7 下 U nit 5 错题 一.根据句意及提示完成单词。(每空一词) 1.How heavy were you at_____________(出生) ? 2. I like playing with my dog. It likes eating_______________(骨头) 。 3.The boy ________________(look carefully for sth.) the Internet for news every day. 4. Can you hear a ________________(低语声) from the bus hes? 5.Are you afraid of ________________(蛇)? 6.The __________________(骆驼) must be blind in the right eye. 7.Don’t draw on the wall with ________________(粉笔), children. 8.I had some milk and __________________( 三 明 治 )for breakfast this morning. 9. The bridge was in __ ____________ in 2012, but now it is pulled down. (拆毁) 10.Wonderful! My best friend ______________to my e-mail the day before yesterday. 11.I _____________(want to know) when you will come back. 12.He put on his coat and _______________(go away) quickly. [来源 ^:*&@中 ~教网] B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 wonder, late,quick, ,good,inch,little,careful good, amaze , with,surprise, begin 1. Art is very important, and we can’t live _____________ it. 2. The students are going to the museum to learn about some __________________ things. 3. I often hear him play the piano in the room. How ____________ the music sounds!. 4. I will tell you about it_______________ when I am not so busy. 5.Look, he is running so q _____________. I’m sure he will win( 赢 ) the match. 6.Sandy _____________ learning Chinese when she was six years old. 7.We were greatly________________ at the news. 8.Dogs can smell things _____________. 9.What animal can smell things as _____________ as dogs? 10. Now TVs can be as large as 110__________ 11.There are at _____________ _ five thousand students in our school. 12.As students, we shouldn’t do our homework _____________ _____. [中^国教#育出~版&*网 ] [来@源:#*中教 ^网 ~] C.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 see, have, close, rain,wake,come,sing has, hear, wonder , reply ,have , come, 1.You’d better keep the win dows ____________because it is raining outside. 2. I______________ an UFO yesterday. It was just like a plate. 3. I __________________ Simon sing in his room last night. 4.She ________________ what to do next now. 5.This question is easy but nobody _________________ to it. 6.Look! Millie ______________(have) a new bike now. 7.A: What did you _________________ for supper yesterday? B:I _______________ meat and vegetable. 8.Yesterday, Jack ___________________ to school late, because it_____________ heavily. 9.Jim usually _________________up at 6 a.m., but this morning he __________ up at 5 a.m. 10.—How soon___________ your cousin_________ back from the USA? -In two months. 11.Listen! Can you hear him______________ in the next room? 二.单项选择(15 分) ( )1. Look! There is __________UFO in _______________ sky. A. an, the B. a; the C. the; a D. the; a n ( )2.—Dad, why should I stop _______computer. Games? --- For your health, my boy, I’m afraid you____________. A. to play; must B. playing; have to C. to play ; can D. play ing; may ( )3.—Isn’t that a funny thing? --___________. I like it very much. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it isn’t C. No, it isn’t D. No, it is ( )4. –-I am so tired that I can’t walk any longer, Jack. - - ___________ , Daniel. You can do it. A. No hurry B. No problem C. That’s all D. Come on ( )5.It was terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night. It__________ ____ a baby crying. A. sounded like B. afraid of C. interested in D. good at ( ) 6. My mother________ the cat here and there but she couldn’t _________ it . A. looked for; look for B. searched; look for C. found; search D. searched; find ( ) 7. _____ knows anything about him because he never tells us _______ about himself. A. Nobody; nothing B. Nobody; anything C. Nobody; something D. Anybody; nothing ( )8. Do you know what happened ___________ Tony last Sunday? [中~国^&教育出 #*版网] [w^ww.z%zstep.co~&m*] [来源%:z#~z&step@.com] [中 ^国教育 *&~出 @版网] A. to B. with C. for D. by _____________ news it is! We are all______________. ( )9.What A. a surprising; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; surprised D. surprising; surprised ( ) 10.On Sundays, I often _______ badminton in the past, but I didn’t play basketball.. A. play B. played C. to play D. plays ( )11.A: Please don’t smoke here. Look at the sign. B: Oh, sorry. I _____________ it was a smoke area. A. know B. knew C. think D. thought ( )12.A: Was Tom late for school this morning? B: No. When he___________ the classroom, there were only 20 students in it. A. got to B. left C. left for D. got ( )13. I don’t remember when and where I _______ this umbrella. A. buy B. have bought C. will

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