2022-2022 学年人教版七年级英语寒假作业 专题 01 阅读理解 20 篇 (2022·广东普宁·七年级期末)Deep in the sea, not much sunlight can go that far down. The fish in this water make their own light. The lights are part of their bodies. One kind of fish is the lanternfish. They are thin and small. Some are short, like a finger. Some are long, like an arm. Some lanternfish are blue or green. The ones in the deepest water are brown or black. A yellow, green, or blue light shines (发光) from along the sides of their bodies. Another fish with lights is the anglerfish. The anglerfish is round like a ball. It is brown or black. Its mouth can open very wide and its teeth are long and sharp (锋利的). The light on the anglerfish is blue-green. It grows out of its head and waves (晃动) around. Small fish swim to the light. And the anglerfish gets its food! 1.How many kinds of fish are talked about in this passage? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 2.What does the underlined word “own” mean in Chinese in the passage? A.自己的 B.外部的 C.多余的 D.附加的 3.How is the anglerfish different from the lanternfish? A.It is thin and small. B.Its light can be yellow. C.Its light grows out of its head. D.It has lights along its sides. 4.From the passage, we can know ________. A.all the lanternfish are short B.there is a lot of sunlight deep in the sea C.the anglerfish eats small fish D.the lanternfish in the deepest water are blue or green 5.What is the passage about? A.Lanternfish. B.Anglerfish. C.Fish and lights. D.Fish with lights. (2022·宁夏原州·七年级期末)It is Sally’s ninth birthday. She has got a new blue dress. It is from her mother. The blue ring is from her sister. The blue pencil case is from her brother. The blue radio is from her father. Blue is her favorite color. The ping-pong ball and bat are from her friend, Cindy. Sally doesn’t know how to play it, but Cindy says it is easy. Sally’s friends like sports. They play basketball and volleyball with her. Then, they eat lunch together. Sally wants to be fat, so she doesn’t eat hamburgers or ice cream. Sally likes healthy food like fruit and vegetables. They are good for her. After lunch, Sally and her friends watch TV. They have a happy afternoon. 6.What color does Sally like? A.Green. B.Black. C.Blue. D.We don’t know. C.Volleyball. D.Soccer. 7.What sports does Cindy think is easy? A.Ping-pong. B.Basketball. 8.Why does Sally like fruit? A.Fruit is healthy. B.It’s Sally’s birthday. C.Sally likes to play sports. D.Sally doesn’t like to eat ice cream. 9.The best title of this passage(文章的标题) is ________. A.Sally’s Family B.Sally and her friends C.Sally’s birthday D.A happy Afternoon (2022·陕西·陇县教学研究室七年级期末)School is a good place for us. We can do many things there. We can learn a lot at school. We can learn Chinese, math, history and English. We can learn how to get along with(和……相处)others. We can learn about ourselves. We also have fun at school. We play sports with friends and teachers. We listen to music. We also talk about interesting movies and computer games. But sometimes we are not happy at school. We may think our teachers don’t like us. Please talk with them. You may find they are strict(严格的)but good to you. Our school is like our second family, and our classmates are like our brothers and sisters. We love our school! 10.We can do many things ________. A.at home B.at the store 11.What can’t we learn at school? C.at school D.at the club A.Some subjects. B.About ourselves. C.How to go to school. D.How to get along with others. 12.What does the underlined word “them” refer to? A.Friends. B.Classmates. C.Teachers. D.Parents. 13.The best title of the passage is “________”. A.School—Our Second Family B.School—The Teachers’ Home C.Learn Subjects at School D.Have Fun at School (2022·辽宁铁西·七年级期末)My name is Paul. What’s my hobby? It’s model rockets! I have ten rockets. I built one of them myself. It’s made of wood and cardboard. I glued it together, and then I painted it. What do I do with my rockets? I launch them! I started to launch rockets two years ago. Last year, I joined a rocket club in my city. It has about forty members. Some of the members are young like me, but most of the members are much older than me. We meet every month. Sometimes, we have competitions(比赛). Everyone launches their rockets. The highest rocket gets a prize(奖品). I launch most of my rockets seven to ten times. Then I lose or break them. I lost one of the rockets two weeks ago. It went too high: 400 metres. I launched it in a

doc文档 专题01 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-2021-2022学年七年级英语寒假作业(人教版 )

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