中考英语考纲词汇练习一 ☆Ability~Along II. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms. 1.There are no __________ on the BBC. (advertise) 2.Shall I __________ your name to the list? (addition) 3.He always takes an __________ part in all the __________. (act) 4.They gave lots of __________ to people with HIV and AIDS. (advise) 5.Our __________ in New York deal with all US sales. (agent) 6.The woman in white is one of the most famous __________ in Europe. (actress) 7.The system has the __________ to run more than one program at the same time. (able) 8.We usually go to Yinfa Home for the __________ on Friday.(age) 9.We didn’t want to make the final decision unless most of us __________ on it. (agreement) 10.Although the pyramids did not protect the bodies of the kings and queens, they have served to keep their names and stories __________ to this day. (live) 【难度】★★ 【答案】1. advertisements 5. agents 2. add 6. actresses 7. ability 3. active; activities 4. advice 8.aged 9.agreed 10.alive III. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.( 根据提示 完成下列句子。) 1.She always ______________________________(积极参加) singing contests. 2.She’s decided ______________________________(不接受这份工作). 3.His laziness makes it possible for him ______________________________( 取 得成功). 4.We had better ______________________________(接受医生的建议) and eat a balanced diet. 5.As one of the best universities in the world, New York University attracts excellent students ______________________________(来自国内外). 6.On a Monday morning, Li Jin and Linda were ______________________________(谈论他们如何度过周末的). 7.Soccer ______________________________(成为最流行的户外活动 ) among young people in recent years. 8.I ___________________________ (害怕独自外出) at night. 9.At first her parents did not ___________________________ (同意她的决定) because nurses were looked down on at that time. 【难度】★★ 【答案】1. takes an active part in 2. not to accept this job 3. to achieve success 4. take/follow the doctor’s advice 5. from (both) home and abroad 6. talking about how they had spent their weekend 7. has become the most popular outdoor activity 8. am afraid of going out alone 9. agreed to her decision IV. Complete the following sentences with proper words. The first letter of each word has been given. 1.This machine only a__________ coins. 2.My father used to travel by a__________ a great deal when he was young. 3.They are the people who can a__________ help you. 4.One in seven a__________ is caused by sleepy drivers. 5.Our kindergarten cannot accept children a__________ the age of 10. 6.The letter was correctly a__________, but delivered to the wrong house. 7.One of the many a__________ of living in Shanghai is that you can eat out at almost any time of day. 8.Today deaf people are a__________ to use a special display telephone to communicate. 9.I got a ladder( 梯子 ) from the shed in the garden, and put it a__________ the wall. 【难度】★★ 【答案】1. accepts 5. above 9. against 2. airplane 3. actually 6. addressed 7. advantages V. Sentence transformation. 1. He looks honest, but in fact he is a cheat. 4. accidents 8.able He looks honest, but __________ he is a cheat. 2.I try to do my job as well as I can. I try to do my job to the best of my __________. 3.What’s more, some pets are very dirty and they make a lot of noise. __________ __________, some pets are very dirty and they make a lot of noise. 4.I have the same opinion as you. I __________ __________ you. I __________ __________ __________ __________ with you. 【难度】★★ 【答案】1. actually 2. ability 3. In addition 4.agree with; see eye to eye ☆Already ~ Average II. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms. 1. My __________ is to be an architect when I leave school.(ambitious) 2. In the 20th century, there were many __________ inventions.(amaze) 3. If I fail to __________ by 7 o’clock, I will not be coming at all.(disappear) 4. She __________ to her friend for not being able to write to him last month. (apology) 5. The woman walked out of the shop __________ and decided to punish the assistant the next day.(angry) 6. Have you __________ to meet him?(arrangement) 7. I was pleased to hear that he __________ home safely.(arrival) 8. Breathing is an __________ function of the body.(automatically) 9. They divided themselves into two groups: the writers and the __________.(art) 10. Yesterday we had a debate. We __________ about whether we should encourage people to keep pets.(argu

doc文档 2022年中考英语考纲词汇练习一Ability~Along

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