用单词的正确形式填空。 1.The rain prevented him    (start) on a trip. 2.Her speech is worth   3.Britain    (listen) to.   (trade) with many European countries. 4.The Silk Road has always   5.My duty is     (fascinate) my father.   (send) these emails out. 6.He was very tired. He stopped     (rest). 7.The teacher is telling the student what   8.The poor children have been helped   9.    (do).   (go) to school.   (achieve) our goal, we should work harder than before. 10.To give is better than   11.I can't find room     (stand) in the bus in the rush hour. 12.He was made   13.I'm sorry     (receive).   (clean) the street three times a day.   (hear) that bad news. 14.She worked hard     (help) a lot of people. 15.He knows well how to make teams     (achieve) great results. 16.He opened the door for the children     (come) in. 17.I was told     (plant) trees on weekends. 18.We found it very difficult     (get) a car. 19.The boy often hears a cat     (shout) near his house in the evening. 20.Our purpose is   21.My father is     (help) more people.  (lie)on the sofa and watching TV. 22.My best friend, Gina, learns Chinese by    (spend) more time with the family. 23.The doctor suggest  24.My father often encourages me     (practice) speaking English. 25.By the time the visitors arrived, Phil   26.We     (watch) Chinese movies.   (clean) up the house.   (lay) the table while they were preparing the food. 27.I think students should avoid     (get) into bad habits. 28.It's difficult and dangerous for us   29.He is looking forward to  30.Our teachers often advise us   31.I am better at     (climb) the mountain.   (hear) from his pen-friend.   (take) more exercise every day.   (draw) than my brother. 32.First, I'd like     (congratulation) the students who have passed the exams. 33.When he saw a book on the ground, he stopped   34.I realized     (be) home alone was not always perfect. 35.She would rather     (learn) French than Japanese. 36.If you have trouble     (solve) the problem, please let me know. 37.The river used to be clean, but now it is   38.Don't you think   39.His work is   40.I     (pick) it up.  (pollute). (exercise) a lot is good for your health? (teach) his son to play the piano.   (learn) 1,000 English words by the end of last term. 41.I was walking to the classroom when the final bell     (get) 200 pictures from the spaceship. 42.By 9 o'clock last night, we  43.Many old houses were    (ring).   (pull) down last year to make a large green area here. 44.If we don't take action to protect the environment, some ports (港口) and towns along the coasts will   . (appear) 45.It was already 9:00 when I     (wake) up this morning. 46.These jokes are so funny that they make me   47.You should avoid asking the   48.The snow on the ground soon     (laugh) a lot.  (embarrass) questions.  (appear) when the sun came out. 49.Everyone was invited to the party except Tony. He felt     (leave) out. 50.Although his parents didn't want him to work abroad, Li Yang     (stick) to his own decision. Keys 1.Starting2.listening3.trades4.fascinated5.to send6.to rest7.to do8.to go9.To achieve10.to receive11.to stand 12.to clean13.to hear14.to help15.achieve16.to come17.to plant18.to get19.shout20.helping21.lying 22.watching23.spending24.to practice25.had cleaned26.laid27.getting28.to climb29.hearing30.to take 31.drawing32.to congratulate33.to pick34.being/to be35.learn36.solving37.polluted38.exercising/to exercise 39.to teach/teaching40.had learned41.rang42.had got43.pulled44.disappear45.woke46.laugh47.embarrassing 48.disappeared49.left 50.stuck

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