2022 学年牛津上海版英语七年级第二学期语言点及练习 unit3 一、语言点整理 1. (1)She has been a teacher since 1997 自 1997 年以来,她一直是一名教师。 (2)She has been a teacher for quite a few years. 她当教师已经好些年了。  since 是现在完成时的一个标志词  请注意,since 后接“一个时间点”,如:since last Monday/three o’clock 等。Since 还 可以引导时间状语从句,一般来说从句要使用过去时。如 : He has been a teacher since he left the university.  for 后则接“一段时间”,如:for two hours/months 等,又如:Aunt Judy and Uncle Jack have lived in Los Angeles for six years.  现在完成时基本结构: have/ has done(动词的过去分词)。  在现在完成时的句子中如果有 since/for 引导的时间状语,句子中的谓语就表示持续 的动作涵义,必须使用持续性动词,而不可使用短暂性动词。 Eg: 1) I have been in the club for three years. √ 2) I have joined the club for three years. X (join 是短暂性动词) 对 since/for 引导的时间状语提问要使用 How long  She has been a teacher for a quite a few years. 她当老师有好几年了? How long has she been a teacher? 她当老师多久了? 2. Aunt Betty works in a company in Beijing, doesn’t she?贝蒂姨妈在北京一家公司工作,对吗? (1) 反义疑问句结构:陈述句,+助动词/be 动词/情态动词(肯 or 否) +主语的人称代词 (2) 陈述部分为肯定,疑问部分为否定;陈述句部分为否定,那么疑问部分必须为肯定 (3) 在反义疑问句中陈述部分的动词和时态必须与疑问部分的动词和时态相匹配 (4) 疑问部分只能使用人称代词,如 you, he,we, they 等,不能使用名字或名词,如 Tom, her aunt 等都是不行的。 (5) 当陈述部分含有有否定词如 never, no, few, little hardly seldom 等时,陈述部分为否定 句,这时疑问部分必须为肯定 (6) 当陈述部分含有由 un-, im-, in-, dis-等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分还是 肯定句,后面的疑问部分仍然要使用否定形式。Your father is unhappy, isn’t he? (7) 所有的祈使句,包括 Let us…, 疑问部分用 will you? (8) Let’s … 疑问部分用 shall we? (9) 反义疑问句回答:根据实际情况作答;回答方式同一般疑问句; 3. A farmer grows vegetables in fields. 农民在田地里种蔬菜。 (1)句中的 grow 做 v. 意为:种植。 (2)曾在 6B 出现的 grow bigger,grow 意为“长大; 4. A watch is used for telling the time. 手表是用来了解时间的。 第1页 共8页 (1) 当一个物做主语时,常用 be used for doing 可用于表示“(某物)被用来……”也可以 是:be used to do (2) 区别 used to do 过去常常做某事;be used to doing 习惯于做某事 (3) tell the time 报时 5. quite a few years = many years 许多年 quite 表示相当,十分,和 rather/very 意义比较接近 6. He catches thieves and help keep the city safe. 他抓小偷,保持城市的安全。 Keep sb./ sth. + adj: 使…保持某种状态 Help sb. (to) do/ help sb. With sth. 帮助某人做某事 二、语言点复习 1. _________________________________________________自 1997 年以来,她一直是一名 教师。 _______________________________________________________她当教师已经好些年了。 _____________________________________________________ 她当老师多久了? 2._____________________________________________________________________________ __贝蒂姨妈在北京一家公司工作,对吗? (1)所有的祈使句,包括 Let us…, 疑问部分用 __________________________ (2) Let’s … 疑问部分用________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 农民在田地里种蔬菜。 4. _________________________________________________________手表是用来了解时间的。 _______________________________________________可用于表示“(某物)被用来……” ___________________________过去常常做某事;________________________习惯于做某 事 ____________________________________报时 6._____________________________________________________ 他抓小偷,保持城市的安全。 ___________________________使…保持某种状态 _______________________. 帮助某人做某事 三、练习 I. Choose the best answer. ( ) 1. Kitty’s father is _______ architect, while her mother is _______engineer. A. a, an B. an, the C. an, an D. the, the ( ) 2. He has lived Shanghai ______1990. It means he has been here _____20 years. A. in, for B. since, for C. in, since D. for, since ( ) 3. Mr. Brown taught _________English last term. 第2页 共8页 A. we B. our C. us D. ours ( ) 4. Nancy’s sister works _______ architect in a big company. A. an B. as a C. a D. as an ( ) 5. ---_________has John learned Chinese words? ---For quite a few months. A. How long B. When C. How many D. What year ( ) 6.Although Tom is new here, he has ______ good friends. A. had a little B. made quite a few C. known few D. seen many ( ) 7. ---Where is your cousin? ---He_______to Japan. He ________ there twice before. A. has been, has gone B. has left, has gone C. has gone, has been D. has left, has been ( ) 8. How long have they _______ the bicycles? A. kept B. bought C. borrowed D. sold CBCDA BCA II. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 1. A policeman’s job is __________ (catch) ________ (thief) to make our city ________( safety). 2. I would like to be an ________ (engine) because I’m interested in__________ (design) machines. 3. Tom is a ________ (wait). He ________(work) in a big restaurant. 4. My father is a well-known_________. He can ________different kinds of foods. (cook) 5. I thank to all my ________ (coach) for _________ (train) me so hard, or I would fail. 6. Look, two ___________ (policeman) are walking in the street. 1.to catch thieves safe 2.engineer,designing 3.waiter works 4.cook cook 5.coaches training 6.policemen III. Complete the following passage with the wordsin the box. Each can

doc文档 unit3语言点及练习2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语七年级下学期

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