2021-2022 学年七年级英语下册模块词汇专项突破 (外研版) Module 3 Making plans 一、单选题 1.I'm__________ your reply. A.looking for B.looking at C.looking forward to D.looking up 2.The old man is very kind hearted and everyone would like to __________him. A.make a friend with B.make a friend C.make friends with D.make friends 3.I'm interested in animals. So I _________lots of time playing with my pet dog. A.play B.take C.spend D.cost 4.—What are you going to do on Friday? —We are going to __________some sightseeing in Disneyland. A.do B.have C.get D.invite 5.Are you going to____________ a movie with me this evening? A.look B.see C.look for D.look at C.Nothing D.Something 6.—Who else is going to be there? —____________. A.Nobody B.Anything 7.There will be a football match next week. Our team will play A.at B.to Guanghua Team. C.about D.against C.at D.in 8.Tom is never late _______ school. A.to B.for 9.Mr Li is a swimming _____. He teaches the children how to swim. A.fan B.student C.coach D.visitor 10.No. 15 Middle School ________ No. 20 Middle School in the basketball match yesterday. A.lost 11.Bill gets up B.won every day. He is never late for school. C.passed D.beat A.late 12.—I am B.soon C.early D.quick learning swimming next week! —Sounds great! A.looking after B.putting away C.doing well in D.looking forward to 13.The boys are going to a football match tonight. A.see B.look C.read D.watch C.look D.check 14.Does he often ________ his emails in the evening? A.see B.watch 二、单词拼写 15.单词拼写 (1)  16.单词拼写  adv. 面向未来的;向前 (1)   adv. 迟;晚 adj. 迟的;晚的  n. 步行;走 (2)   n. 迷;支持者 (2)  (3)   n. 球衣;(男式)衬衫 (3)  (4)   v. 为……喝彩 (4)   num. 第二 (5)   n. 运动员;选手 (5)   v. 收集 (6)   v.希望 (6)   n. 垃圾 (7)   v. 赢;获胜 (7)   n. 娱乐;乐趣 (8)   pron. 我自己 (8)   n. 营地;帐篷 (9)   prep. 在……期间 (9)  (10)   n. 5 月  n. 乡下;乡村  adj. 澳大利亚的 (10)   n. 观光;游览 (6)country→  17.单词拼写 (1)fan→ (复数) (7)fun→    (形容词) (2)make→    (过去式) (8)American→  (3)player→    (动词) (9)sightseeing→  (4)hope→    (同义词) (5)enjoy→  (10)beach→    (现在分词) 18.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。 (1)There are a lot of  (2)We are going to    (帐篷)on the grass.   (为……喝彩)him in the playground.   (复数)   (名词)   (动词)   (复数) (3)Li Na is a very famous tennis    (运动员). 19.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。 (1)Our city is famous for its     (海滩).We can enjoy the sun on them. (2)They are going to stay with an    (澳大利亚的)family. (3)Some students in our class are from the    (乡下). 20.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。 (1)The five boys attended a birthday party last Sunday and they enjoyed  much. (2)His sister's birthday is in   (3)Lily    .(5 月).   (步行)to school every day. (4)一 Whose    (衬衫)is this? 一 I think it's Jim's. 21.B)根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。 (1)There is no   (家务劳动)to do.Let's play basketball. (2)These football   (运动员)are from England (3)Be careful with your things   (在……期间)your travel. (4)Old people like to live in the  (5)It's a good place to have   (乡下).  (乐趣). 22.根据旬意及首字母提示补全单词。 (1)Han Geng is a famous singer,and he has a lot of f    . (2)Don't worry,I can finish the work by m   . (3)The old man sometimes goes there to c    litter. (4)February is the s  (5)It is good f    month of the year.   to play with my best friends. (6)I'd like to go to Beijing d    the winter holiday. 23.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (1)Do you like to talk w    people? (2)She's a doctor, and she works in a h  (3)They are going to have lunch in a r  (4)-- W    do you like pandas?  .  .  (他们)very -- Because they're very nice. (5)We are from China. We speak C   . 24.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 (1)We are looking forward to w  (2)All football fans w  (3)I am going to e    the same shirt.   myself on Children's Day. (4)My mother likes to t  (5)Usually I s    the football match tomorrow.   a walk after supper.   the summer holiday at home. 25.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 (1)I often c    my email at the weekend. (2)Tom is going to h    a swimming lesson next week. (3)We're going to see a m  (4)Would you like to j  (5)What is your p    in the afternoon.   us?   for the weekend? 26.根据句意及汉语意思或首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 (1)She is a basketball   (2)I like English b  (3)I h    (运动员).   it's interesting.   that he will succeed. (4)I like     (游泳) in summer. (5)Why do you c    stamps? 27.根据句意及首字母或者中文提示,补全句中所缺单词。 (1)Lingling is going to c  (2)Daming gets up e    her email this evening.   every day. (3)Jim is going to have a     (野餐) with Tom and Tony in the park. (4)What are you going to do n  (5)Do

doc文档 Module 3【词汇】-2021-2022学年七年级英语下册模块易混易错点专项突破(外研版)

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