辽宁沈阳雨田中学 2019-2020 年七年级下册英语 1-4 单元测试 时间:60 分钟 分值:100 分 一、单项选择;(10 题 每题 0.5 分) 1.They know many Chinese words. But they can speak_______ Chinese. A, a little B.a lot C. a lot of D.many A 2.—What does your English teacher look like? —She’s tall and thin_______ long hair. A. have B.has C. there is D.with 3.It’s blowing hard outside.Tell him _______the window A. not open C. not to open B. to not open D.don’t open 4. This kind of skirt looks_______ and sells_______ A.nice: well B.nice:good C. well; well D. good;nice 5.He is_______. and he has_______ sister. A. ten years old; an eight-year-old B.ten-years-old;an eight years old C. ten year old;eight-year-old D, ten years old;a eight-year-old 6.We had_______ computer games yesterday. A. a fun playing B. fun playing C. a fun to play D. fun to play 7. — Shush, be quiet! The baby _______in the next room, —OK. Sorry. A. sleep B.slept C.sleeps D. is sleeping 8.The young man walked _______the forest and came to a big river at last. A.on C. through B.over D.across 9.Stop_______ boys! You're a bit noisy(吵闹)!said the teacher. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 10.— _______the story? —It’s great. A. What do you think of C. How do you think B. How do you like D. Both A and B 二、完形填空:(15 题 每题 1 分) Lucy lives in Shanghai with her parents,Mr and Mrs King. Mr King _1_______ in a factory( 工 厂 ).Mrs.King is a teacher in our school. She teaches 2_______ English. All of us are 3_______to her and she love us, too.Lucy likes eating Chinese food very much. _4_______ Sunday morning she usually goes to the shop and help their mother 5 _______the shopping. They often buy a lot of things. But Lucy ’s bother lives in a town in France. It is a wonderful but busy town.People there are very kind. On the old streets, there are many 6 _______.You can eat a lot of delicious food there, He is a 7_______ in a restaurant. He makes Chinese food for it. It is very 8_______ to go shopping because there are many supermarkets and shops, There is a big cinema near his home, 9_______ he can see great films there, People in the town will 10_______ feel bored(无聊) because there are a lot of things to do.Also. 11_______ is easy for them to take a bus to get to the city centre from their town. However(然而|.I like the nature (自然) 12_______ . So I would like to live in the country( 农 村 ].Here,I can 13 _______the field and sunflowers, Sometimes rabbits run into my garden. I think it's very 14_______ to be in this kind of beautiful place. 15 _______my home! You will feel very happy here. A. studies B.plays C.works D.shop A. Her B.us C.your D.his A.warm B.bright C.helpful D.friendly A.in B.On C.At D.By A. carry B.take C.go D.do A. Hospitals B.restaurants C.museums D.schools A.postman B.worker C.manager D.cook A. busy B.hard C.easy D.heavy A. after B.so C. if D.but A .always B.usually C.often D.never A. it B. this C. that D.these A.good B.best C.well D.very 13. A. miss B.leave C.enjoy D.worry 14.A.difficult B.close C. bad D.comfortable 15. A.Welcome B.Go away from C. Stay to D. Play with 三、阅读选择:(15 题 每题 2 分) A Some years ago there was an old woman.She had no children because 【1】 she did not like children at all.But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats.She had black cats and white cats. 【2】The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to the woman's house. There were too many cats, 【3】 The old woman couldn't feed them at all. Then she had an idea.The children love my cats, she thought. 【 4 】 So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy, And the children were very happy,too. And cats were pleased,too. 【 5 】 Because they each had a room. 1.The old woman didn’t like________ A. old cats B.baby cats C. old people D.children 2. Why did the children come to the woman’s house? A. To look at her house. B, To help the old woman, C. To play with the cats. D. To play young cats. 3. The word feed in the passage means_______ A.give food to B.look after C. live with D. play games 4.The woman gave each child a cat because________ A, the children liked the cats B.she couldn’t feed so many cats C. more cats came to her house D. children came to her house every day 5.Finally(最后)the woman________ A, began to love children B.sold(卖掉]all her cats to children C. bought enough food for the children’s cats D. gave each child a cat B Mr. and Mrs. Green had different ideas about wher

docx文档 辽宁沈阳雨田实验中学2019-2020学年七年级下册英语 1-4单元测试(word版含参考答案)

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