2022 年重庆中考英语第 2 轮专题复习 阅读理解训练 3 A It's true that there are some differences between China and western countries. If you don't know any of them, you may get into trouble when you are with foreigners. If you go to the foreigners' house, there may be one dish ready on the table. And they will tell you, "The dish." While Chinese people usually get a lot of dishes ready and like to say, "It isn't well prepared." As we know, Chinese people like to put the food on your plate to show their hospitality. But foreigners don't do it. They think to help yourself is the best way. Foreigners give guests the chance to choose what they like best. In the west, it is polite to open the gifts as soon as they are given. In China, it is quite different. The Chinese people think if you open the gift at once, you might embarrass(使尴 尬) the person who gives you the gift. So they always open it after the guests leave. Speaking in public is a kind of two-way-communication, it needs eye contact(接触), But the Chinese are usually shy to do this and this will make the speakers feel sad. The westerners are happy to praise(赞扬) others, and they are also glad to accept others' praise. However, the Chinese often refuse praise from others. Foreigners can't understand why they do it like this. "Lao" is used by Chinese people to show someone who is older than the speaker. It also means politeness. But foreigners sometimes seem unhappy because they are called "Lao Wai". They think they are not very old. 1. The underlined word "hospitality" means ______ in Chinese. A. 富裕 2. 3. B. 好客 C. 谦虚 In public communication, ______ will make the speakers feel sad. A. no eye contact B. eye contact C. no body language D. body languages Western people may think it good to ______. D. 喜好 A. be called like "Lao Wai" B. get a lot of dishes ready C. praise others and be praised D. open the gift after the guests leave 4. The passage is mainly about the differences between Chinese and western ______. A. cultures B. languages C. eating habits D. lifestyles B Yue opera(越剧)is also called Shaoxing opera.It is one of the five operas in China.Since 2006,it has been one of the first national non-material cultural heritages(非物质文化遗 产).Yue opera appeared in Sheng County,Zhejiang Province in the Qing dynasty,and then it became famous in Shanghai in the 1920s. Yue opera is famous for sweet singing,touching music and lively performances.The main subjects of Yue opera are stories about excellent gentlemen and beautiful ladies.Main music instruments are the erhu and some other traditional Chinese music instruments. First performed by male(男性)farmer artists in the countryside,Yue opera was later developed into a popular performance in cities.The first female troupe(女性剧团)of Yue opera was created in 1923,and then female performers took the place of the males.Nowadays,almost all performers are females.The most famous one of Yue opera is Yuan Xuefen.One of the classics is Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. In fact,Yue opera is getting more and more popular among young people in China nowadays.And many people who have watched it for the first time like Yue opera.So if you haven't watched it before,why not give it a try next time? 5. In the 1920s,Yue opera became famous in ______ . A. Shaoxing 6. 7. B. Sheng county C. Shanghai D. Zhejiang According to the passage,the main subjects of Yue opera are stories about ______ . A. farmers and performers B. ladies and gentlemen C. males and females D. parents and children Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage? ______ A. Yue opera was first performed by male artists. B. More and more young people like Yue opera. C. Tianxianpei is one of the classic Yue opera. D. Main instruments of Yue opera are traditional Chinese instruments. 8. In which section would you probably read the passage in a newspaper? ______ A. Education and Society B. Culture and Leisure C. Science and Technology D. Health and Medicine C Nowadays,we are able to try some special sports.Skin-diving(潜泳) is one of them.But it's an old sport.People began to do it about two thousand years ago. This sport is usually full of fun.It's very cool to go under the water in hot weather.It can take you into a wonderful new world.It is like a visit to the moon!When you are under water,it is easy for you to climb big rocks,because you are not heavy any more.During the day,when there is much sunshine,everything is blue and green under the sea(海洋).You can easi

doc文档 2022年重庆中考英语第二轮专题复习——阅读理解训练3

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