动词时态练习 一.用所给的动词适当形式填空 1.Don’t speak! My father __________(sleep) in the bedroom. 2, My aunt (buy) the car two days ago. 3.My sister ___________ (watch) TV every day 4.Sam often __________ (play) chess with his best friend on weekend. , 5.My father _______ (not have) a computer. 6.What day _______ (be)it last weekend? 7.Peter_____________(watch) an interesting talk show on TV now. 8.Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now. 9.My mother ________( take) the bus to work every day. 10.The boy is standing at the corner. He ______(wait) for the bus. 11.The twins ________at Ann’s home yesterday evening .(be) 12.Kate _______ ill yesterday, she ________ better now. (be) 13.What are you doing? I ________ for my pen. (look) 14.At first I ______ English hard, but I understand some. (find) 15.The weather in England never _______ (get) too hot or too cold. 16.They ______ (go) to the park last Sunday. 17.Bob was so tired that he _____(sleep) earlier than usual. 18.My mother ________(give) me a present last Christmas., 19.Mrs. Li _______(live) here many years ago. 20.I _____(have) a good time last vacation., 21.She was in a hurry, so she ____(not have) time to cook for you., 22.It ______(take) me over an hour to get there yesterday. 二.用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。   My friend, Roy,  1  (die) last year. He  2 (leave) me his CD player and his collection of CDs. Roy  3  (spend) a lot of money on CDs. He  4  (buy) one or two new CDs every week. He never  5 (go) to the cinema or to the theatre. He  6 (stay) at home every evening and  7  (listen) to music. He often  8 (lend) CDs to his friends. Sometimes they  9 (keep) them. He  10 (lose) many CDs in this way. 三.用所给动词的正确形式填空(必要时可加助词) At the moment.we are getting ready for Spring Festival.We(51)_________(clean)the house and we(52)_________(sweep)the floor.My mother(53)_________(cook)a meal and my father(54)_________(decorate)the house.My sister(55)_________(watch)TV.Usually we(56)_________(buy)clothes.but we (57)_________(not buy)any clothes this New Year.We always(58)_________(get)presents from our family and friends.The New Year Festival(59)_________(finish)at The family have dinner.and we often(60)_________(eat)round rice dumplings called yuanxiao. 四.句型转换 1.Mike went there by bus(改为一般疑问句) __________Mike _________there by bus? 2.Did they go out for a walk after supper?(作否定回答) No, _______ ________. 3.The boys went to play soccer last week.(改为现在进行时) The bo ys__________ ________________soccer now. 4.He often gets up at 6:00 every day. (用 now 改为现在进行时态) He up now. 5.The Koala usually sleeps during the day.(改为一般疑问句) _____ the Koala usually _________ during the day? 6.The boy are playing soccer on the ground.(就划线部分提问) _________ are the boys ______ on the ground? 五.单项选择 1.---Where is Mike? He asked me to go out for a walk this morning. --- Maybe he _______TV in the living room now. A. watched B. will watch C. is watching D. watches, 2.He ___ sports. He only ____ them on TV. A. don’t play, watch B. doesn’t play, watches C. not play, watches D. plays plays 3.Mike and I ______in the library now. A. read B. are reading C. is reading D. am reading 4..Look ! Mr Wang ______his students A. talks to B. talking with C. talks with D. is talking with 5.-Where did you go last week ? ----I ______to the park. A. went B. go C. will go D. did go 6. ---What are they doing? -- They a song. A. are listening B. sing C. are singing D. sang 7.Mike _____ to school this morning.   A. walks  B. walk  C. walking  D. walked 8. Mrs Black is in the kitchen. She ______ dinner for her family.   A. prepares  B. prepares C. preparing  D. is preparing, 9.My uncle _____ maths in that school two years ago.   A. teaches  B. teach  C. taught  D. has taught 10.Gina ______ to a party last night.   A. go  B. to go  C. going  D. went 11.. Last night my father __________ home very late. A.reached B.gets C.reached to D.got to 12.It takes me an hour ________ my homework every day. A. doing B. to do C. do D. does 13. Wei Hua __________ a busy day yesterday. A.has B.had C.was D.have 14. When __________ you come here? We __________ here last week. A.do;come B.do;came C.did;came D.did;come 15.She _____a skating champion when she was twelve.   A. becomes  B. become     C. becoming   D. became 16.When we get together, we always have a great time ____ to each other. We usually talk about something interesting. A. saying B. telling C. talking D. laughing 17.We are having a party and everyone _________ a good time. A.having B.have C.is havin

doc文档 期中复习:动词时态练习 2021-2022学年人教版八年级下册英语

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