变式题库 【原卷 1 题】知识点 up,grow up,动词短语 1. I want to be a teacher like Zhang Guimei when I grow ___________. up 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:我长大后想成为张桂梅那样的老师。根据“when I grow”可知,此处表示“长大”,英文表达为 【试题解析】 grow up,故填 up。 1-1【巩固】 —He seems to be in a bad mood. —Let’s do something to cheer him ________. 【正确答案】 up 1-2【基础】 Though Tony was very tired, he didn’t give ________ his dream. 【正确答案】 up 1-3【巩固】 Smoking is bad for health. You’d better give it ________. 【正确答案】 up 1-4【巩固】 Whatever difficulties you meet, never give ________ easily. 【正确答案】 up 1-5【提升】 It is polite for students to put ________ their hands in class if they have questions. 【正确答案】 up 1-6【基础】 Cut ________ the bananas. 【正确答案】 up 【原卷 2 题】知识点 map,名词作主宾表补定 2. The smart boy can find Beijing easily on the ____________ of China. map 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:这个聪明的男孩在中国的地图上能很容易地找到北京。根据“The smart boy can find Beijing 【试题解析】 easily”可知,此处指的是在地图上很容易找出北京,故填 map。 2-1【提升】 With the help of my teacher, I have made great _________ in English. 【正确答案】 progress 2-2【基础】 ________ is the fifth day of a week. 【正确答案】 Thursday 2-3【巩固】 Julie wants to be an ________ because she loves singing, dancing and painting very much. 【正确答案】 artist 2-4【基础】 —Where is Sam, Mom? —Oh, he is sleeping in his ________. 【正确答案】 bedroom 2-5【巩固】 Jim, your bedroom is in such a ________ ! Why don’t you put your clothes and books away? 【正确答案】 mess 2-6【巩固】 —What's this in English? —It's a ________ of Changchun. 【正确答案】 map 【原卷 3 题】知识点 人称代词的宾格,them 3. If you borrow books from the library, give ____________ back on time them 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:如果你从图书馆借书,要按时归还。根据句意可知,此处指代的是前面提到的 books,作宾 【试题解析】 语,应用宾格 them 代替,故填 them。 3-1【巩固】 These are your books, Kate. Put __________ in the desk, please. 【正确答案】 them 3-2【基础】 They want a football. Give __________ the green one,please. 【正确答案】 them 3-3【巩固】 Where are my keys? I can't find _________. 【正确答案】 them 3-4【巩固】 I have many friends. Some of _____ are good at English. 【正确答案】 them 3-5【基础】 My mother is a good teacher and all the students like ________. 【正确答案】 her 3-6【提升】 This book belongs to ________. You can see my name on the cover. 【正确答案】 me 【原卷 4 题】知识点 动词短语,have fun 4. Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province is a good place to ____________ fun. have 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:吉林省的长白山是个好玩的好地方。根据句意可知,此处表达的是“好玩的”,have fun“玩的 【试题解析】 开心”,空格前有 to,此处动词用原形,故填 have。 4-1【巩固】 He ________ up as a king at yesterday’s costume party. 【正确答案】 dressed 4-2【巩固】 I often _______ books from Jilin Province Library and I can keep them for one month. 【正确答案】 borrow 4-3【基础】 To make fruit salad, you need to _______ up the bananas first. 【正确答案】 cut 4-4【提升】 To build a new house, he ________ down his old house last week. 【正确答案】 pulled 4-5【基础】 Don’t worry. I think she is old enough to take ________ of herself. 【正确答案】 care 4-6【巩固】 My English teacher is ill. Mr. Lin will take her _________. 【正确答案】 place 或 position 【原卷 5 题】知识点 动词短语,come up with 5. They came up ___________ a good idea to keep their classroom clean and tidy. with 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:他们想出了一个保持教室整洁的好主意。结合“a good idea...”可知,此处指的是“想出”,英语 【试题解析】 表达为 come up with,故填 with。 5-1【基础】 Don’t forget to turn _________ the gas after cooking. 【正确答案】 off 5-2【提升】 Help yourself ________ the fish. 【正确答案】 to 5-3【巩固】 Thanks ______ the English language, we can learn a lot from other countries. 【正确答案】 to 5-4【巩固】 When the bus got to the second stop, the old man got __________ and went away slowly. 【正确答案】 off 5-5【巩固】 My alarm clock didn’t go ________ this morning. 【正确答案】 off 5-6【基础】 The little boy is looking ________ to receiving some birthday presents. 【正确答案】 forward 【原卷 6 题】知识点 politely,副词修饰动词 6. We should speak to the old people ____________ (polite) politely 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:我们应该礼貌地和老人说话。根据句意,空处的词是修饰动词 speak,应是副词;polite“礼 【试题解析】 貌的”,是形容词,对应的副词是 politely,礼貌地。故填 politely。 6-1【提升】 Their advice is ________ listened to, but in fact, very little notice is taken of it.(polite) 【正确答案】 politely 6-2【基础】 It is important to know how to ask for help ________ (polite). 【正确答案】 politely 6-3【巩固】 We should speak to them even ______(polite). 【正确答案】 more politely 6-4【基础】 As students, we should speak to the teachers ________ (polite). 【正确答案】 politely 6-5【巩固】 Both girls had good manners , _________(polite) shaking hands . 【正确答案】 politely 6-6【巩固】 It’s important for everyone to know how to ask for help _______ (polite). 【正确答案】 politely 【原卷 7 题】知识点 listening,enjoy doing sth.,动名词作宾语,listen 7. Helen enjoys _____________ (listen) to soft music when she is tired. listening 【正确答案】 【详解】句意:海伦累的时候喜欢听轻音乐。固定搭配:

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