2021-2022 学年江西省南昌市南昌县七年级(上)期末英语试 卷 一、选择填空。从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号 内。(每小题 1 分,共 8 分) 1.(1 分)He is very busy and has no time to _____the party.(  ) A.ask for B.think about C.sound like D.look at 2.(1 分)﹣ your sister like rice and fish? ﹣ Yes,and I like them,too.(  ) A.Are B.Do C.Is D.Does 3.(1 分)—_________ is the ruler? —_________two dollars.(  ) A.How much;It is B.How much;They are C.How many;They are D.How many;It's 4 . ( 1 分 ) Lily likes reading books , so she often goes to the library when she is_____. (  ) A.difficult B.free C.interesting D.tidy 5.(1 分)I don't like the T﹣shirt ____it's too big for me.(  ) A.so B.but C.when D.because C.finish D.finishes 6.(1 分)—When does school_______? —At 4:30 in the afternoon.(  ) A.go B.goes 7.(1 分)Mr Brown buys me a map to help me learn ______well.(  ) A.music B.math C.English D.geography 8 . ( 1 分 ) There are______ days in a week and Tuesday is the ______day of a week . (  ) A.seven; third B.seven; three C.seventh; third D.seventh; three 二、完形填空 A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 9 . ( 10 分 ) Jimmy is an English boy.He wants to have a friend in China.He likes ( 1 ) very much.They're relaxing for him.He plays sports (2)  has five soccer balls,two (3)  it's ( 4 )    his classmates after class.He  and one baseball.But he doesn't like tennis.He thinks   .Jimmy has a healthy ( 5 )     .He likes fruit and vegetables. ( 6 ) are his favorite vegetables.He often has fruit salad (7)   dinner.He doesn't eat(8) or ice﹣cream.He doesn't want to be (9)   .Do you like him?Do you (10)    to be his friend?You can e﹣mail him at jimmy012@yahoo.com. (1)A.food B.meat C.sports D.numbers (2)A.for B.of C.in D.with (3)A.books B.watches C.volleyballs D.baseball (4)A.good B.cool C.boring D.interesting (5)A.room B.habit C.table D.question (6)A.Bread B.Apples C.Bananas D.Carrots (7)A.in B.to C.for D.with (8)A.hamburgers B.vegetables C.fruit D.rice (9)A.good B.fat C.fine D.OK (10)A.get B.have C.want D.ask B)请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框中所给的词中选出最恰当的形式填空, 其中有四个词要变形。 10.(10 分) not,healthy,star,food,banana,chicken,tomato Jenny is my cousin.She is an English girl.She(1)    sports.She (2)    two ping ﹣pong balls and one tennis ball.Her favorite (3)    is Li Na.She plays tennis very (4)   .Jenny is very(5)   .She only eats healthy(6)   .For fruit,she has apples and(7)   .For vegetables,she has carrots and(8)   .For meat(肉) , she has(9)   .She does(10)    have hamburgers or ice﹣cream.She thinks they are not good for her health. 三、阅读理解(每小题 6 分,共 42 分)A)阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并 将其标号填到提前括号内。 11.(6 分) October Saturday 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday 2 3 4 English test Wednesday 5 Tom's Thursday Friday 6 7 13 14 mother's birthday 8 9 School 10 11 12 Trip 15 birthday 16 17 18 soccer 19 game 22 23 24 baseball 25 English 20 21 27 28 party 26 game 29 30 Art 31 Festival (1)The English test is on    . A.October 1st B.October 9th C.October 19th D.October 14th (2)Tom's birthday is on October 5th and his mother's birthday is on    . A.October 9th B.October 19th C.October 14th D.October 30th (3)Tom has a______on October eighteenth and he also has a_______on October twenty﹣ fourth.    A.soccer game;English party B.soccer game;baseball game C.School Trip;soccer game D.baseball game;Art Festival 12.(6 分)There are twelve months in a year.My favorite month is January.January 1st is New Year's Day.We have a three﹣day holiday.During the holiday ,my parents always take me to see my Grandparents. There are also some interesting school activities in January.On 6th we have a basketball game.I don't like soccer because it's difficult for me.But I love basketball.I love playing basketball and watching basketball games.We have a book sale on January 10th.I have five old books and I want to sell them.The art festival is fun.We have it on January 19th.My birthday is also on this day.January is a really great month for me. (1)How many school activities are there in January?     A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. (2)The underlined word "it" refers(指代) to the    . A.soccer game B.book sale C.school trip D.art festival (3)The writer loves January NOT because    . A.he can have a three﹣day holiday B.his birthday is in January C.there are thirty﹣one days in January D.there is a basketball game at school in January 13 . ( 6 分 ) Hello , everyone!It's the time of year again!Hualin's fantastic sale!You name it , and w

doc文档 江西省南昌市南昌县2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末英语试卷

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