2020 年高考新冠病毒专题题型训练模拟命题语篇填空 一、火神山医院正式交付人民军队医务工作者 1) PLA medical personnel to run new Wuhan hospital starting Monday Medical personnel from the People's Liberation Army will take __1___ a newly-constructed hospital in Hubei province's Wuhan___2___( dedicate) to novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia. A total of 1,400 medical workers from the military will start on Monday receiving and treating patients___3____( infect) with the highly contagious pneumonia at Huoshenshan Hospital, ___4__was built in nine days and was formally delivered to the military __5__ Sunday morning. The move was approved by President Xi Jinping, ___6___ is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission. Keys: 1.over 2.dedicated 3.infected 4.which 5.on 6.who 二、钟南山答记者问 Updated: 2020-02-01 14:30 2) Q&A: Top health expert on latest virus developments Renowned Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan shares his views on the latest developments in the novel coronavirus outbreak in an interview with Beijing Television on Friday. Q: Should people get tested for the coronavirus infection if they have symptoms of __1__ cold or fever? A: If they have a fever, they should go to get tested for the virus, because the most common symptom for the novel coronavirus is fever. Other symptoms include fatigue and coughing. If they have such symptoms, they should go to the fever clinics to get tested. If they have had contact ___2___ people from Wuhan, they should get tested even if they do not have such symptoms, since some people do not show any symptoms at the early stage. Q: People will soon return to work and they are wondering ___3____ they will get infected if they have touched things__4____( use) by coronavirus patients? A: People will not get infected if they only touched things used by patients. The virus is transmitted ___5_____(main) through droplets and feces. Q: Some patients have been discharged from the hospital. Will they have any side effects? A: I have not noticed any obvious side effects. The disease now has a mortality rate of 2.5 percent. We are trying everything to save patients, especially those in critical condition, by giving them medical and life support. Q: How does the virus compare with SARS? Which one is more dangerous? A: The new coronavirus is less dangerous. Q: Many elderly people have chronic diseases and need to go to the hospital regularly to get medicine. If they run out of medicine, should they go to the hospital? A: We found that elderly people ____6___ chronic disease have higher chances to get infected. It's better for them to ask their children to go to the hospital to get medicine. Q: Are there any new treatment methods you want to share with us? A: The two main treatment methods are still early detection and early isolation. They are the most primitive and____7____( effect) ways. Q: Your eyes were filled with tears during an early interview with Xinhua News Agency. Could you tell us what happened? A: Medical workers in Wuhan have worked very hard and patients are also very ___8____(depress). I talked to many of my students who are medical staff in Wuhan and they are not __9__ a good mood. One of my students told me that people were singing the national anthem on the street, "The Chinese nation _______( enter) a critical stage." It shows that people have high morale. I was deeply touched. When dealing with infectious patients in critical situation, morale, solidarity and cooperation are very important. Q: When will the epidemic end? A: The country has taken strong epidemic prevention and containment measures. Other than Wuhan, we have not seen large-scale infections in other places. I think it will not last as long as the SARS epidemic in 2003. Keys. 1. a 2.with 3.whether 6.with 7.effective 8.depressed 4.used 9. in 5.mainly 10. has entered 三、Scammers for frauding surgical mask are arrested by HongKong force 香港口罩防疫物资诈骗案今日结案 Police have warned the public to be aware 1 scammers(骗子)offering surgical masks online after receiving complaints from more than 100 people 2 say they were cheated out of more than HK$500,000 in the past few weeks. “Since late January this year, there have been scammers making fraudulent (欺诈)claims through online shopping platforms 3 (advertise) surgical masks for sale, taking advantage of Hong Kong’s tight supply,” a police statement read, 4 (add) that scammers 5 (typical) disappear after receiving p

doc文档 新冠肺炎04 语篇填空-2020高考英语新冠肺炎重难题型专练

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