浙江省部分学校 2021-2022 学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题分类汇编 阅读理解 浙江省定海第一中学 2021-2022 学年高一下学期开学考英语试卷 第一节(共 12 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Playing tennis regularly could help keep people off death, but football, rugby and running may not help people to live longer, a study suggests. A study followed more than 80,000 people for an average of nine years to find out if certain sports protected them against early death. It found that people who played racket sports regularly were the least likely to die over the study period, reducing their individual risk by 47 percent compared with people who did no exercise. Swimmers also reduced their chance of death by 28 percent, aerobics (有氧运动) fans by 27 percent and cyclists by 15 percent. Yet running appeared to have no impact at all on dying early, and neither did playing football or rugby. Scientists say the difference may lie in the social aspect which goes alongside sports like tennis and squash (壁球), which often involve clubs and organized activities outside of the game. It means that people often have larger social net-works and tend to keep up activities into later life, both of which are proven to be good for health. In contrast, people who play team sports often do not move onto a new sport once their teams break up for family, or injury reasons. They become watchers rather than participants in their chosen activity. The researchers found that playing racket sports was associated with a 56 percent lower risk from heart death. Similarly, swimmers lowered their heart disease or stroke risk by 41 percent, and people who took part in activities like aerobics, dance or gymnastics lowered their risk by 36 percent. But again running, football and rugby had no significant impact on heart deaths. However, other experts argue that this study must not be misinterpreted as showing that running and football do not protect against heart disease. In this study both runners and footballers had a lower rate of death from heart disease. 1. Which sport has hardly any impact on protecting people against early death? A. Cycling. B. Swimming. C. Rugby. D. Tennis. 2. According to the study, which makes a big difference in keeping healthy? A. Playing basketball with their friends occasionally. B. Watching football games every day. C. Taking up gymnastics and joining a club. D. Doing running in the park every day. 3. What is considered more important to people's health? A. Social networks. B. Staying at home. C. Physical examinations. D. Setting up families. 4. What is the main idea of the text? A. Thousands of people participated in a 9-year research. B. Study finds playing tennis helps people live longer. . C It is wrong to say running has no impact on heart disease. D. There are differences between racket sports and team games. B Computers have become amazingly exact at translating spoken words to text messages and searching a large supply of valuable information for answers to difficult questions. At least, that is, so long as you speak English or other world's main languages. But try talking to your phone in Yoruba, Igbo or any number of widely spoken African languages and you'll find difficulty in accessing information, trade and other benefits of the global tech economy. American tech giants don't have a long history of making their language technology work well outside the wealthiest markets, a problem that has also made it harder for them to discover dangerous misinformation on their platforms. Google, for instance, upset members of the Yoruba community when its language app mistranslated a nice African god as a devil. Part of the reason is that there's just not enough online data in those languages for the Al systems to effectively learn how to get better at understanding them. "We are getting to the point where if a machine doesn't understand your language, it will be like it never existed," said Vukosi Marivate, who has devoted some of his Al research to the southern African languages of Xitsonga and Setswana. "Considering our history, some of the bias(偏见)is intentional. The history of the African continent and in general in colonized(殖 民化的)countries, is that when language had to be translated, it was translated in a very narrow way," Marivate added. However, Google and Microsoft are among the companies that say they are trying to improve technology for so-called "low-resource" languages that Al systems don't have enough data for. Computer scientists at Met

doc文档 浙江省部分学校2021-2022学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题分类汇编:阅读理解

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