仁爱版英语七年级(下册)同步练习与提升 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section D 一、按要求写出下列单词 1. wake(现在分词) 2.one(序数词) 3. catch(第三称单数) 4. shop(现在分词) 5. teachers(所有格) 6. child(复数) 二、英汉互译 1. In Picture 1 2.在长城上 3.有一天 4.寻找 5. all the same 三、选择最佳答案 ( )1. —_______ does Maria usually come to work? —By bus? A. What B. How often C. How D. How long ( )2. —______ do they go shopping? A. How many —Once a week. B. How often C. How long D. How ( )3. —________ do you do your homework in the evening? —At 7:30.  A. What B. What time C. How often D. How long ( )4. —_______ do the boys do after school? —He often plays volleyball with his friends. A. How B. Where C. Why D. What ( )5.—______ you _______ a letter to your mother? A. Are, do C. Are, write —Yes, I am. B. Do, do D. Are, writing 四、根据句意和首字母、所给汉语、所给词的适当形式填空 1. Here are some nice __________(photo) of our school. 2. —Who is she? —She’s ________( I ) good friend. 3. —Is Yukio a ___________( Japan) boy? —Yes, he is. 4. Joan ____________(look) very happy today. 5. All the books are on those _________(shelf). 五、 按要求完成句子 1.We always have supper at home.(用现在进行时改写) We ________ ________ supper at home now. 2.He is cleaning in the library.(改为否定句) He _____ _____ in the library. 3.I borrow the workbooks twice a week.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ you ______ the workbook? 4.Kangkang is reading books in the library.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Kangkang _______ in the library? 5.He also likes playing dancing.(改为同义句) He ________ playing dancing, _______. 六、阅读理解 It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. The last class is over. Some students are going home and some students are going to the dining room. The football players are doing some exercise on the playground. Some students are swimming in the swimming pool. Others are warming up (做准备动作) near the pool. Many students love music. The members of the school band are practicing ( 练 习 ) in the garden. In the computer room, there are some students playing computer games. In the library, some students are reading English newspapers. After-school activities (课外活动) are interesting. 根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. When is the last class over? ______________________________________________ 2. Are there any students going home after class? ______________________________________________ 3. Where are some students swimming? ______________________________________________ 4. What are some students doing in the computer room? ______________________________________________ 5. What are some students doing in the library? ______________________________________________ 参考答案 一、按要求写出下列单词 1. wake(现在分词) 2.one(序数词) 3. catch(第三称单数) 4. shop(现在分词) 5. teachers(所有格) 6. child(复数) 1.waking 2.first 3.catches 4.shopping 5.teachers’ 6.children 二、英汉互译 1. In Picture 1 2.在长城上 3.有一天 4.寻找 5. all the same 1.在图画一中 2. on the Great Wall. 3.one day 4.look for 5. 仍然 三、选择最佳答案 ( )1. —_______ does Maria usually come to work? —By bus? A. What B. How often C. How D. How long ( )2. —______ do they go shopping? A. How many —Once a week. B. How often C. How long D. How ( )3. —________ do you do your homework in the evening? —At 7:30.  A. What B. What time C. How often D. How long ( )4. —_______ do the boys do after school? —He often plays volleyball with his friends. A. How B. Where C. Why D. What ( )5.—______ you _______ a letter to your mother? A. Are, do B. Do, do —Yes, I am. C. Are, write D. Are, writing 1——5 C B A D D 四、根据句意和首字母、所给汉语、所给词的适当形式填空 1. Here are some nice __________(photo) of our school. 2. —Who is she? —She’s ________( I ) good friend. 3. —Is Yukio a ___________( Japan) boy? —Yes, he is. 4. Joan ____________(look) very happy today. 5. All the books are on those _________(shelf). 1. photos 2. my 3. Japanese 4.looks 5.shelves 五、 按要求完成句子 1.We always have supper at home.(用现在进行时改写) We ________ ________ supper at home now. 2.He is cleaning in the library.(改为否定句) He _____ _____ in the library. 3.I borrow the workbooks twice a week.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ you ______ the workbook? 4.Kangkang is reading books in the library.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Kangkang _______ in the library? 5.He also likes playing dancing.(改为同义句) He ________ playing dancing, _______. 1.are having 2.isn’t cleaning 3.How often do, borrow 4.What is, doing 5. likes, too 六、阅读理解 It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. The last class is over. Some students are going home and some students are going to the dining room. The football players are doing some exercise on the playground. Some stud

doc文档 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section D同步练习与提升2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语下册

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