2020-2021 学年浙江省衢州市开化县九年级(下)第二次调研 英语试卷 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项 中选出最佳选项。使文章完整、通顺。 1.(15 分)I will never forget the moment I boarded the plane to China for the rest of my life.I was ( 1 )     my best friends in Germany.A feeling of being worried rushed through me.They tried to make me believe that(2)    would meet again.But the truth is that I was leaving and they were staying,so I was(3)   them forever. Thus ,when I set foot in my new (4)    on a cold winter morning ,I didn't feel excited.Forty pairs of curious (好奇的) (5)    appeared in front of me.Just at that moment my face(6)   turned red.People talked to me,but I was afraid to look them in the eyes.I felt that I would be betraying (背叛) my old friends in away(7)   I made new friends. Things(8)   on a sunny afternoon.I found it difficult to do my Chinese homework and had no choice but to ask my ( 9 )     for help.I thought they wouldn't be ( 10 ) to me as I had kept my distance from them before.To my surprise,however,they were quite friendly.Gradually(11)   . I still miss my old friends ,but I don't feel I've forgotten them.I know they'd feel (12) for me.True friends are(13)   separated,maybe in distance but not in heart. So don't be afraid of losing anything.Just let it go.You'll (14)  say goodbye to it. (15 )   that you never really   ,it becomes a part of you ,helping and guiding you in life.Trees lose their leaves,but those leaves fall to the ground and help the trees grow.Let our lives grow as trees do. (1)A.leaving B.missing C.calling D.visiting (2)A.I B.they C.we D.you (3)A.changing B.helping C.losing D.visiting (4)A.class B.home C.office D.room (5)A.ears B.eyes C.hands D.arms (6)A.probably B.slowly C.surely D.immediately (7)A.because B.though C.if D.until (8)A.turned around B.turned up C.turned down D.turned back (9)A.teachers B.classmates C.parents D.cousins (10)A.nice B.honest C.necessary D.important (11)A.classes B.breaks C.tests D.meals (12)A.awful B.angry C.happy D.sorry (13)A.always B.never C.often D.usually (14)A.tell B.guess C.mean D.realise (15)A.Also B.Certainly C.Still D.Instead 三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,每小题 6 分,共计 30 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给 的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 2.(6 分) Never say goodbye ! Class Five is having a goodbye party and we'd love you to come and celebrate with us. Sunday,the 20th of June at six o'clock in the evening Sea Side Restaurant 2865 Roof Avenue We believe everyone wants our party to be a really fun and meaningful night.The registration (注册) will take place at the entrance at 6 o clock.Ceremony (典礼) will begin at half past six.All guests are required to arrive by 6:15 p.m.. Please join us immediately after the ceremony.We hope that everyone can join us to celebrate our night.A dance party is going to be held then.After that ,we are going to have a barbecue and games to play outside. Dress Code:Please come in with suits for man,dresses for woman.Any colors are allowed to wear,but we prefer black Fee: $50 per person.And we'd be really thankful if you could help with the Class Five forever fund (基金). Please let us know if you can come by emailing clasfveforever@pary.com.us. (1)The guests should arrive at Sea Side Restaurant before    . A.6:00 B.6:15 C.6:30 D.6:45 (2)If you are Lucy,you'd better wear    to attend this goodbye party. A.a red dress B.a black suit C.a white skirt D.a black T﹣shirt (3)The text is probably a/an    . A.note B.report C.invitation D.diary 3 . ( 8 分 ) When cold winter days seem grey , nothing is better than a nice hot pot meal to warm and cheer you up. Hot pot has a long history.It is the most popular type of food in China , according to a survey by the consumer review website Dianping.com.There are about 350 , 000 hot pot restaurants around the country While enjoying a hot pot meal ,customers sit around a table and eat from a steaming pot. They put meat,seafood,tofu and bean noodles in the soup to boil.Meat,is often cut as thin as paper ,so it should not be cooked too long.Otherwise , mushroom and tomato.Usually a hot pot has two parts inside.One side is spicy,while the other side is not so spicy.So everyone can enjoy eating it how they like. You don't have to master great cooking skills to enjoy hot pot , either.When the food is ready,take it out and put it in different sauces to give it a special flavor (口味) Enjoying hot pot is about more than just eating.While the pot cooks , people talk and drink.Unlike some meals,it creates an

doc文档 浙江省衢州市开化县2020-2021学年九年级下学期第二次调研英语试卷

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