新目标英语七年级下册第六次周测 班级:_________ 座位号:_____________ 姓名:______________ 一、 完成句子,每空次数不限。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) 1.我们必须遵守规则。We must ________________________. 2.从你家到学校有多远?________________________from your home to school. 3 4.你认为你的英语课怎么样? ____________________ your English class? 5.这个周末妈妈想在家休息。My mother wants _____________________ at home this weekend. 6. 明天请准时到达这里。Please be here _______________ tomorrow. 7 8. 9.我们上课不能迟到。We _____________________________class. 10. 11 男生必须留短发。Boys must _____________their hair ________. 12 13.在图书室我们必须保持安静。We have to _________________ in the library. 14.你不能与同学打架。You can’t ________________________. 15.凯特的父母对她要求严格。Kate's parents _______________________ her. 二、单项选择 (每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) (   )1.I took ______ quick shower at 6:30 am. Then I had ______ breakfast at 7 am. A. a; a B. a; / C. an; the D. /; a (  )2.Danny,what do you usually do ________school nights? A.at B.in  C.with D.on (  )3.There are lots of people talking in the room. It's very ________. A.new B.noisy C.big D.dirty (  )4. (  )5. (   )6. (  )7. (  )8. .Gina often helps old people ________the road. A.cross B.across C.through D.crossing (  )9.The supermarket is between the restaurant ________the bank. A.on B.in C.and D.or (  )10. (  )11.I hope your dream can ________. A.come to true B.come true C.come back D.come a true (  )12. ( )13. )14. I often go to school _____ my father’s car and go back home ______ foot. A. in; on B. by; by C. by; in D. on; by ( )15. 三、完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) My name is Eric. I'm busy every day. I __1__ to get up at 6:00 in the morning. At 6:30,I have __2__.Then I walk to school at 7:00.I must __3__ at school at 7:30. I have six classes every day.The__4__class begins at 8:00 a.m. I like history and English very much. I think they are very __5__.The math is difficult,but I have to __6__it every day. Sometimes I must clean the classroom after school in the afternoon. I want to play basketball after school,__7__ I can't. Because I have to get home __8__ 5:00 p.m. I have to help my mother do the dishes after dinner. I want to watch TV after dinner,but I can't. I have to play __9__.I don't like these rules. I __10__ they are terrible. (  )1.A.has B.have C.must D.can (  )2.A.a breakfast B.the breakfast C.breakfast D.lunch (  )3.A.arrive B.get C.reach D.go (  )4.A.one B.last C.sixth D.first (  )5.A.interesting B.difficult C.terrible D.boring (  )6.A.learning B.learns C.to learn D.learn (  )7.A.and B.or C.but D.so (  )8.A.before B.after C.on D.in (  )9.A.piano B.the piano C.a piano D.pianos (  )10.A.like B.want C.think D.need ( 四、阅读理解( 每小题 2 分,共 30 分) (A) When we play a game with our classmates or friends,we usually need to make some rules first. I think it's very important to have rules. There are lots of rules in my school. We must get to school on time. We have to wear the school uniform on Mondays and Thursdays. We can't run in the hallways. We can't fight. I think it's very good to have rules at school. We must follow traffic (交通)rules. We can go at green lights (灯)and have to stop at red lights. The traffic rules make us safe (安全的). When we take a car and sit next to the driver,we must wear the safety belts (安全带).Also,children must sit on the safety seats. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 (  )46.The writer thinks it's very important to have rules. (  )47.The students have to wear the school uniform on Mondays and Tuesdays. (  )48.The students can't run in the hallways. (  )49.We can go at red lights (灯)and have to stop at green lights. (  )50.When we take a car and sit next to the driver,we shouldn't wear the safety belts. (C) I'm Jill. Mona and I are in the same class. Our school is far from her home,so she gets up very early. She gets up at 6:00 in the morning,and then she brushes her teeth,takes a shower and has breakfast. Mona likes milk and hamburgers very much. She usually has them for breakfast. At about 7:00,Mona goes to school by bike. She thinks riding a bike is good exercise. It takes her about 30 minutes to get to school. Mona likes English and music. She is good at English and she is in an English club. She plays the violin very well. Next week she will take part in (参加)a music festival at our school. (  )11.Mona is Jill's ________. A.aunt B.cousin C.sister D.classmate (  )12.Mona does NOT ________in the morning. A.play sports B.brush her teeth C.take a shower D.have breakfast (  )13.Mona gets to school at about ________. A.6:00 B.6:30 C.7:00 D.7:30 (  )14.Mona is in a(n)________club. A.math B.Music C.Chinese D.English ( 

docx文档 第六次周测-2021-2022学年七年级英语人教新目标下册

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第六次周测-2021-2022学年七年级英语人教新目标下册 第 1 页 第六次周测-2021-2022学年七年级英语人教新目标下册 第 2 页 第六次周测-2021-2022学年七年级英语人教新目标下册 第 3 页
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