仁爱版英语七年级(下册)同步练习与提升 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B 一、汉译英 1.当然 ________________ 2.寻找 ________________ 3.准时 ________________ 4.失物招领处 ________________ 5.归还________________ 二、根据括号内的要求或汉语、单词提示完成句子 1. —We’ll be home ______(很快)! —That’s great! 2.You must ______ the book to the library on time. 3.There are many ______ and magazines(杂志)in the reading hall. 4.May I ______(借用)your pen? 5.Bad luck! I have no ______ in my wallet. 三、选择最佳答案 1. —Excuse me, how long may I ______ your bike? —Two days. A. return 2. —Can I — B. keep C. borrow D. lend your bike? Of course.But you mustn’t A.lend, borrow B. keep, lend C.borrow, keep D.borrow, lend it to others. 3.—_____ do you often go shopping? —______ bus. A. How long, Take B. How, By C. How often, On D. Where, By 4.—_______ on the desk? —A few ______. A. What, apples B. What’s apples C. What’s apple D. What are, apples 5.—______,do you have any milk?—Sorry, we don’t have_____ A. Sorry, some C. Excuse me, any B . Hello, any D. Excuse me, some 四、按要求完成句子 1. Wang Wei is writing on the blackboard. (改为否定句) Wang Wei ________ ________ on the blackboard 2.The children are swimming in the river.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) ______ the children ______ in the river? Yes, ______ _______. 3.Sally often rides a bike to school.(用 now 改为现在进行时) Sally_______ a bike to school . 4.They don’t have lessons today.(用 now 改写句子) They _______ _________ lessons now. 5.We can keep these books for three days.(就划线部分提问) _________ _________ can you _____ these books? 五、阅读理解 LOST Is this your school bag? My school student card. The bag is black. My name is James. Call the Lost and Found. Please call 7358-6623. Tel:7267-8836 FOUND Thank you very much! Michael: A raincoat. Is that your watch at the Lost and Found? It’s blue. Pleas call the Lost and Found. Steve Tel:7267-8834 格内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. If you find a student card, you can call 7358-6623. ( )2. James can’t find his blue raincoat. ( )3. Michael’s watch is at the Lost and Found. ( )4. Steve’s school bag is black. 根据表 ( )5. You can call 7267-8834 to look for your lost raincoat. 参考答案 一、汉译英 1.当然 ________________ 2.寻找 ________________ 3.准时 ________________ 4.失物招领处 ________________ 5.归还________________ 1.of course 2.look for 3.on time 4.Lost and Found 5.give back 二、根据括号内的要求或汉语、单词提示完成句子 1. —We’ll be home ______(很快)! —That’s great! 2.You must ______ the book to the library on time. 3.There are many ______ and magazines(杂志)in the reading hall. 4.May I ______(借用)your pen? 5.Bad luck! I have no ______ in my wallet. 1.soon 2.return 3.newspapers 4.borrow 5.money 三、选择最佳答案 1. —Excuse me, how long may I ______ your bike? —Two days. A. return 2. —Can I — B. keep C. borrow D. lend your bike? Of course.But you mustn’t A.lend, borrow B. keep, lend C.borrow, keep D.borrow, lend it to others. 3.—_____ do you often go shopping? —______ bus. A. How long, Take B. How, By C. How often, On D. Where, By 4.—_______ on the desk? —A few ______. A. What, apples B. What’s apples C. What’s apple D. What are, apples 5.—______,do you have any milk?—Sorry, we don’t have_____ A. Sorry, some C. Excuse me, any B . Hello, any D. Excuse me, some 1—5 B D B B C 四、按要求完成句子 1. Wang Wei is writing on the blackboard. (改为否定句) Wang Wei ________ ________ on the blackboard 2.The children are swimming in the river.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) ______ the children ______ in the river? Yes, ______ _______. 3.Sally often rides a bike to school.(用 now 改为现在进行时) Sally_______ a bike to school . 4.They don’t have lessons today.(用 now 改写句子) They _______ _________ lessons now. 5.We can keep these books for three days.(就划线部分提问) _________ _________ can you _____ these books? 1.isn’t writing 2.Are swimming, they are 4. aren’t having 3.is riding, now. 5. How long, keep 五、阅读理解 LOST Is this your school bag? My school student card. The bag is black. My name is James. Call the Lost and Found. Please call 7358-6623. Tel:7267-8836 FOUND Thank you very much! Michael: A raincoat. Is that your watch at the Lost and Found? It’s blue. Pleas call the Lost and Found. Steve Tel:7267-8834 根据表格内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. If you find a student card, you can call 7358-6623. ( )2. James can’t find his blue raincoat. ( )3. Michael’s watch is at the Lost and Found. ( )4. Steve’s school bag is black. ( )5. You can call 7267-8834 to look for your lost raincoat. 1---5 TFFFT

doc文档 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B同步练习与提升 2021-2022学年仁爱版英语七年级下册

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