人教版英语七年级下册 unit8 基础练习题 一、选择填空。(30 分). ( ) 1. My best friend sits next ____ me. A. in B. on C. to D. behind ( ) 2. Go the bridge, and you can see a big park. A. across B. through C. cross D. across from ( ) 3. ____ get to the post office, you just have to _____ Bridge Road. A. For, go B. To, cross C. To, go D. For, cross ( ) 4. The supermarket is _____ Fifth Street. A. on B. through C. between D. / ( ) 5. The library is _____ the restaurant and the supermarket. A. next B. near C. between D. across ( ) 6. --- Where are you ______? --- Beijing. A. on B. from C. come D. come from ( ) 7. Is _____ a pay phone in the neighborhood? A. this B. there C. that D. the ( ) 8. --- _____ can I get to the post office? ---Go down this road and turn left. A. Where B. What C. How D. When ( ) 9. --- Is there a supermarket? --- No, _____. A. this is not B. there isn’t C. it isn’t D. there aren’t ( ) 10. There isn’t _____ clean park. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( ) 11. There ____ some money on the table. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( ) 12. We usually go ________ on weekends and study hard _______ school days. A. shops, on B. shopping, in C. shops, at D. shopping, on ( )13. --- Is there a pay phone _______ the neighborhood? --- Yes, it’s____Center Street____the right. A. in, down, on B. on, on, in C. in, on, in D. on, down, on ( ) 14. Can you tell me the way ______ the post office? A. to B. on C. at D. of ( ) 15. You can get money in the ______ and you can get books in the ______. A. post office, bank B. bank, garden C. bank, library D. library, bank ( ) 16. How can he ______ the new school? A. gets to B. get to C. arrive D. arrive to ( ) 17. It’s relaxing ______ out with our friends on weekends. A. going B. going to C. for going D. to go ( ) 18. ---Excuse me, where’s the nearest hotel? ---Go ____ the road, then turn left ___ the first crossing. A. down, on B. along, across C. along, at ( ) 19. My house is _______ the shop. A. to D. across, on B. through C. across from D. pass ( ) 20.There ____ a pen and two pencils in the pencil case. A. is B. are C. be D. have ( ) 21.Look! Your father is ______ two men. A. among B. in C. between D. of ( ) 22.Liu Mei is short. So she sits _____ the class. A. in front of B. in the front of C. at the back of D. behind ( ) 23.______. Can you tell me the way to the library? A. Sorry B. Excuse C. I’m sorry D. Excuse me ( ) 24.-How many people are there in your ______? -Three, my parents and I. A. house B. home C. family D. room ( ) 25.Go straight and turn _____. You’ll see the school. A. to left B. the left C. for the left D. left ( ) 26.Jim sits _____ my left. A. in B. on C. for D. of ( ) 27.The park looks quiet and clean, we enjoy _____ for a walk. A. to go B. goes C. going D. go ( ) 28.There is a bridge ______ the river. A. cross B. across C. over D. through ( ) 29. — there orange juice in the fridge? —I don’t know. A. Am B. Are C. Is D. Does ( ) 30. —Welcome to our garden district. —____. A. Sure B. Not bad C. Not at all D. Thank you 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10 分) 1. I am watching my dog (play) with a ball now. 2. My parents enjoy (shop)at the supermarket. 3. (take)a bus from Sixth Avenue and go down Bridge Street. 4. Walk down New Street and turn left at the first (cross). 5. Do you want (buy)books? 6._______(get) to Beijing Road, I have to run quickly. 7. Linda often_________ in the park and now she_____________ there. (exercise) 8.He is good at _________(swim). 9. I think the best thing in life ______(be) freedom. 三.首字母填空。(10 分) 1. My brother is a doctor. He works in a h . 2. Water, air and s________ are necessary (必需的) to life. 3. Is there a pay phone in the n ? 4. Don’t c______ that tree. It’s dangerous. 5. People can get money from the b . 6. I want to eat dinner with you in a r__________. 7.The pay phone is b______ the building, so we can’t see it. 8. The people in my t______ are very friendly. 9. My father doesn’t go home. He is working in his o ________ . 10. I teach you and then you can do it e______. 四.完成句子。(25 分,每空一分) 1.他喜欢看着猴子们正在四处爬。 He _______ _______ _________ the monkeys ___________ ___________. 2.它们看起来像当我们打架时的我和我的朋友们。 They _________ _______ my friends and______ ________ we_________. 3.为了到达那里,我通常步行出去,在第二个十字路口向右拐。 ____ _____ _______, I usually _______ ____ and ____ ____ at the _________ _________. 4. 我喜欢住在一个安静的街区。 I enjoy ________ in a _______ ___________. 5.和我的祖父母度过周末是令人放松的。 It’s _________ ____ ______ weekends with my grandparents. 五、书面表达 写一篇短文介绍你所居住的小区周围的设施,开头已给出,要求字数不少于 60。 I am living

doc文档 人教版英语七年级下册Unit8 基础练习题(有答案)

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