请阅读下面材料,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。 Late Afternoon, nominated for best animated short film in 2019, gains popularity among people. The nine and a half minute short focuses on Emily, an old lady with Alzheimer, who finds herself losing any connection to the world. After her daughter's tender care, she explores part of her memories and relives different moments from her life. One afternoon, when she was having afternoon tea with biscuits, she called up her carefree childhood. When she saw the picture frame, she remembered her romantic dating, the pleasure of raising her daughter and her daughter's name- Kate. At last, she recognized her daughter and they tightly hugged each other. The warm painting style and Emily's slowly recollecting experience are touching. “It's so moving that I couldn't help holding back tear! My parents live 5,000 miles away. I wanna visit them this Labor Day." one viewer said. 【写作内容】 1.用约 30 个单词概述上述内容: 2.谈谈你对亲情的理解(至少两点): 3.结合自身实际,谈谈你会如何回报亲情。 【写作要求】 1.表明个人观点,同时提供理由或论据: 2.阐述观点或提供论据时,不得直接引用原文中的句子: 3.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称: 4.不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 一、写作提醒 1. 审题:时态、人称、题材(包括漫画、图表、文本等) 2. 概况中关键句的提炼(包括转化、对比),摒弃细节部分! 3. 理由或观念按照由总到分的顺序拓展。确定谓语动词(短语)和主语很重要,学会变 通和转化是避免语言错误的关键所在! 二、Warming-up 1. 没有亲情,我们就不能快乐成长。(虚拟语气) 2. 是良好的人际关系对和谐作出贡献。(强调句型) 3. 尽管美国疫情严重,但美国总统特朗普在公众还是不愿带口罩。(in spite of) 4. 学会感恩才能更好地面对人生。(自由发挥) 5. 亲情不仅意味着父母对我们无条件的爱,也是我们对父母的汇报。(倒装句) 6. 她的成功证明了老师对她的信心是正确的。(justify 为…辩护;证明….有道理 vt) The key: 1. Without family love, we couldn’t grow up happily. 2. It is good interpersonal relationship that contributes to harmony. 3. In spite of /Despite severe epidemic/pandemic disease in the US, the President Trump is reluctant/unwilling to wear masks in public. 4. Learning to show gratitude/appreciation/thanks to others enable s one to be confronted with life. 5. Not only does family love mean parents’ unconditional love for us, but their reward offered by us. An old lady in the film ‘Late Afternoon’ came to recall her sweet stories and made out her daughter with her daughter’ help, touching many viewers and the film has gone viral (32 words) 6. Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her. Possible versions: 范文一 In my view, family affection/love is in fact the reflection of love for family members. Without family love, we could not grow up happily. Parents often show much concern for us after we become independent. Meanwhile, in spite of living apart from parents we can’t help missing them all the time. It is family affection that contributes to a strong bond between family members. Parents' intangible love for us is priceless, never asking for anything. Thus, it’s time for us to reward them. As long as we always bear our parents’ sacrifice for us in mind, fast-paced life can’t justify our failure to contact them. However busy we are, we should spare as much time as possible to accompany them. In a word, only when we live in a world full of family love can we be blessed with the true welfare. 范文二 Family love is the most precious gift and supports us through thick and thin. It not only means parents’ unconditional love for their children but also children’s feedback. It is the basic power of life that we couldn’t live without. Furthermore, each one of us should be grateful for the family love we receive and learn to express our concern and care to our family members through words or deeds to strengthen the valuable bond between us. Family love is by no means empty talk. Therefore, I always communicate with my parents and respect their viewpoints about my choices in life. Meanwhile, I will try to understand them better and always be there whenever they need me. In a word, family love is to be cherished, strengthened and repaid. (134 words) 诵背材料 一、短语 1. through thick and thin 历经千辛万苦 2. parents’ unconditional love 3. strengthen the bond between sb 4. be blessed with 有幸享有 5. bear/keep sb/sth in mind 二、经典句子 1. It is the basic power of life that we couldn’t live without. 2. It is family affection that contributes to a strong bond between family members. 3. As long as we always bear our parents’ sacrifice for us in mind, fast-paced life can’t justify our failure to contact them. 4. In a word, only when we live in a world full of family love can we be blessed with the true welfare.

doc文档 专题02 写作句型训练、参考范文及必备短语和佳句(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评

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专题02 写作句型训练、参考范文及必备短语和佳句(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 1 页 专题02 写作句型训练、参考范文及必备短语和佳句(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 2 页 专题02 写作句型训练、参考范文及必备短语和佳句(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 3 页
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