2021 届高中英语新高考语法考点复习讲义(五) 时态语态命题解题方法法(含语法填空单句改错针对练习与解 析) 动词的时态语态,在语篇型语法填空和短文改错中是考查的重点,在语 法填空和短文改错中是必考内容,其重要性不言而喻。 命题法 1:句中有明显时间状语 典 例 1: In recent years,stress ______(regard) as a cause of a whole range of madical problems. 【答案】has been regarded 句中时间状语 in recent years 是现 在完成时的标志,再根据主谓被动关系,选择被动语态。 【解题法】做时态题首先看整个句子中是否有明显的时间状语,如果有, 判断时间状语表示的时间,所以要牢记一些典型的时间状语,如过去时 的时间状语:ago,the other day,in 1997,in the past 等,现 在 完 成 时 的 时 间 状 语 : so far, up to now, ever since,in the past/last few years 等。 命题法 2:句中没有明显的时间状语 典 例 2: A boy on a bike ________ (catch) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. [ 答 案 ]caught 句 中 没 有 明 确 的 时 间 状 语 , 但 根 据 语 境 中 的 was riding 可知,叙述过去的事情。 【解题法】语境能够提示动作发生的时间和背景。在语法填空中,考查动 词的时态是给出提示词的。首先分析句子结构,判断句中缺少谓语动词, 再结合语境,得出这个动作应该发生在什么时候,最后选择相应的时态。 在短文改错中,首先通读全文确定全文的主要时态,再结合语境,判断并 选择正确的时态。 命题法 3:在主从复合句中考查时态语态 典例 3: It was raining when I ________ (arrive)there. [答案]arrived 分析句子结构可知,when 引导时间状语从句,设空处 在从句中作谓语,根据本句中的 was raining 可知,此处应该用一般过 去时。 典例 4: 改错 If we will not start now,we'll be late. [答案]will→do 条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。 【解题法】要了解主从复合句前后时态的呼应:如果主句是一般将来时, 那么在由 when, before, until, if, as soon as 等引导的表示将来的时 间状语从句和条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时;若主句 为一般过去时,则从句也用相应的过去的某种时态。 命题法 4:固定句式中考查时态语态。 典 例 5: lt is the fi rst time that l _____(visit) the Summer Palace. [答案] have visited 【 解 题 法 】 熟 记 一 些 固 定 句 式 , 如 lt is/was the fi rst/second...that sb. have done/had done...;It i s/was 段时 间 +since sb. + 过 去 时 / 过 去 完 成 时 ; hardly...when ; no sooner... than 等。 【总结经验】 关注句中“动作与时间” 时态语态不分家 分清谓语和非谓语 时态语态单句语法填空 1.—Where is Peter? I can't find him anywhere. —He went to the library after breakfast and________ (write) his essay there ever since. 2.At college, Barack Obama didn't know that he________(become) the first black president of the United States of America. 3.The reports went missing ________(see) them since. in2012 and nobody 4.—Hi, let's go skating. —Sorry, I'm busy rightnow. I ________(fill) in an application form for a new job. 5.She ________(phone) someone, soI nodded to her and went away. 6.—Sunny Taxi Service. Can I help you? —My plane________(take)off at 11 : 30in the morning. Can you send a taxi no later than 9 o'clock? 7.Jack doesn't smoke now, but he________(smoke) for almost twenty years. 8.I________(drink) a cup of coffee when a new idea occurred to me. 9.I'm afraid I can't recognize Ann when we meet, for I ________(see) her for 30 years. 10.In order to make up the missing notes, he ________(try) his best to spend as much spare time as possible doing this job these days. 11.To my delight,I________(choose) from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 12.It is reported that a space station________(build) on the moon in years to come. 13.It _____(report) that many people die of traffic accidents each year. 14.The professor was delighted to find that two thirds of the project________(finish) by the students independently. 15.Unless some extra money________(find) , the theatre will close. 16.—What's up? The house is in a mess. —Oh, I forgot to tell you. It________(paint). 17 . “ Remember to put on more clothes , ” Mother said on the phone.“Cold weather ________ (expect) to come tomorrow morning.” 18. — Excuse me, is the book “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell available now? —Sorry, but it ________(sell) so well that we don't have any in store. 19.—That must have been a terrible experience . —Yeah. I ________(stick) in the damaged car, unable to move. 20.This brand of knife is quite popular with customers, for it ________ (cut) well. 【Answers】 1.has been writing 句意:——彼特在哪?我哪也找不到他。——早饭后他去了图书馆,从那 以后他一直在那写论文。根据句中的时间状语 ever since 可知,write 这一动作从过去某一时刻一直持续到现在,故用现在完成进行时。 2.was to become/would become 句意:在上大学时,巴拉克·奥巴马不知道他将成为美国第一位黑人总统。 根据句意可知,“上大学”发生在过去,从过去的时间看将来,要用过去将 来时。 3.has seen 句意:这些报告在 2012 年就丢失了,此后再也没人见到过它们。由题干 中的 since 可知,本题应用现在完成时。 4.am filling 句意:——嗨!让我们去滑冰吧!——很抱歉,我现在很忙。我正在填申 请新工作的表。此处表示正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时。 5.was phoning 句意:她当时正在给别人打电话,因此我朝她点了一下头就走开了。根据 句意可知,此处表示“当时她正在打电话”,所以用过去进行时。 6.takes 句意:——阳光出租车服务。我能帮您吗? ——我要乘坐的航班上午 11:30 起飞,你能在 9 点前派一辆出租车吗?介绍飞机、火车等公共交 通工具的时刻表常用一般现在时。 7.smoked 句意:杰克现在不抽烟了,但他(曾经)抽了近 20 年。题干中有延续性的 时间状语 foralmost twenty years,表示的是与现在无关的过去动作, 应该用一般过去时。 8.was drinking 句意:我正在喝咖啡时突然想出来一个好主意。从 occurred 可知主句表 示过去的动作正在进行,故用过去进行时。 9.have not seen 句意:恐怕当我们相见时我都认不出 Ann 了,因为我 30 年没见她了。此 处指从过去到现在已经 30 年了,故用现在完成时。 10.has been trying/ is trying 句意:为了补丢失的笔记,他这些天一直在努力用尽可能多的业余时间做 这项工作。根据句意及 these days 可知,此处强调从过去某个时间开始 到现在一直在做的事情,因

docx文档 2021届高中英语新高考语法考点复习讲义(五)时态语态命题解题方法法(含语法填空单句改错针对练习与解析)

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