2022 年中考英语最新热点时文阅读-天问一号祝融号 题型 主要内容 1 阅读理解 介绍了中国的火星车祝融号成功登陆火星 2 阅读理解 中国首次火星探测任务的总设计师张荣桥和他的团队对火星进行探索的事情 3 阅读理解 介绍了中国的火星车成功登陆火星,成为历史上第二个在这颗红色星球上拥有火 星车的国家。 4 阅读理解 中国“天问一号”火星探测器的相关内容,介绍中国在空间技术发展上外空探索所 取得的成就 01 (2021 年福建省厦门市海沧区中考二模英语试题)China’s Mars rover (火星车) Zhurong, named after the Chinese god of fire, landed safely on Mars on May 15, making China only the second behind the United States to fully succeed. The 240-kilogram, six-wheeled rover is equipped ( 配备) with six scientific instruments, giving it the appearance of a “blue butterfly”. Unlike Perseverance, the American Mars rover, Zhurong needs sunlight to power itself. Now that Zhurong has got down successfully, it is expected to spend the next 90 days mapping the area on Mars, monitoring ( 监测) changes in weather such as temperature and searching for signs of water ice. Zhurong will therefore help build a more complete geological picture of the red planet’s history. China has successfully landed on the moon three times, and has even brought back lunar rocks to Earth. But landing on Mars is even more difficult. Mars exploration is known for its high risks and difficulties, as well as the uncertainties in the long-distance interstellar ( 星 际 ) flight. The landing is the most challenging part of it. Around half of Mars exploration missions ( 探索任务) failed, and most of them went wrong in the landing process. A Mars landing is often considered as “the seven minutes of terror” because the process is completely autonomous. “The distance was too far away for the spacecraft so it has to do it all on its own.” said Chen Lan, a scientist in China’s space program. “If something went wrong, people on earth have no way to help.” “Mars is the planet in our solar system that we are most likely to live in the future. That’s why we want to understand it,” Ge said. “The success of Zhurong’s landing will lay the foundation for future Mars missions, including a sample return mission in 2030.” 1.Which insect does Zhurong Rover look like most? A. B. C. D. 2.There are many jobs that Zhurong is supposed to do EXCEPT ________. A.map the Mars B.study the weather C.change the temperature D.look for water 3.What does the underlined word “autonomous” probably mean in the passage? A.self-directed B.trusted C.man-controlled D.prepared 4.Paragraph 3 is mainly about the ________ Mars exploration. A.history B.challenge C.distance D.process 5.We can learn from the passage that ________. A.the American rover is powered like Zhurong B.the mission of Zhurong will last about 3 months C.few Mars exploration missions succeed D.we are possible to move to Mars in 2030 02 (广东省深圳市福田区高级中学 2021-2022 学年七年级上学期期末英语试题) On May 15, Zhang Rongqiao wiped tears from his eyes as China’s Mars rover (巡视器) Zhurong landed safely on Mars. “I was so excited,” said Zhang. As the chief designer (总设计师) of China’s Tianwen Ⅰ Mars mission ( 任务), Zhang was chosen by the journal Nature on Dec 16 as one of the top 10 people “who helped shape science” in 2021. Under Zhang, China made a huge step in interplanetary (行星向的) exploration. “I got a taste of the old Chinese saying - it takes 10 years to sharpen a good sword,” Zhang told Nature. In the Mars mission, Zhang led a team of thousands of researchers. The team was not only responsible for technical work like launches and flight control, but also for scientific research on Mars. There were many difficulties. They knew little about the strange and complex environment of Mars. “We may not even know what we do not know about,” Zhang told Nature. During the process, Zhang played a key part in the decision to send an orbiter (轨道飞行器), a lander (着陆器) and a rover to Mars together in one shipment ( 运输) - making China the first country to do so. “That’s a big leap (飞跃) because China is doing in a single go (what NASA took decades ( 数十年) to do),” said Roberto Orosei from the Institute of Radioastronomy of Bologna in Italy. Zhang also made the important decision to land the rover on Utopia Planitia, where there are special landforms (地形) for scientists to study. He hopes that the mission can do as much research as possible and bring back “rich” information. “The buck stops with him (他敢作敢当),” said David Flannery, an astrobiologist (天体生物学家) at Queensland University of Technology in Australia. 6.What is included in the Mars mission? a. Launching the rover. b. Controlling the flight. c. Bringing back space junk. d. Doing scientific research. A.abc B.abd C.acd D.bcd 7

doc文档 23 天问一号祝融号-2022年中考英语最新热点时文阅读

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