9 年级冲刺中考词汇专项(词汇 BCDE) B.根据括号中的英文释义写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1. Here is good news for you! Our football team goes to the _________ (the last of a series of competitions). 2. This company made a lot of money in the cotton _________ (the activity of buying and selling). 3. Our government will try to do something to give enough food and _________ (a place to live or stay) to the poor people. 4. We didn't know what caused the man's _________ (the state of being unable to see). 5. Huang Li is so helpful that he is ready to _________ (fix)his classmates' stationery. 6. The car crashed when one of the _________ (the round objects under a car that runs when it moves) flew off. 7._________ (the number after 89)per cent of students recommended Chen Dan for this year's Youth Award. 8. - When did you _________ (come back) from the UK? - Last week. 9. Sudden death is a _________ (bad or dangerous) problem for young people who always overwork. 10. Jay is one of his _________ (someone you admire because of a particular quality or skill that they have). 11. The _________ (someone in his or her teens)from our school join the Birdwatching Club happily. 12. The soldier _________ (continue to live or exist) many wars. 13. All of us should _________ (keep sb or sth safe from danger, injury, etc. ) the rare red - crowned cranes. 14. How lucky he was! He was trapped under the ground, but he remained _________ (living, not dead). 15. After a short rest, the farmers _________ (keep doing sth) picking up the apples. 16. Don't walk _________ (from one side to the other) the street when the traffic lights are red. 17. The basketball player has lots of _________ (a person who admires sb) in China. 18. - What's wrong with the old man? He can't hear us. - Maybe he is _________ (unable to hear). 19. We should try our best to prevent water _________ (the state of being dirty) because people can't live without water. 20. If you live in a new city without friends, you can be very _________ (unhappy because you are not with other people). 21. When you walk through the _________ (a large area of land that is thickly covered with trees) without a map, you may get lost in it. 22. Though these cars are _________ (costing a lot of money), some farmers can afford them. 23. The _________ (a place where planes land and take off and that buildings for passengers to wait in) in Nantong is larger than before. 24. He is badly ill. The doctor is _________ (cut open someone's body in order to remove a part that has a disease or to repair a part that is damaged) on him. C.根据句意写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1. Look! Your room is in a complete _________ . How untidy it is! 2. My grandpa always drinks a glass of water after he gets up every morning. He has had the good _________ for many years. 3. You must get lots of rest if you are feeling weak. _________ , you might get sick. 4. You need to go _________ the tunnel to get to the other side of the city. 5. Forests can _________ the sand from moving towards the farmlands. 6. Bad weather may cause _________ disasters. 7. What _________ should we take to protect giant pandas? 8. _________ is the fifth day of a week. 9. Orange represents _________ . If you are unhappy, you can wear orange clothes. 10. Knowledge is _________ .We can do things well if we have enough knowledge. 11. - Did James invite you to his party? - Yes. But I had to _________ it because it was hard for me to spare time for it. 12. You are _________ enough to wait without getting angry. 13. They say Lily will go to England for _________ study. How lucky she is! 14. I am the host, and one of my _________ is to introduce each star. 15. It's not so good to make the student stand if he answers the question _________ . 16. - What is the day after Monday, Simon? - It's _________ . 17. He was _________ before the eye operation. Now he can see things clearly. 18. The children are making so much _________ outside. Please tell them to be quiet. 19. The bottle was full yesterday, but now it's _________ . Perhaps Tom has drunk all the juice in it. 20. You'd better answer the question _________ in class to make others hear you clearly. 21. We have Chinese, English, Maths, Physics and other _________ in school. 22. Sixty minutes is an hour and fifteen minutes is a _________ . 23. The _________ is a kind of bird with beautiful feathers. It can speak. 24. Our teacher told us that a friend in need is a friend _________ . 25. The sign "No _________ "tells you not to stop your car here. D.根据句意,用

doc文档 2022年中考英语冲刺词汇专项(BCDE)

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