57 北京冬奥会闭幕式十二生肖演绎中国式浪漫 2022 年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练 北京冬奥会闭幕式十二生肖演绎中国式浪漫 北京 2022 年冬奥会闭幕式伊始,12 辆晶莹剔透的冰鞋车在孩子们的簇拥下被推入鸟巢。 参照中国民间虎头鞋的造型,12 辆车子仿若十二生肖冰鞋,并在短短 2 分钟内,以车轮痕迹组成了 巨大的中国结轮廓。车身上的生肖头像也与地面的中国结相映成趣,再次巧妙地向全球观众展现了中国文 化的浪漫与趣味。 一、完型填空 Every Chinese has his or her own Chinese zodiac sign (known as Sheng Xiao), and so does each year. 2020 is the Year of the Rat. The rat is also the first in the rotation (循环) of the 12 zodiac signs. Of the many stories that ___1___ these animal signs and their arrangement (安排), the most famous one is that of the Great Race. As the story goes, Jade Emperor, or Yudi, wanted to find a way to measure (测量) ___2___. So he organized a race. The first twelve animals to make it across a river would have a place on the zodiac calendar in the order they ___3___. The rat rose with the sun to get an early start. ___4___ the rat was small and couldn’t swim very well, he asked some bigger animals for help. While the tiger and horse refused, the ___5___ ox agreed to carry the rat across. Yet, just as they were about to reach the other side of the river, the rat___6___ the ox’s head and won first place. The ox came in second, with the powerful tiger right___7___ him. The rabbit who was small but afraid of falling behind jumped across stones and logs (木头) ___8___ and came in fourth. Next came the dragon, the snake and the horse. Then Jade Emperor looked out at the river and found the sheep, the monkey and the rooster were on raft (木 筏). They worked together to push it across the river. When they made it across, the three agreed to give the ___9___ place to the sheep, followed by the monkey and the rooster. Next came the dog. The last animal was the pig, who had gotten hungry and stopped ____10____ and sleep before finally reaching the finish line. So, each year is connected with one of the animals in this order. 1.A.prove B.question C.explain 2.A.rotation B.time C.arrangement 3.A.started B.arrived C.stayed 4.A.Because B.If C.When 5.A.hard-working B.open-minded C.kind-hearted 6.A.fell off B.jumped off C.climbed to 7.A.behind B.before C.beside 8.A.lazily B.quietly C.quickly 9.A.seventh B.eighth C.ninth 10.A.eating B.running C.to eat 【答案】 1-5. CBBAC 6-10.BACBC 【短文分析】 文章主要介绍了中国十二生肖的排列顺序的由来。 【答案解析】 【第 1 题】句意:在许多解释这些动物标志及其排列的故事中。 prove 证明;question 质疑;explain 解释;根据句意理解及后句 the most famous one is that of the Great Race. As the story goes, Jade Emperor, or Yudi, wanted to find a way to measure (测量)   2  .可知,这里说的是 “解释”,故选 C。 【第 2 题】句意:故事说,玉帝想找到一种方法来衡量时间。 rotation 旋转;time 时间;arrangement 安排;根据句意理解及常识以及文章最后 So, each year is connected with one of the animals in this order.可知,这里指的是“时间”,故选 B。 【第 3 题】句意:第一批过河的十二只动物将按照它们到达的顺序在黄道历法上占有一席之地。 started 开始;arrived 到达;stayed 停留;根据句意理解及后文 Yet, just as they were about to reach the other side of the river, the rat  6   the ox’s head and won first place. The ox came in second 可知,这里指的是 “按照到达的顺序排列”,故选 B。 【第 4 题】句意:因为老鼠很小,不会游泳,所以他向一些大的动物求助。 Because 因为;If 如果;When 当……时;根据句意理解可知,the rat was small and couldn’t swim very well, he asked some bigger animals for help.两句之间是因果关系,且前句是表示原因,所以用 because 引导,故选 A。 【第 5 题】句意:当老虎和马拒绝时,心地善良的牛同意把老鼠扛过去。 hard-working 努力工作的;open-minded 思想开放的;kind-hearted 热心的;根据句意理解及前句 While the tiger and horse refused 和后句的 agreed 可知,这里说的是“牛很热心”,故选 C。 【第 6 题】句意:老鼠从牛头上跳下来,赢得了第一名。 fell off 摔下来;jumped off 跳下来;climbed to 爬到……;根据句意理解及后句 won first place 可知,这里指 的是“从牛头上跳下来”,故选 B。 【第 7 题】句意:公牛排在第二,强大的老虎紧随其后。 behind 在……后面;before 在……之前;beside 在……旁边;根据句意理解及前句 The ox came in second 可 知,这里表达的是“紧随其后”,所以用 behind,故选 A。 【第 8 题】句意:那只兔子虽小,但害怕落在后面,它很快跳过石头和圆木,名列第四。 lazily 懒惰地;quietly 安静地;quickly 快速地;根据句意理解及后句 came in fourth 可知,这里表达的是“快 速地跳过”,故选 C。 【第 9 题】句意:三个人同意把第八位让给羊。 seventh 第七;eighth 第八;ninth 第九;根据句意理解及上文的描述 Yet, just as they were about to reach the other side of the river, the rat  6   the ox’s head and won first place. The ox came in second, with the powerful tiger right  7   him. The rabbit who was small but afraid of falling behind jumped across stones and logs (木头)   8   and came in fourth. Next came the dragon, the snake and the horse.可知,这里指的是 “羊排在第八位”,故选 B。 【第 10 题】句意:最后一个动物是猪,它饿了,停下来吃东西睡觉,最后才到达终点线。 eating 吃,现在分词或者动名词形式;running 跑,现在分词或者动名词形式;to eat 吃,动词不定式;根据 句意理解及前句 who had gotten hungry 和后句 and sleep 可知,这里表达的是“停下来去吃”,英语是 stop to do sth,故选 C。 二、阅读单选 A The most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people, it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The date of the Chinese New year is the first

doc文档 57 北京冬奥会闭幕式十二生肖演绎中国式浪漫 2022年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练

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