2022 年中考英语最新热点时文阅读-中国力量 题型 主要内容 1 完形填空 中国在抗疫过程中作出的贡献、接受的援助和中国下一步的工作计划 2 阅读理解 介绍了中国文化现在不仅在国内而且在国外越来越流行 3 阅读理解 介绍了中国的国家形象在逐步提升 4 阅读理解 说明年轻人拥有日益高涨的爱国主义精神以及其背后的原因 01 (广东省深圳市高级中学 2020-2021 学年八年级下学期 6 月月考英语试题) China is sharing its experience and lessons in this battle of the COVID-19 with other countries and trying its best to ____1____ help for those people badly affected by the disease. During earlier stages of the domestic outbreak, China ____2____ much support from the international society. Now we have passed the most difficult time of the battle. While the ____3____ of the virus in China has been basically prevented, global infections( 感染) are greatly increasing. China has sent expert teams to several countries, including Italy, Serbia, Pakistan, Iran, England, France, Germany and Burma, to offer medical help. At the same time, China has provided some medical supplies and protective equipment, such as test boxes, Chinese ____4____, breathing machines and masks to some foreign countries and regions. China has given away 20 million dollars to WHO to help the ____5____ to try to stop the spread of virus and help ____6____ the public health of other developing countries. Chinese health departments and experts also have kept in _____7_____ with more than 100 countries and regions. These medical measures have shown that China is a cohesive(凝聚力的) and ____8____ country that is willing to bring advantages to the world. In the next step, China will deepen international cooperation on developing drugs and vaccines(疫苗) ____9____ the virus and guide its foreign medical aid networks in over 50 foreign countries to help local regions ____10____ the disaster of the virus. China also will hold the meeting of G20 health ministers. 1.A.ask B.provide C.offer D.give 2.A.received B.kept C.prepared D.refused 3.A.fear B.pain C.spread D.communication 4.A.dishes B.medicine C.message D.food 5.A.hospital B.office C.organization D.government 6.A.improve B.discover C.explore D.change 7.A.agreement B.expression C.touch D.connect 8.A.faithful B.attractive C.responsible D.friendly 9.A.against B.with C.from D.for 10.A.take place B.deal with C.suffer from D.in control of 02 (2021 年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区初中毕业生学业适应性考试英语试题)“Made in China” is having its moment now—and it’s a fashionable one. The story of Chinese fashion began in 2011 when Feiyue and Huili, both Chinese shoe brands ( 品 牌), suddenly had international attention. Their products were seen on models all over the world. Shaun Rein a manager of CMR Jin Qu a manager from a clothing shopping website in China In fact, many famous people in the west now are also crazy about Chinese cultural elements in fashion. Robyn Rihanna Fenty, a US singer, for example, wore a shiny and heavily embroidered ( 刺 绣 ) dress to an important show. The dress was designed and made by Chinese designer Guo Pei. Aric Chen a Chinese-American architect (建筑师) and designer 根据短文从各题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 11.All of the following are Chinese brands except ________. A.Feiyue B.Huili C.Laoganma D.Rihanna 12.The underlined word “elements” means “_____” in Chinese. A.内涵 B.多元性 C.元素 D.认同感 13.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage? A.A US singer wore a shiny, heavily embroidered dress designed by Aric Chen. B.Western culture interests China’s young people much more than before. C.Chinese culture is now becoming more and more popular not only at home but abroad. D.“Designed in China” will never take the place of “Made in China”. 14.What does the writer want to express, using the example of Rihanna? A.To show people in the west are fond of Chinese cultural elements. B.To prove Aric Chen is a fashionable celebrity (名人). C.To describe how beautiful Rihanna looked in the dress. D.To introduce Chinese designer Guo Pei. 15.Where is the passage most probably from? A.A book for teenagers B.A culture report C.A celebrity (名人) poster D.A website for fashion 03 (山西省晋中市灵石县 2020-2021 学年九年级下学期期中英语试题)What do people around the world think of China? According to a global(全球的)survey published on Sept 15, 2020, China’s national image is improving. The survey was done by the China International Publishing Group and Kantar, a leading data and consulting company. More than 11,000 people from 22 countries, including the US and France took part in it. In the 2019 report, China scored 6.3 points out of 10, rising from 5.8 points in 2013. Generally, developing countries had b

doc文档 15 中国力量-2022年中考英语最新热点时文阅读

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