浙江省部分学校 2021-2022 学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题分类汇编 阅读理解 浙江省金华市外国语学校 2021-2022 学年高二下学期期初素养测试英语试题 第一节(共 10 个小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 A I had very good parents. My mother came to this country from Scotland by herself when she was 11, and she didn’t have much of an education. My dad was kind of a street kid, and he eventually went into the insurance business, selling nickel policies (五分钱保险单) door-to-door. It was the 1930s, a time when America was a lot more racist (种族主义的) than it is now. One day, my dad asked his boss, “What’s the toughest market to sell?” and the insurance guy replied, “Well, black people. They don’t buy insurance.” My dad thought: but they have kids; they have families. Why wouldn’t they buy insurance? So he said, “Give me Harlem.” He went to Harlem and sold nickel policies there; every Friday, he would go around and collect the nickel and give his customers a receipt on the policy. When my dad died in 1994, I talked about him when I was invited to The Tonight Show. I told the story of how he worked in Harlem and how he always taught us to be open-minded and not to say or think racist things. Then one day, I got a letter from a woman who was about 75 years old. She wrote that when she was a little girl, a man used to come to her house to collect on policies, and he would always bring her a lollipop. She said this man was the only white person who had ever come to dinner at their house and the only white person she had ever had dinner with until she got to be almost an adult. The man was very kind to her, she said, and his name was Angelo – was this my father? The letter made me cry. I called her up and said yes, that was in fact my dad, and she told me how kind he had been to her family. Her whole attitude toward white people was based on that one nice man she met in her childhood, who always treated her with kindness and respect and always gave her a piece of candy and asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. From this experience, I learned a valuable life lesson, to never judge people and to be open-minded and kind to others. 21. Which of the following best describes the author’s father? A. Ambitious. B. Tough.C. Open-minded. D. Cautious. 22. What influence did my father have on the woman? A. He taught her how to judge other people. B. He shaped her attitude towards white people. C. He showed her insurance was necessary in life. D. He made her believe all white people were kind. 23. What can be inferred from the passage? A. Harlem is a district full of white people. B. The author is the host of The Tonight Show. C. The author’s father received a formal education. D. Black people were looked down upon in the 1930s. B We’re willing to bet you know at least one kid who loves Peppa Pig. The British TV show has been attracting youthful audiences around the world for almost two decades and has even created a generation of American kids with fake British accents. Well, all those millions of young Peppa fans will soon have their own theme park in the United States that they can visit with their parents. Moving over Disney World, Peppa Pig is headed to Florida. The new theme park is slated to open in Orlando, Florida in 2022 and will feature rides, attractions, a water play area and live shows all popular with preschool-age children and their families. Kids will have the opportunity to meet Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and the rest of the animal group as they explore the adorable world that looks like it’s been dropped right out of TV and into central Florida. Peppa fans will love rides such as Grandad Dog’s Pirate Boat Ride, where the little piggies can hop aboard and set sail for Pirate Island, and Peppa Pig’s Balloon Ride, where they get to fly high above the park in one of Miss Rabbit’s hot air balloons. Other rides feature characters like Grampy Rabbit and Mr. Bull. The park will also feature two play zones: A splash pad where kids can mimic ( 模 仿 ) jumping in muddy puddles filled with fountains, slides and interactive water features perfect for hot Florida summers and Pirate Island where everyone in the family can look for buried treasure or build sand castles with Danny Dog. Are you looking for something adults will love too? Check out the classic boardwalk with free arcade games. When it’s time for a break, head to the cinema, where kids can watch their favorite episodes of Peppa Pig in a cool dark theatre. Yearly passes are already available

doc文档 浙江省部分学校2021-2022学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题汇编:阅读理解

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