I.单词填空。 1.My grandfather listens to the news b  2.China will host an e    every evening.   of some calligraphy by famous artists. 3.Older women look best in classically e    styles. 4.These m___________ ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the laboring people. 5.I f    use sunflowers as symbols of strength. 6.The competition was s  7. I mean     by a foreign trading company.   (apologize) to him through letters, as I don�t know how to face him. 8. The implication of these results is that   (gain) the greatest health benefits from exercise, it may be wise to skip eating first. 9.   (calculate) biological age, Professor Levine at Yale University identified nine biomarkers (生物标志) that seemed to be the most influential on lifespan by a simple blood test. 10.His father thought it a great honor  11.The play    (invite) to the party.  (produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. 12.Everyone is waiting     (see) what he will dream up next. 13.You should encourage your child   (take) part in after-school activities. 14.A soccer player should not pretend   15.Jennifer sacrificed(牺牲)     (fall) down even if it helps his team.   (achieve)her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study. 16.The President seemed    (consider) her idea seriously. He got up and shook Vinnie's hand warmly. 17. While the younger generations prefer    (communicate) visually, for those used to working with traditional tools like email, it may feel like a learning curve(曲线). 18. They decided not to mention what had just happened in an attempt    (avoid) embarrassment. 19.I became the first middle school student    (get) admitted as a volunteer for the 13th National Games. 20.They tried to persuade their young sister     (stay) behind, saying that the long walk would be too tiring for her. 1/9 21.Few people are able to   them, their    themselves fully to their careers. Once they are     to   must bring them a big success. (devote) 22.He was seen     (enter) the building about the time the crime was committed. 23.The doctors had no choice but    (cut) off the Shattered left arm of the soldier. 24.Bruce is adored by his teachers, for he is always the first  25.Personally, I don't think it worthwhile for them  26.This football player was forced   27.The hot weather is partly    (hand) in his homework.   (spend) all the savings on this trip.   (sign) the contract with the club.   (blame) for the water shortage. 28.The newly-elected president promises that he will spare no effort   (promote) public welfare. 29.    (free) ourselves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep thought and inner quietness. 30.Volunteering gives you a chance    (change) other people's life, including your own. II.单项选择。 1.Scientists have warned that coral reefs are likely to become the world's first ecosystem __________ because of global warming. A.to disappear B.disappearing C.disappeared D.having disappeared 2.More than 20 people believed__________ bush-fires in Australia's New South Wales have been caught by the police. A.starting B.to start C.started D.to have started 3.The airport __________ next year will have the capacity to handle 500,000 passengers. A.to be completed B.being completed C.completed D.having been completed 4.The mother was angry because her 10-year-old son wasn't allowed __________ water in class. A.drinking B.to drink C.drink D.drunk 5.The question of whether __________ a picnic was still under discussion. 2/9 A.to have B.having C.have D.had 6.While watching television, __________. A.the doorbell rang B.the doorbell rings C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings 7.Many parents happily paid a lot of money, only __________ the tours were not rewarding enough for their children. A.finding B.found C.to find D.have founding 8.She pretended __________to the manager, but actually she was thinking about something else. A.listening B.to have listened C.having listened D.to be listening 9.With lots of new words__________, he decides to read them every morning. His teacher said," only if doing it__________ make it." A.to recite; you keep on; can you B.to recite; do you keep on, can you C.recited; do you keep on; you can D.recited; you keep on; you can 10.Her son promised _________in the bedroom until the baby stopped ________. A.staying; to cry B.to stay; crying C.for stayin

doc文档 动词不定式语法专项练习80题-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册

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