UNIT 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT Section A Reading and Thinking 基础练 I.单词拼写 1. be ____(极其重要的) to one’s life 2. ________(学术的) career 3. ________(客观的) fact 4. a __________(坚定的)and patient scientist 5. a ______(至关重要的)new treatment 6. traditional ________(植物学的) treatments 7. _______(有区别的) features from. . . 8. _______(分析) the medical texts 9. ________(科学的) research 10. ________(评价) the result of the experiment 11. ____(煮开) the water 12. their medical _________(特征) 13. ______approval(得到认可) 14. _________________(承认失败) 15. __________ opposite(明显地相反) 答案:1.vital 2.academic 3.objective 4.committed 8.analyse 9.scientific 10.evaluate 5.crucial 6.botanical 7.distinct 11.boil 12.properties 13.obtain 14.acknowledge defeat 15.apparently II.课文概要填空 Tu Youyou ____________( 被 授 予 ) the prize for her research which _____( 导 致 ) the discovery of artemisinin. Tu was born in Ningbo, and she led a project to discover a new treatment for malaria. ________(因为) her persistence and inspiration, her team gained an outstanding result which ____________( 被认为是) one of the most important contributions to the development of human. 答案:was awarded; led to; because of; was regarded as III.阅读理解 NATURE has many ways of reminding us who is in charge. Her most deadly weapons – bacteria, viruses, and parasites (寄生虫) – claim millions of lives every year. But thanks to the hard work of great scientists, mankind could turn nature against itself. And it is for exactly this sort of work that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Oct 5.  Half of the prize was awarded to the Irish William Campbell and the Japanese Satoshi Ōmura for discovering avermectin (阿维菌素), a drug that kills the parasitic worms that cause river blindness and lymphatic filariasis ( 象 皮病). Chinese scientist Tu Youyou shared the other half of the prize for developing Artemisinin , a drug that helps kill the parasite that causes malaria. Ōmura is a microbiologist by training. He studied Streptomyces bacteria to find compounds ( 化合物) that work against harmful microbes (微生物). Campbell, working in the US, took bacteria found by Ōmura and took out avermectin, which is effective against parasites in farm animals. An improved type of avermectin was later produced for humans, which greatly reduced the cases of river blindness and lymphatic filariasis. Avermectin comes from bacteria, but artemisinin comes from plants. Its discovery was the result of Project 523, a Chinese government project to find a new malaria drug in the late 1960s. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by parasites, which attack red blood cells, causing fever, and sometimes, brain damage and death. Tu and her team made 380 herbal extracts from 2,000 recipes from traditional Chinese medical books. In 1971, after more than 190 failures, Tu’s team finally found an extract that was 100 percent effective against malaria parasites. It was called qinghaosu, later renamed artemisinin. In 2001, the World Health Organization named artemisinin the first choice in the treatment of malaria. Millions of people are still troubled by infections caused by parasites. But the WHO said that by 2013, malaria deaths had fallen by 47 percent compared with 2000. Similarly, river blindness used to be one of the leading causes of preventable blindness. These days, doctors are talking about chances of wiping the disease off Earth. All of these achievements would not be possible at all without the drugs that Campbell, Ōmura and Tu helped to discover. 1. The drug Tu Youyou developed, artemisinin, has proven effective in treating ______. A. river blindness B. malaria C. lymphatic filariasis D. infections caused by Streptomyces bacteria 2. Avermectin, discovered by Campbell and Ōmura, comes from ______. A. bacteria B. plants C. farm animals D. ocean animals 3. Which of the following is TRUE about the discovery of artemisinin? A. It took Tu and her team about 10 years to discover artemisinin. B. Tu and her team achieved success after about 380 failures. C. Artemisinin has saved millions of people’s lives since its discovery. D. Artemisinin was discovered thanks to the efforts of scientists from at home and abroad. 答案: 1.【答案】B 【 解 析 】 根 据 第 三 段 最 后 一 句 可 知 。 Chinese scientist Tu Youyou shared the other half of the prize for developing Artemisinin, a drug that helps kill the parasite that causes malaria. 2.【答案】A 【解析】根据第五段第一句可知 Avermectin comes from bacteria, but artemisinin comes from plants. 3.【答案】C

doc文档 Unit 1 Section A Reading and Thinking(基础练)-2020-2021学年高二英语十分钟同步课堂专练(人教版2019选择性必修第一册)

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Unit 1 Section A Reading and Thinking(基础练)-2020-2021学年高二英语十分钟同步课堂专练(人教版2019选择性必修第一册) 第 1 页 Unit 1 Section A Reading and Thinking(基础练)-2020-2021学年高二英语十分钟同步课堂专练(人教版2019选择性必修第一册) 第 2 页 Unit 1 Section A Reading and Thinking(基础练)-2020-2021学年高二英语十分钟同步课堂专练(人教版2019选择性必修第一册) 第 3 页
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