备战高考英语时政热点冬奥会题型专练——语法填空 (三) A After months of ____1____ (expect), the official mascot (吉祥物) of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games-a giant panda-inspired cartoon character-made ____2____ (it) first public debut (初次登台) with cheers at Beijing’s Shougang Ice Hockey Arena. The panda is named “Bing Dwen Dwen” in Chinese. Bing means “ice” in Chinese, while Dwen Dwen suggests “health and ____3____ (clever) ”-characteristics also shared by pandas. Pandas are perhaps the most ____4____ (recognize) animal species in China, organizers said. “Pandas combine China’s traditional culture and its modern appearance together with winter sports elements in a fascinating image ____5____ shows our hope for the Games and shows that we welcome the world,” said Beijing Mayor Chen Jining, who also serves ____6____ an executive president on the organizing committee. “I have already seen the mascot and from ____7____ I’ve seen, it’s a wonderful choice,” IOC President Thomas Bach said before ____8____ (introduce) the character. “The mascot really takes in the best elements and characteristics of China and the Chinese people. It will be a great ambassador (大使) for the country and the 24th Winter Olympics.” The introduction of the mascots marks the key point of a journey that began in August 2018, ____9____ Beijing organizers started a global design competition for the mascots. A total of 5,816 designs _____10_____ (receive) from 35 countries, and Chinese and international experts reviewed them in a comprehensive evaluation and selection process. B What are the Olympic Games? The modern Olympic Games, also called the Olympics, are ____11____ international athletic competition of sporting events between athletes representing their country. There are two related but separate events ____12____ (call) the Olympic Games, ____13____ are usually called the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics. The Winter Games feature winter sports, ____14____ (include) figure skating, skiing, snowboarding, and many others. The Summer Games feature traditionally warm weather and indoor sports, like track and field, swimming, and basketball, among many others. The Olympic Games are sometimes referred to as the Olympiad or the Games of the Olympiad, often with the number of the current event. For example, the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo will be known as the Games of the XXXII Olympiad. The event is also ____15____ (common) referred to with the name of the host city, as in the Tokyo Olympics. Athletes who compete ____16____ the Olympic Games are called Olympians. At the Olympic Games, the top three finishers in each event ____17____ (award) Olympic medals: gold for first place, silver for ____18____ (two) place, and bronze for third place. Because the Olympic Games often feature the ____19____(good) athletes in the world, winning a medal-or even competing-in them is considered one of the highest athletic ____20____ (achieve). C Smart, cozy and accessible, Beijing’s Winter Olympic Village has all the elements needed to provide athletes with a safe and comfortable home away ____21____ home during next year’s Games. As promised in its bidding submission, Beijing's commitment to ____22____(host) “athlete-centered” Games has materialized in ____23____ big way, with 20 residential buildings — all furnished and decorated to a high standard and fitted with fresh-air ventilation systems—____24____(complete) this month well ahead of the opening ceremony on Feb 4. Situated in the northern part of the city’s downtown against the backdrop of the Bird’s Nest, the Beijing Olympic Village, which ____25____(cover) an area of 330,000 square meters, is the largest of three official residential areas built for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The Beijing village will undergo an operational test ____26____(late) this month with all facilities, ____27____(serve) and COVID-19 control and prevention measures to be evaluated. Should the test go well, the village will initiate a trial run on Jan 23 before ____28____(official) opening on Jan27. “We are trying to make the village a safe and comfortable home for every athlete and official, ____29____ they can enjoy themselves and be as relaxed as possible ______30______ experience some of the cultural characteristics of the host city at the same time,” said Yang Jingfeng, deputy director of resident services for the village operation team. D The “Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Night” gala was held on Monday in Rome. Over a hundred guests from I

doc文档 备战2022届高考英语时政热点冬奥会题型专练——语法填空(三)

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