very fun; in 6. He didn't get the job due to the lack of , but the interview was quite different from the previous ones and quite . A. experiences; experience B. experiences; an experience C. experience; experience D. experience; an experience 7. We don't need loud in order . A. speaking; to hear B. to speak, to hear C. to speak, to be heard D. to be spoken; to be heard 8. ---Where is the cake I made this morning? ? No. I finished half of it and the rest in the fridge. A. Has it all finished; are keeping B. Was it all finished; is being keeping C. Has it all been finished; is kept D. Did it all finish; has been kept 9. The steak doesn't taste very good. It too long. A. has cooked B. has been cooked C. is being cooked D. cooked 10. An agreement at the conference but it until next month. A. has been made; won't be announce B. was made; isn't announced C. was making; will announce D. had made; will be announced II. Word Transformation: fluent, pronounce, confidence. motivation, poison, experience, regret, reality, introduce, technique 1. The naughty boy was bitten by a cobra in the wild. He now feels very . Till now, he still can't believe what has happened is . 2. The company gave us a brief of their new product and promised that they would offer support if we bought it. 3. As a(n) English teacher, Helen's English is perfect. Besides, she ’ is also very good at her students. During her years of teaching, she often encourages her students to stand on the stage and speak English . As a result, almost all of her students can speak English with reasonable and accuracy. III. Tense: You have probably seen some great computer animated movies, like Toy Story, Finding Nemo or Frozen. Computer animation has become the norm ( 标 准 )in today's world. Animation (be) around for over 100 years. It has changed a lot over time. How ____ it (do) before computers (invent)? Early animations were created by hand at the beginning of 1900s. Winston McKay, who (consider) the father of animation till now, worked alone and animated his films by himself. He drew every picture separately and had them (photograph), one at a time. Hundreds of photographs (need) to make a one-minute film. It took him more than a year and 10.000 drawings to create a five-minute animation, called Gertie the Dinosaur. It (show) to the audience in theaters in 1914. After celluloid, a transparent material, (develop), animation became easier. Instead of drawing each picture separately, the animator could make a drawing of the background which (remain) motionless, while only the characters moved. Toy Story, which came out in 1995, was the first computer animated film. Computer animation (can use) for special effects in movies too, such as Star Wars and Avatar, which have brought impressive visual enjoyment to the audience. IV. Sentence transformation: 1. We think that accent is not a big problem in communicating with foreigners. , accent is not a big problem in communicating with foreigners. 2. Eileen Gu is so popular that she is well known to almost everyone in China. Eileen Gu is so popular that she almost everyone in China. 3. The professor has some difficulty remembering everybody's name. The professor finds difficult everybody's name. 4. It is estimated that America might lose as many as three million jobs due to the trade war. It is estimated that America might lose three million jobs due to the trade war. 5. Mike failed his exam and he felt sorry that he didn 5t review his lessons. Mike failed his exam and he his lessons. V. Translation . 1.上周,这个巻线电视网的记者毫

doc文档 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期Weekly for Unit One II

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上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期Weekly for Unit One II   第 1 页 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期Weekly for Unit One II   第 2 页 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期Weekly for Unit One II   第 3 页 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期Weekly for Unit One II   第 4 页 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期Weekly for Unit One II   第 5 页
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