教案 授课日期 授课时段 科目 年级 教师 学生总人数 组长签字 学生姓名 标题 复习 Unit3Topic1 重要知识点 教学进 度 本节重点: 名词所有格、形容词性及名词性物主代词、疑问代词 whose 本节重点、 学生痛点 难点 物主代词的记忆 教学过程及内容(总时长: 120 min) 一、入门测(所需时长: 10 min) ( )1. -What does your new classmate look like? A. He is very nice B.He is tall and strong C.His pants are blue D. He is my good friend ( )2..-Is your bike_____? -No, it's old. Ayoung B. big C. new D small ( )3. Where is my pen? Please help me_____it. A meets B. finds C meet D. find ( )4. Please give___a book._____book isn't here. A him: He B him: His C he: His DHis;He ( )5. These are my pants. His____ yellow. A.is B am C.are D/ ( )6. Betty is in a blue skirt and Ann is in a red one. They are in________clothes. A the same B different C the different D. same ( )7.-Tom is your friend. --- _________ A That's right B Yes, you are C. No, he not D No, he is 8..We look the same.(改为一般疑问句) _______you_________the same? 9.Are those black shirts yours?(给出否定回答) 第 次上课 ____________________________ 考点一:一般现在时 实义动词 ( )1. -Where does Li Hua live?--She____Shanghai A. live in B. lives C. lives in D. live ( )2.We often _____English after class (课后). speaks B.look C.looks D.speak ( )3.Jim’s English teacher often _____ him. A. help B.helps C.speak D.speaks ( )4..Li Ming is new in Beijing.He _____go to the Great Wall. A. want to B.to wants C. to want D.wants to ( ) 5. Do you come from Fujian? No. I from Guangdong, and he from Jiangxi. A. come; comes B. comes; comes C. comes; come ( )6. Where does he _____? He _____ in Shanghai. A. lives ; lives B.live ; live C.live;lives D.lives;live ( )7.Does he often _____ English with you? A. say B.says C.speak D.speaks ( )8.What does your sister _____? --She is a doctor. A.is B.does C.do D.are A. 含有实义动词的否定句 1. He has two good friends.(改为否定句) He______ ______two good Friends. 2. We like dogs very much.(改为否定句) We_____like dogs____ ______. 3. Maria comes from China. ( 改为否定句) Maria from China . ( )4. Li Min is new here. She_____have friends here A.isn't B. don't C. not D. doesn't 含有实义动词的一般疑问句 1.Lucy speaks English.(改为一般疑问句) _______Lucy_______ English? 2. We like white very much. (改为一般疑问句) ________________white very much? ( )3 -Do you like Chinese people? -Yes, I______. A. like B. am C.don’t D. do ( )4.____Lucy like China? -Yes, she likes it very much A Do B Does C Is D. Are ( )5. -Does Jim speak Chinese? ---______.He speaks English. A. No. he isn’t B No. he doesn't C. Yes. he does D. Yes, he is ( )6.____Jack_____Chinese? Yes. he does A. Does; speak B Does speaks C Do; speaks D Do: speak ( )7. -Does Lucy like her pet dog? ---__________. A. Yes, Lucy does B No, Lucy doesn’t C Yes, she does D No.she does ( )8._____your friend_____English? A Does; speaks B Does; speak C Is: speak D. Is;speaks 9. Does she speak English?(作否定回答) _______,she__________ 含有实义动词的特殊疑问句 1. My brother lives in China.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________your brother_____? 2.He says he wants to visit his sister in the letter(对画线部分提问) _______ does he______in the letter? 3. They live in Shanghai.(对画线部分提问) ______ _______they______? 4.He comes from Henan.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______he_______from 语法知识: 一般现在时: 主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式,一般加 s;其他用动词原形 否定:doesn’t+动原 don’t + 动原 一般疑问:Does/Do+主语+动原+其他? 特殊疑问:疑问词+does/do+主语+动原? 考点二:人称代词 ( )1. Miss Smith is very kind. We all like_____. A. it B. her C him D.them ( )2. Miss Liu teaches_____ English, we all like______ A our: her B us: her C we. hers D us: she ( )3. -Lin Li is a good girl. -Yes. And____ often helps _____with my English A. She:I B. Her: me C She: me D Hers; my ( )4. Mary often help_____with English. A.I B. she C. me D. their 巩固练习 ( )5. I have a pet in my house.______name is Tom. A. His B. Their C. It's D. Its ( )6. This book isn't_______.It’s______. AI: hers B.mine;her C my: hers D mine: hers ( )7. Miss Li gives______ many books._____is a very good teacher A. our: He B us: He C. ours: He D. us: She ( ) 8. They often help study English, so we like very much. A. we; they B. us; them C. our; their 语法知识 1. 人称代词用法口诀: 人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说; 主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称 单 分类 复数 单数 复数 单数 we you you he 复数 数 主格 I she it they 宾格 me us you you him her 考点三:Could you please+动词原形? ( )1. -Could you help me with my English? ---______ A. No. I don’t B. You're welcome C No problem D. You’ re right ( )2. -Can you help me ?---_________ A. No. I don’t B. You're welcome C. Of course D. You're right ( )3.Could you please tell me your name? ---__________My name is Jane. A. Yes ,I can B.Sure C.No,I couldn’t D.Yes,

doc文档 Unit 3 topic 1 重点知识点复习讲解及练习 仁爱版英语七年级上册

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