仁爱版英语七年级(下册)同步练习与提升 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A 一、根据句意和首字母、所给汉语、所给词的适当形式填空 1.Wang Tao is ______(run) on the playground. 2.Sally likes to play basketball in the g________. 3.Our school have a big beautiful s______ pool. 4.This is our classroom b______.We study here. 5.Would you like _______(play)basketball? 二、单项选择 ( )1.—What are you ? —I'm A. doing ; looking TV. B. seeing ; seeing C. doing ; watching D. watching; watching ( )2.Listen!Micheal _________ an English song. A. is sing B. sings C. is singing D. to sing ( )3.—Are they dancing in the gym?—Yes, _______. A. they do B. they are C. they aren’t D. they is ( )4. We are having lunch in the _______. A. gym B. classroom C. dining hall D. library ( )5. Maria is ______ an art class now. A. have B. having C. hasing D. to have 三、根据要求变换句型,每空填一词 1. Jane is dancing now. (变为一般疑问句) ___________ Jane __________ now? 2.Hu Ming often runs on the playground.(用 now 改写句子) Hu Ming __________ __________ on the playground now. 3. The boy is playing basketball.(改为否定句) The boy __________ __________ basketball. 4. Are you doing your homework? (做否定回答) __________, __________ __________. 5. The boy is playing computer games in the room.( 就划线部分提问) is the boy computer games? 四、根据图画完成对话。 1. A:Where’s Steve? B:He’s in the ____________. A:What’s he doing? B:He___________. 2. A:Where are Sally and Jane? B:They are at ___________? A:Are they___________? B:Yes, they are. 3. A:Is Michael in the___________? B:Yes, he is. A:What’s he doing? B:He____________. 五、情景交际 1.你想知道对方现在正在做什么,可以这样问: __________________________________________? 2.你想知道对方是否正在看电视,可以这样问: __________________________________________? 3.你想邀请朋友打篮球,可以这样问: __________________________________________? 4.你想说“我正在做卡片,但是做这个有点无聊”,可以这样说: __________________________________________. 参考答案 一、根据句意和首字母、所给汉语、所给词的适当形式填空 1.Wang Tao is ______(run) on the playground. 2.Sally likes to play basketball in the g________. 3.Our school have a big beautiful s______ pool. 4.This is our classroom b______.We study here. 5.Would you like _______(play)basketball? 1.running 2.gym 3.swimming 4.building 5.to play 二、单项选择 ( )1.—What are you ? —I'm A. doing ; looking C. doing ; watching TV. B. seeing ; seeing D. watching; watching ( )2.Listen!Micheal _________ an English song. A. is sing B. sings C. is singing D. to sing ( )3.—Are they dancing in the gym?—Yes, _______. A. they do B. they are C. they aren’t D. they is ( )4. We are having lunch in the _______. A. gym B. classroom C. dining hall ( )5. Maria is ______ an art class now. D. library A. have B. having C. hasing D. to have 1—5 C C B C B 三、根据要求变换句型,每空填一词 1. Jane is dancing now. (变为一般疑问句) ___________ Jane __________ now? 2.Hu Ming often runs on the playground.(用 now 改写句子) Hu Ming __________ __________ on the playground now. 3. The boy is playing basketball.(改为否定句) The boy __________ __________ basketball. 4. Are you doing your homework? (做否定回答) __________, __________ __________. 5. The boy is playing computer games in the room.( 就划线部分提问) is the boy computer games? 1.Is, dancing 2.is running 3.isn’t playing 4.No, I’m not 5.Where, playing 四、根据图画完成对话。 1. A:Where’s Steve?? B:He’s in the ____________.? A:What’s he doing?? B:He___________. 2. A:Where are Sally and Jane?? B:They are at ___________? A:Are they___________?? B:Yes, they are. 3. A:Is Michael in the___________? B:Yes, he is.? A:What’s he doing?? B:He____________. 1.gym, is playing basketball 2.home, having dinner 3.library, is reading a book 五、情景交际 1.你想知道对方现在正在做什么,可以这样问: __________________________________________? 2.你想知道对方是否正在看电视,可以这样问: __________________________________________? 3.你想邀请朋友打篮球,可以这样问: __________________________________________? 4.你想说“我正在做卡片,但是做这个有点无聊”,可以这样说: __________________________________________. 1.What are you doing now 2.Are you watching TV 3.Would you like to play basketball 4.I’m making cards, but it’s boring

doc文档 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A同步练习与提升2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语下册

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