I.单词填空。 1.People in Ethiopian highlands have adapted to ______________ (live) at high altitudes. Cattle-raising people in East Africa and northern Europe have gained a mutation that helps them digest milk as adults. 2.With no solid evidence, he refused to acknowledge ______________ (steal) the lady's purse. 3.You don't know how much difficulty I had______________ (get) along with him. 4.The drones can plant trees at the cost of just 50 cents per sapling,just one-fourth of traditional    (plant) methods. 5.—Do you know what we should devote ourselves to ______________ (reduce) the pollution? —Yes. I think we can do many things to protect the environment. 6.Some people like living in the city while others prefer______________ (live) in the countryside. 7.We are looking forward to______________ (hear) from you. 8.Once you are addicted to______________ (smoke), you may find it difficult for you to quit. 9.Tim is having trouble ______________ (balance) his project and schoolwork. 10.Jack refused to go on ______________ (cooperate) with that company after their fierce argument. 11.I find ______________ (paint) with water color a lot easier than with oil. 12.I can't stand______________ (go) to art galleries. I get very bored! 13.______________ (leave) alone in the big house is the most frightful moment for the little boy. 14.China's approach to______________ (protect) its environment while feeding its citizens "offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide," says the bank's Juergen Voegele. 15.At dinner time, take turns ______________ (share) your day's experiences with your child to give him the opportunity to express his thoughts and feelings as well as to listen to others. 16.To prevent the rich and powerful ______________ (abuse) their power, the government laid down related laws. 17.Doing volunteer work can contribute to ______________ (increase) your sense of confidence and satisfaction with life. 18.The key to ______________ (fulfill) your dream one day is to go to great lengths to work hard and stick to your dream in spite of adversity. 19.One learns a language by making mistakes and ______________ (correct) them. 20.Though it sounds a bit too expensive, it is worth ______________ (buy). 21.It took the workmen only two hours to finish ______________ (repair) my car. 1/9 22.Have you forgotten ______________ (borrow) $1,000 from me last month? Will you please remember (bring) it tomorrow? 23.Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ______________ (set) up some schools for poor children. 24.She is very busy ______________ (write) her papers. She is far too busy ______________ (receive) callers. 25. ______________ (injure) in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual. 26.My mother opposes me ______________ (stay) in the newly decorated house for a long time, for the fresh paint gives out poisonous smell. 27.I bet you can't resist ______________ (laugh) at these funny sports images taken at the right moment. 28.He refused to acknowledge______________ (defeat) in the match, but in vain. 29.I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do______________ (work) with students. 30.There is no point ______________ (explain) these questions one by one. 31.All those workers from the countryside deserve ______________ (respect). 32.It was an unpopular decision to postpone ______________ (build) the new hospital. 33.If you keep paying too much attention to your inner voice, you risk    (miss) important information. 34.I strongly recommend ______________buy) a good quality bike rather than a cheap one. 35.For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks doing what they wanted to do without (recognize) 36.______________ (locate) in the heart of the downtown is an important factor contributing to the rapid development of local business. 37.______________ (expose) to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin. 38.Some families which are restricted to ______________ (have) one child want to have another child. 39.Just quit______________ (complain). What matters now is how to get rid of such an embarrassing situation. 40.As far as I am concerned, it is a waste of time ______________ (argue) about the issue. II.单项选择。 1. We are looking forward to _________ a chance to watch the opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. 2/9 A.give B.be given C.being given D.giving 2. The little boy slipped into the classroom without ________ by the teacher. A.notici

doc文档 动词-ing(动名词)语法专项练习80题-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第三册

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